Travel: beautiful places of Voronezh


2018-05-25 04:00:37




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Every city has its own flavor, its own attractions and beauty. They make the city unique and unforgettable. As Beautiful places in Voronezh have it in large quantities, you walk through the city will be fun and enjoyable. What are the parts worth visiting guests and residents of the city to have a good rest and please look?

Parks Voronezh

Most popular among the residents and guests of the city are the numerous parks and squares. Here you can find the Beautiful places of Voronezh for walks with family and friends. If you want to enjoy the beautiful view, to arrange a date or to do a photo shoot, then you can safely go to the Park. You should get acquainted with the most popular.

“Scarlet Sails”

Park built in the 70-ies of the twentieth century, is located on the left Bank of the Voronezh reservoir. In 2011 it was renovated by the French designer. After he was ennobled Beautiful places, Voronezh transformed. Now the Park "Scarlet Sails” – one of the favorite places of recreation for residents of the city. Here you can stroll along the beautiful wide avenues, ride the rides, have a picnic. Schedule: from 11 am to 23 PM. The territory is guarded and constantly patrolled.

beautiful places in Voronezh


The Park was built in the 30th years of the twentieth century. By now it was renovated and acquired a European level. Visitors can stroll through its alleys, visit the stables, and in winter ride with slides of the Pioneer. The Park is famous for the fact that spring is here the snowdrops are in bloom. For lovers of photo shoots it fit perfectly: the summer is beautiful green grass lawns, and in the autumn – the gold decorations of leaves.


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Offers a variety of attractions that will appeal to vacationers of all ages. The Park is notable for the presence in it of monuments to the Eagle ("the boy with the bubblegum") and Osip Mandelstam.


One of the most visited places to picnic. The Park is for active recreation, as it was originally built as a sports base. In summer you can roller skate and bike, and winter-skiing.

beautiful places of Voronezh region

Where to date?

Choosing beautiful places of Voronezh for walks with a girl you can choose any Park. This is the perfect place for a date. Walking through the long alleys relieve tension, promoting a casual conversation. Beautiful views create a romantic mood.

If you want a leisurely stroll in silence, it is better to go to large crowded places, and to choose a cozy and unassuming little corners. The Park ‘Dolphin’ for this purpose the best way possible. This is an old Park with long avenues, lined with cast-iron lamps. High pine trees create a dense, secluded shadow, promising coolness in the hot day. The Park is located on the left Bank of the Voronezh river. Plenty of walking along the alleys, you can go to the waterfront and enjoy views of the water and the setting sun. There is a unique lighthouse, hand painted. In winter you can go ice skating.

beautiful places in Voronezh for a stroll

The Lovers have to taste the Park Aircraft manufacturers. This is a great place for leisurely walks and conversations. Quiet tree-lined avenues create a romantic mood. In the Park there is the tree of love, where couples leave notes with confessions and couples hang locks of allegiance.

Going on a picnic

Choosing Beautiful places of Voronezh for nature walks, you can stay at the parks: «Olympique», «Scarlet Sails”, “Dynamo». They are perfect for picnics. Of course, the fires are here to inflame are prohibited, so you can simply take the prepared food with them.

Walking along the broad avenues and breathe in the pine air in parks ‘Tanais” and “Dolphin".

The Lovers wander through the forest trails will enjoy the Voronezh Central Park. This is a large area of forest planting, where you can enjoy a stroll along the paths, admire the lake and streams. The Park was founded in Soviet times, since he is in poor condition. In its depths you can find many dilapidated buildings and crumbling monuments.

Beautiful places for photo shootings

Beautiful photos can be done in parks "Scarlet Sails”, “eagle”, «Dynamo». In Koltsovsky square has fountains and beautiful flower beds, which will be a great backdrop for filming.

Quay Massalitinova is popular with fans of the photo shoots. They are surprisingly bright and memorable images.

The town

If you want to watch beautiful places of Voronezh and the region, it is best to head out of town. An ancient land of rich historicalmonuments and unique objects.

One of them is “Divnogorie" of the Museum-reserve. It is located in the Cretaceous poles, which for many years was eroded, forming unique structures. Here you can see ancient churches and monasteries of the XVII century, built in a chalk cave.

beautiful places in Voronezh for walks with a girl

Belogorsky caves have long served as a shelter for robbers, and later they became a shelter for pilgrims built on the site of a Church of St. Alexander Nevsky.

Sights of Voronezh

Walking around the city, you can also find Beautiful places. Voronezh A real treasure for tourists.

Admiralty square – a symbol of Russia's greatness as a Maritime power. In this place Peter the great was launched the first ship of the Russian Navy. The area is popular with honeymooners and lovers of photo shoots.

beautiful places in Voronezh for nature walks

The Dam of the Chernavsky bridge has a length of about a kilometer. There is always a lot of tourists: some rollerblading and Biking, and others just slowly walk. At the dam you can rent a boat and go sailing on the river.

A must walking around the city is the quay Massalitinova. It offers majestic views of the river Voronezh.

Lovers of historical monuments will satisfy the architectural ensemble of Sacco and Vanzetti, the sample construction of XVIII-XIX centuries.

You can Also mention the sculpture of Peter I, which is the unofficial symbol of the city. This monument is worth a visit to see this unusual and touching memorial. White statue of Bima is situated on the Revolution square. The townspeople believe that if you RUB the dog's nose, then all wishes will come true.

In conclusion

Voronezh — a very beautiful city that will not leave anyone indifferent. It is better to come in summer or spring so she can walk around town and enjoy the beautiful views. There are many interesting parks, ancient churches, unique monuments, which it is impossible to tell in one article.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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