Caution! Tree poisonous


2019-04-10 12:20:39




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In the works of A. S. Pushkin is often referred to “the tree of death” - Oro. Many of us thought him a figment of the imagination of the poet, but it turns out that it actually exists. It ANCHAR inspired the poet to write the poem of the same name, though there are other trees that are dangerous to living beings, one of them is the most poisonous in the world.

poisonous tree

Most dangerous

Mancinella very similar to the Apple tree. So her name Manchineel (manchineel) in tune with the Spanish word “Apple”. The full name of this language sounds like Manzanilla de la muerte — “Apple of death”. Whether or not he mentions Pushkin in his “Tale of the dead Princess and the seven knights”? Apparently, he knew about Oro and would “apply” is the fruit of Mancinelli in his other work.

Mancinelli — this tall plant with oblong green leaves and yellowish streaks. The fruits of the same color but with a reddish tinge. It refers to a family of Milocevich. This plant is self-pollinating. In the rainy season it formed and the male and female flowers. Best mancinella (poisonous tree) blooms in March. Although it can take all year round. Formed from the flowers ovary, which grow round fruit with brown seeds inside. As they reach a diameter of 4 centimeters. But the appearance and flavor of these “apples” very attractive. But everyone who tried them, expecting death. As often happens to people, first appeared in those places and not knowing that the tree is poisonous. Often his victims were pirates, sailors, conquistadors. Animals do not approach this plant, although there are species of crabs that eat the fruit and feel good after that.

There are other

The poisonous ANCHAR belongs to the Mulberry family, but close to it and tropical ficus. In it reaches a height of 40 meters. The tree is evergreen, has oblong leaves and round green fruit. It grows on the Islands of the Malay archipelago. Most on Java. Turns out it's not so toxic, as described by A. S. Pushkin. Dangerous just its milky juice. To touch it is completely safe. In India even grows his own kind, which is completely harmless. Although the natives used the juice to lubricate the shafts.

In Addition to these exotic trees in our country do not grow less dangerous plants. One of them — oleander. The poison of this shrub is used in medicine to treat heart disease. If it does not touch, it does no harm. It is sometimes kept as a houseplant. Broom threat when eating the fruit. It grows in Western Siberia. The white acacia poisonous bark and fruit. But flowers can be eaten. Of them even prepare cordials and used in medicine. Dangerous are yew and boxwood. It is not necessary to pluck them from the branches, tasting the berries, then all will be well. They even bred for decorative purposes. But mancinella threat in any way. To that tree better not to approach.


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the poisonous ANCHAR

Why dangerous

If, traveling to Florida or visiting the Bahamas and the Caribbean, Mexico, Antilles, Colombia, or the Galapagos Islands, you will see Mancinelli and red ribbon, about which there is a sign with the warning inscription, then make no mistake — the tree is poisonous. I can only imagine what happens to those who do not pay attention to this warning. After all, Hippomane mancinella poisonous all its parts, through they contain milky juice. One can not only eat the fruit, but to touch the branches, trunk, leaves. Thick juice does not only lead to perforation into the stomach, which means death, but also causes burns with blisters after contact with the skin. If they accidentally splash into the eyes, it will burn them and vision is completely lost. Proof that the poisonous tree is that its SAP burns even delicate fabric.

mancinella poisonous tree

Better not to touch

But not only the juice can hurt people. Even burning at the stake, this plant produces irritant the lungs, irritating the eyes, causing headache smoke. And the dew or rain drops running down it, filled with poison and bring death. Researchers know of cases where people found their death, just sleep under this tree, from which trickled drops of dew. Therefore, it is better not to rush to touch unknown plants, and especially eat them. People accidentally tried Mancinelli and survivors, because that portion of the fruit were very small talk about their not the most pleasant sensations. They note that the fruit is really sweet. It is difficult to understand why nature has tried to make a delicious something that is inedible. Swallowing the piece of fruit, the man soon realizes that the tree is poisonous. Not for nothing as his throat begins to burn, shed tears and lost the swallowing reflex. In the future, the pain is severe and lasts for several hours.

How to use this tree

In the lesser Antilles the natives used the juice of Mancinelli to soak the arrowheads. Such weapons led to a long and painful death. It is known that the sentenced to death in the Caribbean were tied to the trunk of Mancinelli, and after some time he died in misery. The wood of this plant is valuable. On the cut it has a beautifulfigure with dark stripes. To use it, it is necessary to achieve complete dehydration of the wood. Of course, people struggling with these trees. In our time, doing everything so that the plant could not harm living beings. Around settlements destroy it spent way to avoid contact with him. To start using fires, divorced around the tree drained him. Then carefully felled and sawn. Wood burned and useful parts of it are for industrial purposes. Do eat honey extracted from the flowers of Mancinelli. It is considered a delicacy and is not poisonous. Of course, if you'd like, Mancinelli would be destroyed completely. After all, we constantly hear about the threat is a planet standing deforestation. And then so many years struggling with those “weeds”, and everything remains the same. But is it really diligently destroy it? It turns out that there is. It even specifically put around beaches to strengthen the sandy soil. This is very conducive to its tenacious roots.

tree of death

Mancinella is listed in the Guinness Book of records as the most poisonous plant in the world. And Florida's already included in the list of endangered species. Who is upset what on Earth would be one danger less? Probably only scientists for which mancinella is of scientific interest. With other types of poisonous trees a man may live in the neighborhood. Even the poisonous ANCHAR is not so terrible for a person. The main thing is to follow the General safety rules. Then you will be able to keep and human health, and such rare plants, such as boxwood, which can reach 500 years.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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