Fishing in the summer on lake Baikal. Fishing in the Selenga river Delta in summer


2018-03-25 07:26:15




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Sung in songs, legends and poems, is a unique lake for centuries stirred the imagination of people. We are talking about the largest freshwater – about the lake. Those who have not been on it even once, hard to imagine more than thirty thousand square kilometers of the blue surface, sometimes hiding under a about 1637 meters of depth.Fishing on the lake in the summer

The lake

Here, clean water, amazing air, many Sunny days a year, which for this region is rare, taiga, snowy mountains and of course the rich flora and fauna. They say that there are people with a fishing rod knows what happiness is. Experts divided the Baikal into three parts: in the South, which extends from Irkutsk to the village of Kultuk, on the average - the area of Olkhon island, and Northern. Of them, the fishermen have mastered only the first two. To the South the lake can be reached by road or by rail, and in the middle, in addition to cars, they fly more planes.

Underwater inhabitants

Into the lake for almost three hundred forty rivers – large and small streams, whereas it implies only the Hangar. In him dwells of forty-nine species of fish, including black and white grayling, the famous omul and whitefish, taimen, sturgeon, pike, burbot etc. Sport fishermen have cause many species. But the championship first of all, omul, grayling, pike and perch. Much less here catch Dace and roach.Tackle for fishing on lake Baikal in the summer

Grayling on Baikal fish most often from the shore. This is not surprising: the fishing boat is dangerous, because water rights can trap suddenly begin hurricane-force winds that blow and topple inflatable and even motor boats. In General, the weather here is very treacherous. Strong winds on the lake are seasonal periodicity: they change the strength or direction at all times of the year.


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In the cold season the air flow go from land to water, whereas in the warm season - on the contrary. Fall and in early December, when the lake was not yet covered with ice, here with particular force rampant Sarma. She is well versed professionals. This wind reaches a speed of forty meters per second. He swooped suddenly and can kill a person stranded on the water. With no less constant persistence, though with less force, blowing along the shore of Kultuk, and from the North comes the cold verhovik. From the East direction starts Barguzin.


Fishing on the lake in the summer is characterized in that it is not so easy as, for example, in the fall or spring. In the hottest time in the water formed natural rich forage base. This is evidenced by sufficient fatness grayling. A large part of the diet of this fish are caddis flies, and mollusks, however, the main feed – crustaceans-amphipods. The presence of grayling is indicated by numerous bursts observed in the coastal zone of the lake. According to fishermen, to fish for grayling, the best szabadka because to get it hard enough.Fishing on the Small sea lake Baikal in the summer

Fishing in the summer on lake Baikal are interesting because the production is often in the coastal strip. The shores of the lake, mostly flat, often very abruptly break. At flat areas the fish are mostly not large, is more common in edge. Large specimens are at a distance that will get them even on long casts can be very difficult. Grayling to the shore where there are piles of large stones or talus, and terminating abruptly vanish into the depths.

Fishing in the summer on the lake has its own characteristics. Because the lake currents move huge masses of water along the coast, it is necessary to consider while fishing. When casting under water is only part of the line, but because you need all the time to maintain the preload. Otherwise, the bait will tighten under boulders. In the first half of June, the caddis flies that are on the bottom stones, floating on the surface, turn into moths. It was at this time and begins fishing on the lake in the summer. Photos of grayling, whole shoals approaching the banks for utility bills, does not leave indifferent even the novice hunter. However, this abundance of easy food sometimes leads to the fact that the fish began to take a different bait or artificial bait.

Grayling Fishing in the summer

The Early morning hours while the sun has not had time to heat the stones, extraction, steaming up to the coast, waiting for countless winged moths begin to rise into the air and fall into the lake. At this time the best tackle for fishing on the lake in the summer – those that have cargo flies. With the rise of moths grayling begins a continuous feed, removing from the surface of the insect, but because the bite on an artificial fly in this period completely stops.Fishing in the Selenga river Delta on lake Baikal during the summer

Generally, fishing in the summer on Baikal grayling is efficient with the use of equestrian tackle and dry flies. This catch is much simpler than with the cargo, since the latter, according to professionals, the harder it is to pick up the bait and determine the depth.


Fishing in the summer on the lake requires riding a gear much larger than that used in the rivers. And thrown it farther. Fishing season starts when the ban is lifted and continues until the first autumnfrost. It is a “works” the method of fishing with a planting of a grasshopper, which the locals called “sandwich”.

A ground rod with ‘verhovskoy” in the bays, separated from the lake with a narrow channel, you can catch pike, perch and even IDE. Sometimes they swim and grayling. However, those who catches mainly on spinning, of most interest is the pike, which, judging by the words of the old-timers, often comes to fifteen pounds in weight. Such a trophy-everyone's dream who has long been captivated by fishing.

Small sea

Baikal in summer it gets crowded. Tourists come here from all over the country. Many locals spend their weekends at the Small sea-in that part of Baikal lake between Western shore and Olkhon island. This stretch is a unique stretch of water, known for its special microclimate. The small sea is characterized by a very tortuous coastline, forming numerous shallow bays.Fishing on the lake in the summer savage

It is these places and are considered the most popular for those who are tempted by the fishing on the lake in the summer savage.

Here you can catch the famous omul and grayling, there are also pike, perch and many other species. Although many people prefer to come here only in summer, here in the Small sea is no less popular winter fishing.

In the Selenga river Delta

On lake Baikal in the summer a lot of tourists. On its shores built a large number of tourist bases. Among them, many of those who located in places where access is only possible by road transport. To the most inaccessible areas in the summer months can be reached not only by car but also using water boats. Selenga, flowing into the lake, forms a very large size Delta. She is listed in the list of natural phenomena of world significance with unique, and is included in restricted area on lake Baikal - world heritage site by UNESCO.

The Selenga river Delta has long been a place inhabited by many species of fish: there are a lot of perch and roach, are not uncommon in the catch of fishermen production is pike and IDE. Severe flooding that occurred in the nineties of the last century, contributed to the dissemination and puffy from the Amur river basin Amur sleeper.Fishing on the lake in the summer

Fishing in the Selenga river Delta on Cisco productively all takes place in August, although many think that it is great to fish in the winter. The main bait are small crustaceans amphipods.

In summer, excellent results can be achieved by catching the fish on the spotlight or “headlight”. In the dark of night a boat is floating in deep space in the Delta of the river, then the selected point is sent into the water the spotlight. To bright light are numerous amphipods, which is the basic food for the Baikal omul. And after a few minutes to the accumulation of crustaceans begin to reach the pack of the coveted prey. Catch the fish with bare hooks: impose on the main line many leads, then lowered the gear in the water, constantly changing the depth of fishing.Fishing on the lake in summer photo

And finally

The Uniqueness of lake Baikal is undeniable. It is therefore necessary to save this real gem in its original form, not raking the fish, which it is, networks for short-term gain.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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