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In April, When snow still lies, opens its tender petals of the flower of Scilla, which is often mistakenly called a blue snowdrop. This beautiful and elegant flower long loved by gardeners in many countries, widely used in the decoration of rock gardens, rocky gardens, flower beds and floral groups.
Blooming the first spring, the Scilla have another name – Scylla. The diversity of species of this flower, which botanists have counted more than 80, are, according to the latest scientific data, the Asparagus family, not Lily or Giatsintova, as previously thought. Is a perennial bulbous plant with few basal narrow leaves. Scilla flower produces a single leafless flower stalk. It has small flowers star-shaped or bell-shaped. They can be both single and grouped into the brush. Flower colour may be different: white, blue, pink, lilac and white. Flowers Scilla-Scilla - bushes form a low maximum height, in rare cases, exceed 13-15.
All Scilla that blooms in spring and autumn, are ephemeroids. This means that in a very short period of time, less than a month, they manage not only to increase the above-ground part and to flourish, but also to form seeds. Then the plant goes into a rest phase, and the Scilla flower drops leaves, and a bulb under the earth goes to sleep until next season.
In the genus Scilla, there are more than 80 different species living mainly in parts of Asia, Europe and North Africa, with moderate and cool climate. In horticulture used not all the famous scientists. In our middle band, it is possible to choose the types and varieties of squill so that they are pleased with their blooms from early spring to autumn.
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Still empty after the winter garden the first spring flowers appear Scilla Mishchenko. This tiny, with a height of just 10 cm Scylla, blooms white, with a light blue veil flowers. It produces 2 to 4 flowers, the height of which varies between 8-12 cm In each inflorescence varies from 3 to 5 bluish-white flowers with a diameter of 2–2.5 cm Flower Scilla Mishchenko, depending on weather conditions, blooms in mid-late April. It blooms for 15–20 days. This species is one of the earliest and grandiflora was described in 1927. His birthplace – North West of Iran. In horticulture it has been used in Holland since 1936. This kind of unpretentious and widely used in European gardens. Prefers Sunny areas with loose, but not very easy to land.
Around the same time blooms and higher, about 15 cm elegant single-flowered Scilla. Just blooming its flowers are painted in a soft blue color and over time fade. On each petal they are decorated with a Central blue veined, and anthers bright blue hue.
At the beginning of may spectacular blooms even before flowering Scylla is two-folded. Of foliage rich Burgundy grows racemose, as if in a braid inflorescence. Over time, the stems pulled up, and spit turns into a flap, consisting of 6–9 medium-sized wide-open flowers deep blue color. They can preserve freshness for up to ten days. For more than five centuries, is known for this kind of Scilla. Flowers, cultivation which does not cause much trouble, was cultivated in European gardens since the sixteenth century. Today there are forms with delicate pink and white flowers.
After the Scylla double blooms in gardens the most common and unpretentious Scilla sibirica (Siberian Bluebell). It produces tall flower stalks to 15 cm, on which are located two—three flowers with a diameter of 2 cm Puttied they, as a rule, in an azure or blue—blue. In gardens this species Scilla grown since the eighteenth century. Modern breeders have created several varieties of Siberian squill, is different from the original form larger flowers and bright color of the petals:
This type is pleasing to the eye gardener its flowering about the same time as Scilla Siberian. Homeland Scilla puschkinioides are the mountain systems of Pamir and Tien-Shan. In its racemose inflorescence is 5 to 7 pale blue flowers with a diameter of two centimeters.
At the beginning of may blossoms the latest Scilla – Rosen. Broad dark-green leaves are arranged around a funnel-shaped stems, each of which is 1–2 large, up to 4 cm in diameter of flower, reminiscent of cyclamen. The leaves of the perianth are painted in delicate, lilac-blue shade, almost white at the base, and adorned with long stamens with anthers bright yellow.
As mentioned above, in addition to prolesok pleasing us with their blooms in the spring, there are species that bloom in summer and even autumn. In June, reveals its small violet-blue flowers are collected in spicate inflorescence Scylla Italian. A few late blossoms many-flowered, bluish-purple Scilla Licardie. At the end of July-beginning of August comes a time of flowering Scilla Scythian, more commonly called autumn.
No matter what kind of wooded area you're going to grow on your land, you need to create at least minimum conditions for the growth and flowering of this unpretentious perennial. The best way Scylla shows its decorative qualities for a well enriched with humus soil with medium acidity, but the majority of species of this plant is so undemanding that feels good and is on heavy clay soils, slightly “seasoned” deciduous humus or rotted compost. Bluebell can grow in full sun or in the shade. To obtain a spectacular flowering experts recommend before planting to make every square metre one — two tablespoons nitrophoska and 3–4 kg torturegalaxy mixture. Fertilizer should be laid to a depth of 10-12 cm.
In one place Bluebell can grow 4–5 years, forming with proper care dense thickets. To propagate this plant by planting seeds and child-babies bulbs. The problem of seed propagation is that good germination of seeds stored for a few days, and then significantly reduced. The resulting seedlings will bloom in 2 – 3 years. In this respect, more simple, and most importantly, fast method of reproduction – kids. As a rule, each adult bulb annually produces several subsidiaries.
Planting bulbs bought or obtained from own plants kids need at the beginning of autumn. At this time the plant is at rest and painlessly moves all manipulations with it. Planted planting material in previously prepared soil to a depth of 10-15 cm, keeping the distance between plants of 5 cm it is Important that in the area where Bluebell will grow, not stagnate rain water, as in wet conditions the bulbs will likely die. With proper planting in the warm days of autumn planted bulbs is well established.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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