The coat of arms of Uglich: photos, description, history


2019-06-12 10:20:28




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The coat of Arms of Uglich is of interest to anyone who is fond of heraldry. The official symbol that the ancient city is using in our days, was approved only in 1999, but its history is has been for several centuries. As at the moment it looks like the emblem of the village, who is depicted on it and why?

Coat of Arms of Uglich: how it all began

Historians have been unable to agree on how looked the official symbol of the city in ancient times. The most popular version says that the first coat of arms of Uglich contained a picture of a rooster. The basis for this assumption was famous legend, which featured a giant cock.

coat of arms of Uglich

The Legend says that a rooster was the inhabitants of the city before the settlement were to fall in distress. If you believe this tale, the bird flew in at midnight, lying on the stone, which was located near the intersection of Proletarian and Narimanov. The rooster made a lot of noise, flapped his wings, urging the Uglich people prepare for imminent trouble. He visited the stone so often that it even kept track of legs, the length of which was approximately 30 cm.

The Ancient coat of arms of Uglich, as historians believe, ceased to be used with the spread of Christianity. The stone was perceived by residents as a harbinger of the troubles, the Uglich people tried to stay away from him. Destroyed the stone was only at the beginning of the 20th century, it was used for paving streets.

The Mysterious death

In the end – the city that in the middle Ages became associated the inhabitants of Russia, with a sad story. It is here that tragically killed the heir to the throne, Ivan the terrible's son Dmitry. The circumstances of the death of the Prince to establish exactly researchers have not succeeded, so his death is still surrounded by the terrifying aura of mystery.


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coat of arms of Uglich photo

Heir to the throne lived with his mother in Uglich since 1584, the settlement was granted to Dmitry in the lot. In fact, he was exiled from the capital for fear of his rebellion against the mad brother of Fedor, took the throne after his father's death. The most popular version of the death of Prince States that his death was a result of serious wounds received in the moment of an epileptic seizure. But there is another theory according to which the heir was eliminated on the orders of Boris Godunov.

Eight-year-old Prince died in may 1591, after his death was canonized. Nowadays, the coat of arms of Uglich contains the image.

Banners infantry regiment

It took more than 130 years, but the residents never forgot the unfortunate son of Ivan the terrible. For the first time the image of a child declared a Martyr, appeared on banners that were used by the infantry regiment of the city, it happened in 1727. Further, this pattern began to be decorated with printing, used for fastening papers. Gradually military emblem became the official symbol of the ancient settlement, in total it took about fifty years.

coat of arms of Uglich description

The coat of Arms of Uglich, which history is inseparably connected with the death of the heir to the Russian throne, was approved in August 1778. This happened during the reign of Catherine the great. The Empress approved the new emblem of the village simultaneously with the symbols of other cities of Yaroslavl vicegerency.

Coat of Arms, 1778: description

The Symbol of the city, approved in 1778, was somewhat different from the pattern which adorns the banner of an infantry regiment. Initially, Prince Dmitry was depicted on red-and-green background. In the hands of the heir to the throne, died at the age of nine, kept a knife and a lamb. His robe and hat were made in gold tones.

coat of arms of Uglich history

However, the emblem was decided to modify. In particular, the green color was removed, leaving the background red. Tsarevich Dmitry “dressed” in a purple dress decorated with gold inlays and precious stones. Crown innocent victims also turned out to be a Golden-purple. A silver knife in his right hand it was decided to leave, while the lamb, the creators of the symbol of the city refused, considering this detail superfluous.

Unconfirmed project

Interestingly, in 1863, attempts were made to modify the coat of arms of Uglich, which is described above. “Modify” a symbol of the city all the more dreamed of a court expert on heraldry Ken, whose arms seemed imperfect. He offered to leave the way armed with a knife son of Ivan the Fourth, standing amid the scarlet fields.

who is depicted on the coat of arms of Uglich

Add-Ons offered by Ken, consisted mainly in the addition of the coat of arms of Yaroslavl province. The symbol is contained the image of armed with a silver axe with a red shaft bear. His Ken planned to put in the free part of the field of the shield. In his opinion, it was to help the inhabitants of Uglich to feel part of Yaroslavl province. Also a specialist in heraldry wanted to add the silver crown and Golden ears, decorated with a ribbon of St. Andrew. However, the government did not consider this project worthy of attention, coat of arms, invented in the eighteenth century, keptview.

Soviet power

Of Course, the coat of arms of Uglich, a photo of which you can see in the article, was not used during the existence of the Soviet Union. After the revolution the settlement was completely devoid of arms. However, the symbol of the city was not forgotten by its inhabitants, who are sensitive to their history. The image of Tsarevich Dmitry met his death in Uglich, you can see on souvenir badges, decorations.

coat of arms of Uglich, which means

Talk about the fact that the locality must return the emblem, began approximately in the late 60-ies of the last century. This is due to the fact that the Soviet Union was advanced the concept of domestic tourism. Of course, approved in 1778, the coat of arms of Uglich, a photo of which is presented in the article, use was impossible. In a country of rampant atheism, and Tsarevich Dmitry was in the early 17th century canonized, besides the heir belonged to the Royal family.

For Some time considered the option of use of the image of the city bells. Bell planned to place on a red shield. However, the project was not well accepted among authorities, as they were directly connected with the Church theme, not used during the existence of the Soviet Union popular.

The Return of the emblem

Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Uglich in our day? The symbol of the city still contains the image of Tsarevich Dmitry, who died at the age of eight and was declared a Saint. A resolution on the return of the emblem, approved during the reign of Catherine the Second, was issued by the Duma only in March 1999. Since the appearance of the symbol remains unchanged.

Why in 1778, it was approved the coat of arms of Uglich, which means the symbol of the city? As already mentioned, the Tsarevich Dmitry, son falling to Ivan the terrible, was canonized after death. So he was assigned the role of a protector of the settlement. His image called the inhabitants of Uglich, ruined in the rebellion of Pugachev, stoically hold on in the difficult times that followed for the country.

Interesting fact

In Uglich also has a temple dedicated to the innocent heir to the throne, it was built in 1962. The Church of St. Dmitry was created in the place where, according to historical sources, lost his life the little Prince. The murals that adorn the interior walls of the temple tell about this sad event that occurred in the late 16th century.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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