Samara region Governor Nikolai Merkushkin: biography, achievements, awards and interesting facts


2018-03-17 22:55:30




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Merkushkin Nikolai I., the biography which will be presented in the article, 12.05.2012 is the Governor of the Samara region. The region has strategic and geopolitical importance for the country, the previous five years, lost the status of the reference edge of the Russian state. The new leader managed not only to change things for the better, but also to obtain the unofficial title of "people's Governor" of the residents of the region. How far this state and political leader?Nikolay Merkushkin

Early years

The birthplace of Nikolai Ivanovich – a small village New Vergisi (Republic of Mordovia). In a large family Merkushkinym 5.02.1951 son was born, which is one of eight children. Mother worked all her life on the farm. Father during the war worked in a munitions factory, and then headed a collective farm. As Chairman, he built a school, where he educated his own children. If the mother was illiterate and my father managed to finish only 5 classes, all daughters and sons have received higher education.

Nikolai Merkushkin graduated school with a gold medal, and his two sisters – silver. Parents brought up children in severity and respect for the work, so in 17 years, the young man began working as a combiner. A year later the father died. This did not prevent the arrival of his son in the Mordovian University (faculty of electronics), which he graduated from in 1973.

Science or politics?

To study the young man was treated responsibly, all my free time doing the lectures and in the library. Profession electronics engineer was very useful and interesting, confirmed that the practice at the plant ‘Orbit". After graduation with distinction raised the possibility for the pursuit of science, but life took a different direction, as evidenced by the biography of Nicholas merkoushkin.


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School years the young man was the leader. In University to the third year, he was the head of the group, and then headed «Komsomolskaya spotlight». As a leader, he never acted orders. Merkushin has been able to unite students and motivate them to perform tasks. So after graduation he was elected Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of Moscow state University, which determined the future destiny.Merkushkin Nikolay

Komsomol and party work

A Special mindset, business acumen and ability to work with people has allowed the Komsomol leader to make a career. Mordovian construction crew has become famous all over the country, and after 4 years, Nikolay Merkushkin elected Secretary of the Komsomol, which led in 1982. In 1986, the Communist party sent effective Manager in a backward district Ten.

At First he showed the local officials and people overly meticulous person. In the years Merkushkin began to develop a distinctive leadership style, devoid of formality. It is directly long and extensively communicated with people, figuring out their needs and needs. Giving promises, bringing it started to end. For a short time, 400 families received housing in the district built a sports complex, a hospital, new roads.


In 1990 Merkushin for the first time tries to realize his ambition, when he ran for Chairman of the Supreme Council and the President of the Republic of Mordovia. After losing the elections, Nikolai Merkushkin was appointed to the post of head of the property Fund, where he was able to prove himself in the difficult 90s. Around it are formed the healthy political forces, and he binds his future with “Agrarian party of Russia”, having joined its Board.

In ' 93 he became a co-chair of the economic Union not only in Mordovia, but also in Moscow. After a year later Merkushin will become a Deputy of the national Assembly, and in a few months – its speaker, the Kremlin is interested in the candidacy of a political leader. It will be considered as a possible head of the Republic, what will happen in the elections in September 1995.Merkushkin Nikolay Ivanovich

At the head of the Republic of Mordovia

Seventeen Nikolai Merkushin has headed Mordovia, achieving outstanding performance. They were concerned not only with the revival of the economy, which confirms the recognition of agriculture of Mordovia, one of the leading in the country, but also the formation of political stability in the region, where much has been done to maintain the authority of the Federal government. On the eve of his arrival to the impoverished Volga Republic ignored the center, while the economy collapsed, and the delay of the salary was 5–6 months.

The Governor was able to consolidate the society through the adoption of a new Constitution of Moldova. Political stability has allowed to attract to the Federal Republic and foreign investment. This contributed to the deployment of large-scale construction, restoration of industry and agriculture. Five times in the Republic was visited by Vladimir Putin, in whose eyes was changing for the better. The capital of Mordovia in 2011 was recognized the most comfortable city, and the Republic took the 2nd place in the rating doing business in Russia. A true leader in the region is Nikolay Ivanovich Merkushkin.

Biography: awards and recognition

The Fact that the head of Mordovia was on the right track, confirmed the election of 1998, where he has collected more than 96% of the votes in his support. His contribution to the development of the economy of the region was marked as one of the main awards of the country – order «For merit» IV degree (2000). On the eve of he secured the highest voter turnout in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. In 2009, the collection of awards was added to the same order of III degree.

The First rewards Nikolay Merkushkin received the Komsomol (1977–1986). Among them:

  • Medal "For valor".
  • The Order of Friendship of peoples.
  • The Order of the red banner.

In 1990, they added a medal «For the transformation Nechernozemie RSFSR”. The success of the economy has made it “Man of the year" of 2001, and in 2002 he entered the top seven governors in Russia. Among his awards are the order of the Russian Orthodox Church, for he has done much for the development of the Orthodox culture of the region, preparing in 2012 for outstanding holiday “Unity”.Merkushkin Nikolai I., the biography

Appointment in Samara oblast

In 2010, Dmitry Medvedev reappointed Merkushkin, the Head of Republic of Mordovia. It didn't agree with his position that the governors should hold office for no more than three terms. Despite his outstanding contribution to the development of the region, Nikolay Merkushkin at the time was at the helm of the Republic 15 years, requiring reflection and new perspectives. He was part of the leadership of the party «United Russia», of which since 2000 was 2001, represented the Republic in the Federation Council. His career could develop in one of these areas, but in may of 2012, he unexpectedly received the appointment in Samara oblast.

His predecessor, Vladimir Artyakov did not become for the Volga region, arriving in Samara from Moscow, like to work. It was obvious that he fails to win the upcoming gubernatorial elections, so the authorities had to think about a new leader, taking advantage of the still existing law of destination. It was a surprise, because never in the history of the country occurred the horizontal movement of the heads.

And Samara oblast, and another three times Mordovia population and two – on the occupied territories. In the region with a unique industrial potential and the complex situation in Togliatti, dependent on “AVTOVAZ” the ruling party «United Russia» did not enjoy unconditional support.Nikolai Merkushkin: biography, awards

Achievements in his new post

The Mordovia in the election was provided to 85% of the votes for United Russia, which in the eyes of the people personified Nikolay Merkushkin. The Governor has set a goal to achieve recognition of the Samara inhabitants and all their actions prove that they came to a new position for a long time. In 2014, he has even resigned to go through the election procedure. For two years he managed to gain an authority that has collected more than 91% of votes in his support. This he proved that he is the President of the Russian Federation the reference region Manager. What achievements have won recognition?

  • Merkushkin has managed to overcome the political opposition of the regional government and the Samara urban district.
  • Due to the stabilization of the political situation he managed to attract investments to solve the economic problems of the region, including the arrival of Big football in Samara (2018 World Cup).
  • The Governor has managed to bring government closer to the people, making traditional straight lines with the public on local TV, meetings with citizens at the place of residence and at workplace. The meetings are taken by real measures, which increases the trust of the population.
  • The head of the region focused on solving social problems, which led in 2014 to growth of the region's population.Biography of Nicholas merkoushkin


Merkushkin Nikolay Ivanovich during communication with the population openly answers the most...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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