The scenario "day of the village in the rural settlement": a holiday concert, poetry about the village, congratulations


2018-03-23 12:18:26




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In the modern world for many, life in the villages or towns associated with the old rickety fence at the old house with opalay roof or on the narrow village street. What if instead, just imagine a cozy mansion, which is immersed in the spring and summer season in bright colours and in winter the soothing lukewarm sound crackling in the fireplace firewood?

the script the day of the village in the rural settlement

The modern village today there are all opportunities for comfortable living. This accommodation is completely different from the city, and often exceed it. Own huge, modern house with a spacious terrace equipped with fully all the advances in technology, the backyard, garden area for relaxation and entertainment is the absolute guarantee of life alone, which is not in the bustle of the city.

Life in the countryside – is quite different from the urban way of life, their own rules and habits. That is why the script the day of the village in the rural settlement must sign primarily based on these features.

Starting from the ancient period, holidays were always given a lot of attention. They represented preparing for the new, attracting prosperity and security in every home, as well as the richness of the harvest and good weather. Currently, the festival has acquired an additional meaning: a reason to relax, get positive emotions and to participate in the festivities.

However, “the Day of the Village” is a special view of the event. It is celebrated as a tribute to their place of residence, the adoption of its features and also the appreciation for a quiet and peaceful life. That is why celebrating it is particularly.


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What parts should consist of the event?

The birthday of the village will be successful if all conditions are fulfilled and considered the peculiarities of such events. So, it implies the execution of three main parts:

  1. Advanced. It includes:
  2. The name of the subject, an indication of the main goals, and a description of the participants.
  3. Calendar of significant events.
  4. A Detailed description of all parts of the holiday with a brief enumeration of spectators, visitors and actors.
  5. Work with literary sources.
  6. The development of the scenario plan.
  7. Production and acquisition of available tools, additional materials.
  8. Selection of the main participants.
  9. Buying and preparing rewards for winners.
  10. Preparation of for the celebration, the timing of the beginning and end.
  11. Discussion of the agreements from the head of the village – these should include the whole village administration.

rural administration

The Correction part. It includes the following additional elements:

  1. Health Check of all equipment and technical supply.
  2. Distribution and outplaying roles with major players.
  3. Reproduction announcements about the event via all kinds of media.
  4. Sending invitations and bypass all of the villagers.

The Main part. It includes already, immediately, preparations for the event:

  1. Decoration of a place for the celebration of the village.
  2. Placement of technical provision.
  3. The event according to the plan inscribed in the script of the concert on the day of the village.
  4. Debriefing of the event.
  5. Drafting of manuals.
  6. Implementation of the results of the interventions in the mass.

The Implementation of all the above parts will help to make the event memorable!

The Basic requirements for the title, main idea and script:

These three components are the Foundation of any holiday. Their proper distribution, preparation and play on – is the result of the proper conduct of a spectacular and memorable event.

Title – a reflection of the basic idea of the celebration. The script the day of the village in the rural settlement should be fully consistent with this idea. In addition, it should be reflected in the invitations, which later will be distributed between the guests. Thus, the title should reflect:

  1. The Venue of the festival. For example, the title can be written: “the Day of the village on a certain street” or in such building.
  2. The Purpose of the event. For example, it can be such phrases as: “the Birth of our country” or “the birthday of the village”.
  3. How will this happen. It says in the title: “Festival” or “Festive concert”.

The Main idea of the festival – the very name and brief summary of the entire course of the festival: the preparation, the involvement of extra details and stuff. It can be very diverse-depending on the desires of the organizers, or from the fact that you wish to see agriculture administration.

poems about the village

After the basic idea drawn up and approved by authorities from above, you can begin to write the script the day of the village in the rural settlement. It needs to include a fully everything from the reception and ending with competitions, festivals and concerts. Here one must take into account such details as:

  1. Outfit leading. Full description – a pledge of one hundred percent transmission the main idea of the organizers.
  2. Clothing staff.Ideally it should be fully consistent with the spirit of the event.
  3. Decoration of the hall and surrounding the building site. All invited must afar to see the venue of the festival.
  4. Preparing packages and gifts for guests.
  5. The Compilation of the sequence of carrying out of performances.
  6. Drawing up names of dishes and drinks. It is recommended to prepare in advance enough of them – to avoid the hectic searches shopping before the event.

The scenario

When the feast village the script need to be compiled, you should make a pre-activity with the material. However, it turned out in accordance with the rules and while interesting, need to withstand a number of conditions:

The Study sources. Here shall have the following several conditions:

  1. Literature should not be enough. The optimal number – 4, as this will allow to develop a theme.
  2. You Must thoroughly rework the material. You should choose only that one hundred percent corresponds to the idea of the event.
  3. You Need to carefully work with the literature of the Soviet period. The presence of the leaders of the proletariat with the mention of Marx and Engels hardly appreciated olenitsa guests of the event.

The Main idea of the script. Being the basis of the holiday, it should help to full writing plan for the event. It is a kind of skeleton on which are grafted other facts and pictures.

When the script the day of the village in the rural village gained its concept, you can proceed to compile a short list of the stages of the event. It consists of content, which includes the following items:

  1. The General plan of the event.
  2. A Brief outline of the whole course of action.
  3. The List of used sources.

In Addition to creating content, you should be responsible and to the execution of a script on paper. On the title page is written:

  1. The Name of the organizing company.
  2. The Name of the script. Must specify not only the name, but the type of celebration: a holiday concert or festival.
  3. The initials of the author. Written full data: surname, name and patronymic.
  4. Date of a plan of the event.

congratulations on the day of the village

In the preparation of the main part should contain the following sequence:

  1. The name of the event.
  2. What form it is.
  3. The Name.
  4. What class of persons it intended.
  5. Organizer.
  6. The materials Used and technique.
  7. The Main plan of conducting the event.

The spelling of the script

Along with the correct design of the text, it is recommended also to withstand all the rules of punctuation and sentence structure. The following requirements exist:

  1. The Lack of specificity. It is more likely to use generalized suggestions: holiday village scenario should be designed in such a way that, in the future, it could be applied to other rural areas.
  2. Allowed the use of literary techniques. As can be idioms and more words.

With regards to the stylistic requirements, then they should be the following:

  1. Skomponowane and brevity. If poetry is written about the village, they should not be too long, so that guests do not get bored. If some scene – without the numerous descriptions and dialogs.
  2. The Presence of logic, coherence and consistency. It is impossible to write a scenario in which, for example, the first question about greetings, and then – sharply – the scene and the fireworks. You should carefully stick to the original plan of the event.
  3. The Lack of clichés and full of narration. What would be interesting was a scene in the manual, you need to make it something of their own. Otherwise there can be such unpleasant situations as filing in court for copyright infringement. It is also not recommended to use the stamps.
  4. The Presence of meaningfulness and rational. Each spectator attending the event, have something to learn and make from it something new.

Requirements to the style, design and gifts

The Presence of style – it is the indispensable attribute of all events. It is often the main component of the General line of the party. It is important that the style was present in everything: invitations, dress, invited, staff and presenters, as well as in the design of the venue, which will host a concert and all the rest of the action.

In addition, the style should be reflected in commemorative gift for guests. Thus, the two problems are:

  1. Guests receive a lot of positive emotions and joy from the possession of the gift.
  2. Notify the Organizers about all the village and beyond.

holiday village scenario

As for the design, it should be fully consistent with the main idea of the event. To the day the village was as effective as possible, it is recommended to arrange some kind of photo collage with the description of main milestones of history or to do something in accordance with the customs or superstitions of the countryside. In addition, there should be balloons at the entrance.

Preparing for the meeting involved

All the holiday festivities begin with the meeting invitees. This, of course, the shortest part of the whole event, however, it depends on howsuccessfully pass the entire holiday.

It is Recommended to pay attention to the techniques to meet. This can be the clown at the entrance, giving some ridiculous trinket. Or you can think of a person in national dress, which gives each funny or stylistic ribbons. All this is necessary to create the appropriate mood for each and the General atmosphere of the occasion – in General. In addition, you should pick up those greeters who skillfully guided the approach to every person: all people are different and what pleases one may not please another.

Holding of the major part of the festival

To the script of the day the village was interesting, you need to pay attention to all parts of the holiday. One of them is the main part of the celebration. It usually is the host of the event participants, and conducts the ceremony.

You Should carefully consider the course of this part. It is recommended to avoid the duration of the speeches and pre-calculate the time to carry it out. So, if the head of the district administration goes first and used to talk a lot, then it is recommended to make a fun pause. Thus, the guests will remain in a good mood and relaxation.

An Important element is the involvement of children or animals. So, when introducing another member of the administration you can use the presence of the baby, who will announce the withdrawal of a participant. Or, when you open any building in the holiday period, you can use the cat, the first part of the door or a dog that will rip the ribbon.

The proper selection of leading

No holiday can not do without an experienced leader who is able to adapt to any mood of the public. Preferably, if it is people from the same village, perfectly familiar not only with the customs and peculiarities of their country, but also with its inhabitants. Along with this, the host of the event should have the following advantages:

  1. Excellent diction. Much more fun and interesting will be a holiday, if the chair will speak not only cheerfully, but also understandable to all.
  2. Ability to find a way out of any situation. In case of breakage of scenery or technical equipment this person needs time to switch attention to another – until repairs and Troubleshooting. Similarly, he should be able to maintain constant interest and intrigue among guests and invitees.
  3. Good looking. To the same head of the village Council has not blushed because of the kind host, need to find someone who knows how to dress and has cute facial features.

In General, the ability to find a way out of any situation – it is important the dignity of every professional host. And the cases are different: the drunk guest, the lack of an important person, loss of valuable prizes or awards and much more.

But what to do if there is no such talent? In this case, you should hire a TV host or radio station. They have vast experience in conducting large-scale festivities: they will prodeclared brilliant poetry about the village, and tell many funny occasions that will surely amuse the audience. And in addition, such professionals can easily find a way out of any mishap.

Preparing for the feast

After administration, will Express the congratulations on the day of the village, and all arriving guests and invitees, begins a massive feast. This is usually huge tables full of different delicious dishes, fruits and sweets. And here the most important thing-correctly to pick up a menu.

It must include the overall style of celebration and the ease of preparation: not all guests can go for a particular product. Therefore it is better to cook the dishes, are accustomed to the residents. And, of course, the menu must include elements of the holiday: it could be a picture of the village in the cake or the ground in a salad. Applying these simple tips, you can always make the occasion memorable.

Invitation photographer

Each and every celebration consists of three parts: the ceremonial part of the festivities and photography. The first two parts have already been discussed above. What about the third unit, and is characterized by its own peculiarities and nuances.

On the feast day of the village should invite the experienced photographer. It needs to possess the following skills:

  1. Find your most successful shots. Not necessary to arrange a photograph at the table. You can use different places and situations: during the dance, around trees and so on.
  2. To be Able to adapt to the desires of the public. If she wants to be photographed in their composition across the lake – so this is the to do.
  3. Be able to navigate in any situation. If a drunken guest does not want to fit in the frame, you must eliminate or, if it is important to prepare to capture on film.

concert on the day of the village

This person will have to be present for the duration of the holiday, regularly capturing main milestones of historical events. In this regard, the photographer should be hardy, resistant to alcohol and with a pleasant appearance.

A Final part of the event

Along with the holding of the solemn part of the festivities, feasts and photography, the event should include the implementation of fireworks or any memorable actions.

The decision to organize the fireworks, should undertake the preliminary work. It hasyourself:

  1. Preparation of props. It should buy in bulk – it is cheaper and eliminates the marriage. However, it is useful to conduct a preliminary check of fireworks.
  2. Training place. Thereto, shall be subject to special conditions: complete isolation from the scene of the festivities; safety.
  3. The Involvement of pyrotechnics. As they must be specially trained people who have experience with fireworks.
  4. The involvement of the ambulance and the firefighters. Despite the prior work, to avoid such a situation, like a fire, it is impossible. He, in turn, entails sacrifice. The services will help them if not completely eliminate, at least to minimize.

script day of interesting

At the end of the salute should be to organize the end of the event and safe care of the public. Place will attract law enforcement to remove troublemakers from the site or from the building.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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