Books by Russian poets of the fall. Autumn in the works of Russian poets


2019-08-19 08:20:32




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One of the most mentioned topics in the works of Russian poets – is the theme of nature. It is very closely related to the infinite love of the Motherland and loved the Russian expanses. The heart of each Creator is just full of tender feelings and awe before the beauty of the Russian land. And books by Russian poets of the fall is always full of amazing colors and emotional experiences. There is no man living in Russia, who would not be able to feel its delightful scenery. And those who once became her guest, will never be able to forget the limitless expanses of green forests and mirror-like surface of many rivers and lakes.

The beautiful Russian nature, or Autumn in the works of Russian poets

Of Course, it is impossible to be loyal to their Homeland, if you don't like its nature, is indifferent and not living with her in harmony. Every Creator has a time of the year, which he prefers. But the creation of the great and immortal masterpieces they are inspired by autumn. In the poetry of Russian poets, it is an inexhaustible source of impressions and deep feelings.

Different poets of all ages have felt and described this time in his own way. Some of them she seems to sometimes withering, and someone, on the contrary, can't stop look circling in the blue sky the last maple leaf or slightly covered with frost, bitten by the first frost of fading flowers and grass. Delight even the clouds hanging over the fading space, as usual the rain seems to be the farewell tears of autumn by leaving warm summer days.books about Russian poets of the fall


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And there is probably no Russian writer who has not mentioned in his great works of this exciting time. Any books by Russian poets of the fall contain a lot of wonderful adjectives and catchy phrases that are often used in quotations or aphorisms.

The Great Pushkin and his favorite time of the year

For Example, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin in his work, described all the seasons, but many of his lines you can understand that it is more preferred still autumn: "Now it's my time: I don't like the spring…".

Pushkin never chose any specific topic to write their unforgettable works. The source of his inspiration was life itself in all its manifestations. Alexander cared about everything that was related to his beloved Homeland. He infinitely loved and understood nature. It sounds, abundance of colors, wonderful flavors. And absolutely every time of year the great Russian poet finds a special charm.a poem about the fall is shortBut the great preference he gave of autumn and dedicated to this wonderful time, a large number of his inimitable lines. That is it we owe many works of Alexander, who joined our Treasury of literature.

Feelings and emotions, carefully transferred the greatest Creator

Pushkin's Poems about autumn are rather contradictory reflects its quality. This is evident in the lines: "a melancholy time! Eyes charm!". These verses are so familiar to us and seem to be clear that we do not even think about how nesochetaemoe applied in the poetry of the words.

"Sad time" and "eyes charm". Because dull means boring with a monotonous rain and the low grey sky, ugly and melancholy pervades the damp and cold wind. And charm – beauty alluring and fascinating. Of course, this combination cannot fail to impress. But it has become a leitmotif of Russian poetry of poets who devoted themselves to the image of autumn.

More than any time of the year can't compete with a rich festive lights charming Golden day: "I Love the lavish withering of nature…".

A Special period of creativity

Another creation, called "Autumn", created in Boldino in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-third in the same period in creativity of the poet, that scientists will subsequently be called Boldino fall, Alexander explains why he loves this time of the year and is experiencing these days the longest moments of inspiration: "…And with each autumn I blossom again…".

Pushkin was creatively happy in the fall. But few, seeing the grey landscapes, the bare bushes, the sky in heavy lead clouds, feeling the cold breath of this period and increasingly becoming more frequent gusts of wind that will bring the first snow can be seen in this season all the more special. And especially to accept with awe and gratitude that is given to us by nature. And all of Pushkin's poems about autumn are always filled with special love and reverent tenderness for her gifts.

Poet of the twentieth century, Ivan

About autumn poems he wrote another great and famous writer and poet of the twentieth century, Ivan Bunin. In the poem "Night", he shares his talent, even in a small and gray finding something particularly good and bright: "the happiness we always just remember. But happiness is everywhere. Maybe it was this garden of autumn…".poems about fall for kids

And, for example, leaf fall in the forest and mingled feeling of joy and awe of the indescribable beauty of it is perfectly described in the poem "Rustled the leaves, circling…" and not less beautiful and exciting piece, "falling leaves" "the Forest, just tower painted…". Reading these lines, like myselfbeing in this delightful tale in autumn the forest is filled with a special atmosphere of magic and tenderness.

Special combination of the feelings of the author

And here is a combination of how sorrow and joy, beauty and modesty of the landscape - it is quite easy to explain, because in General, the concept "Russian landscape" means a landscape of national and, therefore, reflects the soul of the Russian people. His spiritual worldview, that is the Orthodox philosophy of nature.

These sensations are filled with not only all the books by Russian poets of the fall, but many canvases of famous Russian artists. They similarly tried to convey her special charm. And so in order to get the full picture of colors this time of year, it is possible, reading the lines of poets, look at the great masterpieces of Russian landscape painters.

Short autumn poems for young

Poems about autumn is short, but unusually shaped meet Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. One of them is called "Under the rain", "My umbrella is torn, like the bird…". And another poem by the same author called "Autumn maple", where she autumn – it's a wonderful world with all its inhabitants.about autumn poems

The nature of the native of the country – it is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Each poet who wrote about it, felt a part of it. It works of Russian art was under force to penetrate the soul of nature, to hear and understand its language. And it is important in childhood to start to lay the sense of harmony with our environment. With every birch, with a blade of grass and even the usual drop of rain.

Of Course, any major work to the child's perception will be quite heavy, and poems about autumn is short, but filled with no less delightful lines, will be the most convenient for learning and further discussion.

It's Time for summing up the results of Sergei Yesenin

Autumn is not only a time of the year, this time of human life, moments of peace and quiet, reflection and summing up a life lived. It is in this combination sees himself as Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. He writes: "Oh, the age of the fall! He is dearer to me of youth and summer".

It's peculiar only to him with aching sadness and at the same time, in some inescapable sense of love for the Motherland, to their land, its nature writes in another poem: "Niva compressed, groves goals. From water fog and damp". The transfer of the mental state of the author's poems on inanimate objects is another feature of Yesenin's poetry.

The hallmark of the entire galaxy of Russian poets is the correlation and comparison, a parallel between the world of nature and the condition of the human soul of the lyric hero.

Description autumn in creativity feta

The works of Athanasius FET – is the most wonderful poem about autumn for children. Despite the fact that they are quite informative and filled with deep meaning, nevertheless remain very simple and straightforward for small children age.Pushkin's poems about autumn

Every poet sees in the pictures of autumn itself, in its own way. And, for example, FET is her time of sorrow and anguish, which soon may change on a joyful and pleasant time. For example, in the poem "hunting with Hounds" is exactly what is expressed in this time: "the Last sheaf taken from the field naked…". It is here evident that the consolation, for example in hunting.

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Uh, how good autumn is in its very early! Gold, as many call it. Extraordinary blue heavens, the luxurious finery of forests and extraordinary, but in the autumn, a fresh wind. Many books of Russian poets describe it as a sleepy nature. When she was just starting to relax from the summer heat, the pesky mosquitoes and as yet no hint of the presence of winter.

Another author, who wrote wonderful poems about autumn for kids – Fyodor Tyutchev. "In the autumn of the original…". How vividly and accurately he could give the author a picture of Golden autumn. What a huge number of colours he saw in nature aging. And even present in the poem grief some bright and vibrant as this wonderful time.

Creation of the majestic Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich

It is Difficult to distinguish among such lyrics name at least one author or one work. A poem about the fall of Russian poets are true masterpieces, pearls of poetry. But the special place in the landscape lyrics is the creativity of the majestic Duke Konstantin Romanov, who has a series of poems entitled "the seasons".

In this collection everything is pretty clear and simple. Spring – the time of youth and love, the beauty of the renewed nature, summer – the festival of flowers, but autumn is characterized by particular smells and sounds, captivating silence. And for this author the fading time full of charm. How many charms he sees in a sad lifeless days: "As captivatingly quiet in withered fields! Our autumn is full of charm…".

Not only poetry is filled with the works of Prince, and a Christian worldview. Humility, patience, obedience directly felt when immersed in his poems.

Modern art

Times are changing, but not changing the look of a Russian poet on nature, the world around him. Modern, now deceased, poet Scarring is very exactly aboutthis has mentioned in his work: "I'm not going to rewrite…".a poem about the fall of Russian poets

And I must say that the poetry of Nikolai Mikhailovich, of course, the continuation of our Russian lyrics. The works of this poet, especially about autumn poems are of extraordinary imagery and a heartwarming simplicity and sincerity. In his works you can feel our modern times. But there is a certain inalienable note of the creations of Tyutchev and FET, that quite clearly expressed in the poem "The rotten forest hut".

Lyrics by Nikolai Rubtsov, if you take about autumn poems, something even similar to the masterpieces of Yesenin, she also poignant, light and it is very strongly felt a special admiration, veneration and love for his Russian landscape.

Features autumn lyrics, or Quotes about autumn Russian poets

In the autumn the lyrics very interesting to observe how the poet creates an image. He will never say directly that it is raining outside, and the leaves fall from the trees. All the verses about the fall of Russian poets filled with figurative paintings, different techniques to impersonation, that is, when any inanimate object the artist attributes the properties of a living being.autumn in the works of Russian poets

But it is interesting to refer also to other poetic tools, creating unique imagery of the poem. For example, for comparison or metaphor. And in the works of every poet you can find many such poems.

Many works of Russian poets of the autumn formed the basis of popular songs, often quoted by other characters in any movie, something is postponed forever in the memory of man since high school. And some of the most exciting lines become in quotes and used in everyday life, sometimes even without mentioning the author's own creation.

And if some autumn day the soul is particularly sad, it is imperative to go to the forest to hear the birds singing, to see how the jumping squirrel, watching falling leaves and remember books by Russian poets of the fall. And then the heart is immediately cleansed of the guilt and the soul will awaken the most wonderful feelings that can only awaken this Golden time.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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