The extension of the service area. Sample order to extension of service area


2019-10-01 10:20:35




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Enterprises and organizations often face the fact that the duties of the employee can add responsibilities for the same or other profession or another employee. Consider options for the issuance of such additional works in different situations. expand service area

Classification of the situation

So, you have the following options:

  1. The Combination of professions or positions.
  2. Performance of duties of an employee who is temporarily absent.
  3. Expansion of the service area or increase the amount of work.
  4. Combination.

The Combination provides for the situation where the employee along with their tasks performs work on other position or profession.

Part-time – a situation when the employee does extra work in another profession in a different time from the main work.

The performance of duties of an employee who is temporarily absent can be during vacations, sick leaves or business trips.

The Extension of the service area or of the volume of work – a situation in which the worker must perform the work of his office or profession to a greater extent.

Regulatory framework

The Labor code (article 60.2) suggests that the employee may be assigned additional functions in his particular profession. With these additional responsibilities the employee has to cope in their working time and for a certain fee. The employer is obliged to take with the employee's written consent.

expansion of the service area sample

If we consider specifically the expansion of the service area or of the volume of work it involves the performance of additional tasks that is their profession. For example, a larger number of machines or units, large area cleaning, a larger number of documents processed, etc.


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General procedure for approval

The Company must approve a collective agreement or position of the organization on remuneration of all aspects related to this issue:

  • What can be done to extend or increase amounts for each trade. Must be installed specific limitations and conditions
  • The List of professions and positions, which allowed expansion of the zones or raise the volume.
  • The Order and method of payment for additional work.

The Organization may resort to the extension of the service area or to increase the volume of performed works subject to availability of vacancies. Usually work on vacant positions or professions is distributed over two or more employees.

You Cannot set a surcharge to some categories of workers:

  • The head of the organization and his deputies;
  • Main specialists and their assistants;
  • If the implementation of this additional work and so the responsibility of the employee, they stipulated in the contract and stipulated in the labor standards;
  • If additional work is assigned to a worker in connection with his lack of work for the main site.


In each case the employer is obliged to issue an order on the expansion of the service area. It specifies the specific timing of the additional works, their volume. In other words, in the order determined by the number of machines, square meters, reports, etc., which are fixed additionally the employee, the charges for this work.

extension of service area of work

If you issued the order on extension of service areas, a sample of this document can have following content.

The document Title should reflect its essence. It may be this: “On behalf of the additional responsibilities due to the expansion of the service area”. Next is the wording of the order. It can be: “to Instruct in the period from 02.06.2017 g 30.06.2017 G. R. 3 locksmith (F. I. O.) performance of additional responsibilities in the profession of a locksmith during the established duration of the working shift along with the responsibilities defined in the employment contract due to the expansion of the service area. Install the locksmith 3 R (name) a surcharge in the amount of 6000 rubles.». Signed by order of the head of the organization. Also, the order must be written consent of the employee to perform additional work assigned in connection with the expansion of the service area.

The Legislation does not limit the period for which the employee may be assigned additional functions. This period shall be approved by the parties by mutual consent.

The Worker has the right to refuse additional work. Also if the employee already performs the additional work, he may refuse its execution prematurely. The employer is also entitled to cancel the requested additional work.


The Labor law suggests that the principles of co-pay for extension of service area shall be approved by agreement of the parties, i.e. the employee and the employer. General provisions the payment for the additional work prescribed in either the collective agreement or the regulations on labour remuneration.

The size of the surcharge in each case is determined depending on various conditions. The amount of payment is influenced by the following factors:

  • Difficulty;
  • The nature of the work;
  • The amount of duties;
  • How full is usedworking time.

Fee increase or extension of the service area can be established to the worker due to the achieved level of engineering, technology, organization of production process. And for some individuals this may be due to their personal qualities and skills. For example, a male employee has a greater physical capacity than a woman, or a younger worker to cope with its functions than the older employee.

Pay for the alignment and extension of the service area and generally the laying of such additional obligations to the employee may be made in the organization only if the staffing includes the suitable position.

The Employer must pay for equal work of equal value.

the order on extension of service area

When the leadership of the organization sets out the form of payment for the extension of the service area, a sample order can contain the following options for calculation:

  • A specific sum of money;
  • Percentage rate or salary.

Additional charges are recorded as wages in the calculation of benefits for sickness, maternity, holiday pay and other accrued compensation, to calculate which is taken to be average earnings.

How effectively you can use the zones in your organization

In some situations, when the employee of the large volume of work than stipulated in the norm, for a fee, can bring good savings for the organization. Cheaper to pay already working in the state employee than to hire an additional employee and pay him full wages.

Also do not need to organize a new workplace for the worker. For example, do not need to buy a Desk, computer if office worker. And, for example, for cleaning do not need to provide cleaning equipment, clothing, etc. That is a staff employee will carry out production jobs in its place with the already existing funds and will receive a bonus payment.

the combination of the expansion of the service area

The Difference in terms of the increase and expansion of areas

The Essence of these concepts are very close, the difference is only in the nature of work performed.

If we are talking about the fact that the employee has a certain area, the area of work, his extra work would be the extension of the service area. Sample order for Design Such extra work shall contain this wording. It is possible to result following examples of professions which may provide for the expansion of areas – doctor, nurse, janitor, social worker, electrician. That is a particular area of work. For the doctor - this is a list of specific streets, or district, whose inhabitants he must take. Electrician – this may be a specific object, plant, or territory, for which it is fixed.

The Concept of increasing volume of work suitable for those employees who have quotas to meet. For example, Turner, packer, operator, etc.

The liability of the employer for payment of additional works

In the case when the expansion of the service area are not paid, then the employer can be brought to administrative responsibility in accordance with section 5.27 of the administrative offences Code of the Russian Federation. If the employee is engaged to perform additional work without his written consent, the employer also will incur administrative punishment.

The initiative of the employee

A Worker is entitled to write to the head of the organization a statement in which he may ask to increase the amount of work. Also it is possible to determine the specific terms, the site or scope of work, desired payment for additional work.

additional extension of the service area sample

Expanding the zone and volume of work can be for the employer a good alternative to the admission of a new employee. This will help to save on the salary, and the work will be done efficiently and well as experienced workers know their stuff and they have, as they say, “handle”.

And for skilled workers extending their labor or increase the volume of work will become an additional financial incentive to the efficient and effective operation. Thus, benefit both parties - both employer and employee.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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