Ossetian surnames: examples, background, the history of the Ossetian names


2018-03-19 04:36:03




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The Ossetian surnames have a long and difficult process of formation. Sources that testify of him, are very limited. The origin of Ossetian surnames have long been interested in outstanding scientists of the world. For research of features of formation of the names of Ossetians great importance is the study of ethnographic, folklore and linguistic materials.

Ossetian surnames

The Problem of studying the history of Ossetian surnames dedicate your articles to well-known Ossetian historians, ethnographers, linguists, folklorists.


There is evidence that the tragic events in South Ossetia in early 90s, Ossetians remaining in Georgia were forced to change their names. As a result, many Ossetian names today is so distorted in the Georgian range that their true appearance is difficult to recover.

Origins of the deformation of the Ossetian names

Many historical documents and inscriptions on the grave stones indicate that in view of the prevailing circumstances in South Ossetia before the revolution, the Ossetian names were written with Georgian endings. They are often deformed beyond recognition. It was par for the course for employees of the Georgian diocese.

Certificate of historians

According to historians, one of the reasons for the justification of the Ossetians on the plains of Georgia was the Christian religion. In written records it is emphasized that the accommodation of the Ossetian-Christian among the Georgian population natural and desirable because he is a Christian, Ossetian is not, he is considered to be Georgians.


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the Ossetian name list by alphabet


The Ossetian names were turned into Georgian in the result of clerical officials of Georgia to accelerate the assimilation of the Ossetian population. An important reason for the change of names was the desire of the Ossetians to be recorded under Georgian. They probably believed that this will provide them with certain benefits.

About the Russian spelling of the Ossetian names

In our article popular Ossetian names. The alphabetized list will give a good idea of their richness and diversity.

Traditionally, the actual question is about the transfer of Russian letters. Users ask: how accurate are passed in the Russian records of the Ossetian names? List them with Russian equivalents to all Ossetians who wish to write his name in Russian, in the light of modern access to vast amounts of information from many sources is not difficult.

Experts say that in the course of transferring proper names from one language to another phonetic change is inevitable. Ossetian names most similar to the original, rewritten in Russian with the endings - you/ti. The most famous example is the surname of the President of South Ossetia Kokoity. There is an old tradition in the texts of the Ossetian names are given to Russian surname ending-ov/EV.

Ossetian surnames: list

Index of Russian matches of the Ossetian names demonstrates the advantages of this tradition:

  • The variability of the cases (forms in -ti/you're not inclined, that is inconvenient in the Russian language has six cases);
  • Characteristic finish makes the Ossetian recognizable names.

Alphabetically, a brief list is shown below. It contains some of the most common surnames

  • Alborova.
  • Bedoeva.
  • Bekuzarova.
  • Bakurova.
  • Butaeva.
  • Gagieva.
  • Juciy.
  • Dudarova.
  • Kantemirova.
  • Mamieva.
  • Plieva.
  • Tedeeva.
  • Fidarova.
  • Hugely.

So look at Russian recording Ossetian names. The alphabetical list presented is not complete and fragmentary, as an example.


In recent years, from South Ossetia, the influence on its Northern neighbor in the matter of self-identification. Hardly themselves North Ossetians have dared to take this step as writing their own names in their native language. They think of it under pressure from the South.

Ossetian names

“the Names of Ossetians are distorted beyond recognition! Their graduation is not characteristic of any language, nor the culture of the people!” - beat the alarm in 2010 Ossetian politician Mira Tskhovrebova, the author of draft laws on issues of identity. “We want to stand up! We care about your prosperity!” she cried.

Source to recreate history

The Main source for recreating historical events are folk tales that are associated with separate Ossetian names. As you know, a family tradition for centuries, passed down from generation to generation. With their help, you can learn about many things: about the migrations of the people, peculiarities of the formation of ethnic groups, resettlement, open a new ethnic and cultural ties with the Ossetians and other Caucasian peoples. They are able to also help in the recovery pattern of relationships names of Ossetians. By using stories it is possible to recover the pedigree to the sixth, and even to the tenth generation.

Narrate traditions?

According to legend, in the period Ovskogo Kingdom on the territory of the present Ossetia existed of the ancient names of Ossetian birth. The most famous of them were: Salamon, Caresr, Cusion, Agusan and Cahalan. It is known that representatives of these genera emphasized the great significance of their own origin. This is reflected in many written memorials.

The Name of the founder of names Salamunovich tradition erected to the ancient Iranian name of Spitamen. Family name Cusion comes from the word “Cup”. According to the legend, the father of the founder of the family was inherited from the precious Cup, hence the name - Cusag.

Time of occurrence of this type of genealogy to the beginning of the Mongol invasion. On the territory of the North Caucasus in those days, the greatest political force differed Alanian Union. The legends assign to the names of the noble Ossetian origin from the Roman and Byzantine emperors.

Social Class privilege

Commit the Ossetian names refers to the 10-12-th centuries. In the second half of the 17th century began General use of names of feudal lords Tagauria and Digoria-just one. For a long time they were the privilege of the upper classes. The ruling circles opposed the spread of them among the lower classes. Initially, names were rooted in Badolato and Aldar (second half of XVII - beginning of XVIII century) Later, they caught on westanlage of Wallacia and Kurtat. The peasants received the names from the Caucasian administration in the first half of the XIX century.

What is the Ossetian name?

Many Eastern cultures, the surname is not inherited. It varies depending on the name of the father.

The Ossetian names have the following structure: "niggah "(Ossetian name) is a kinship group consisting of patronymy (one or more) – "fydy-Firth", derived from a common ancestor. Russian name corresponds to the Ossetian "niggah".

History of the Ossetian family: FIDI-part

In the distant past are inseparable Ossetians lived in large families. In one family, the brothers lived with their wives and children and parents. The name of each family was named its head. In rare cases the family had called on behalf of the landlady. This was possible with the early loss of her husband and in the presence of a great authority of the mistress.

Over time, large families were growing. Some of the members sought isolation and self-management of the economy, which led to the disintegration of families. Usually separated families settled close to each other. But over time they also shared.

Fadi-part (“children of the same father”) – the so-called group of blood relatives, which was formed from the partition of the original family. Its members were given the name of the father - the head of the great family, from which it was allocated.


Muggah (name) is a larger kinship group, which includes FIDI-part.

If the number fidy-part included in Muggah was small, they lived close to each other, for all of its members preserved the name of this niggah. But it happened that a certain part was given a new name. This is the case of a blood feud.

Ossetian surnames g

According to custom, krovniki had no right to live in the same place. Hiding from persecution, he migrated somewhere, changing the name. His family received his name, the offspring, over time it succeeded.

Each family would remember their old names and passed the memory of it from generation to generation. Related names did not forget their common origin, marriage between them was prohibited.

history of the Ossetian surnames

About the origin of the names Dzagoeva

Information about the origin of one or another of the Ossetian surname researchers draw from a variety of sources. It may be memories of old-timers, historical data, etc. for Example, the Ossetian names with the letter “d” are quite numerous. One of the most famous Dzagoeva. What is the origin of the name?

Last Name Dzagoeva comes from the name of the founder – Zaha, who was born and lived in the village of Dalahou (Kurtatinsky gorge).

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    Article in other languages:

    BE: https://tostpost.com/be/nav-ny-gramadstva/19128-asyac-nsk-ya-prozv-shchy-pryklady-pahodzhanne-g-storyya-asyac-nsk-h-pr.html

    DE: https://tostpost.com/de/news-und-gesellschaft/19137-die-ossetischen-nachnamen-beispiele-die-herkunft-die-geschichte-der-os.html

    ES: https://tostpost.com/es/noticias-y-sociedad/19145-osetinskie-apellido-ejemplos-el-origen-la-historia-osetinskih-apellido.html

    KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/zha-aly-tar-o-am/19124-osetinskie-aty-zh-n-mysaldar-shy-u-teg-tarihy-osetinskih-teg-n.html

    PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/aktualno-ci-i-spo-ecze-stwo/19085-osetii-nazwiska-przyk-ady-pochodzenie-historia-osetii-nazwisk.html

    PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/not-cias-e-sociedade/19085-osetinskie-apelido-exemplos-a-origem-a-hist-ria-osetinskih-nomes.html

    TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/haber-ve-toplum/19134-osetinskie-soyad-rnekler-k-keni-hikayesi-osetinskih-soyad.html

    UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/novini-ta-susp-l-stvo/19113-osetins-k-pr-zvischa-prikladi-pohodzhennya-stor-ya-osetins-kih-pr-zvis.html

    Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
    "Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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