How to increase sales in retail: expert advice


2020-04-20 13:20:27




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Sales & ndash; is one of the foundations of a successful enterprise, whatever it was doing. Even if the need is made for the population of products, it would still need to be implemented. And in article we will look at how to increase sales in the retail trade.

General information

how to increase sales in retail

The Question of how to increase sales in retail clothing, furniture, food, flowers, fine things, in crisis and without it, interested in quite a large number of people. If we talk about a single implementation, the effectiveness depends on specific people. But for an effective sales strategy, you cannot only rely on the vivid personalities among sellers. When choosing a support system usually choose one of three options:

  1. Hire experienced and talented professionals.
  2. Launch products that are in demand, thus stimulating its consumption.
  3. Introduced an integrated system of sales.

All of these options have a right to exist. The first two also well known to all who are involved in sales. With the third can be some problems. So let's give him a little more attention.

Third option

Its advantage is:

  1. Independence from the regular units of the sellers.
  2. The Ability to create their own learning system sales.
  3. Customer focus and usability of the service.

With this approach, you can quickly obtain the necessary data. Suppose we have the owner of salon furniture. He thinks about increasing the efficiency of the store. That is, he is interested in how to increase sales in retail furniture. The introduction of such a system will more quickly place product orders and receive buyers. And high service is always pleasant, so it will give the payout in the future.


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What can prevent the increase of sales

how to increase sales in retail

Before you disassemble the aspects of optimization, let's pay attention to the errors. So, you should try to avoid:

  • Unsystematic sales;
  • Poor communications with suppliers;
  • Focus on one client (his departure is fraught with problems);
  • Lack of motivation of the sellers;
  • Lack of or poor communication with customers who are unhappy with the products, and also the unwillingness in this case to change something in the production.

So, for better result you should strive for:

  1. To Ensure the quality of the relationship with consumers.
  2. Focus on complete system sales, and not a single event.
  3. Products, packaging and advertising shall conform to the requirements buyers.
  4. It is Necessary to provide clarity for the sales Department.

What to do in a crisis: General guidelines

how to increase sales in retail products

Assume that came the sad times. How to increase sales in retail trade during the crisis in this case? Use the following tips:

  1. Need to call old customers. It is very desirable to monitor the frequency of purchases (which can help automated sales system) and to remind customers under any convenient pretext: the emergence of novelty, modernization, installation, special prices, participation in exhibition etc.
  2. Should gain a foothold in the World wide web. If you already have a website, but it is no good, make it work.
  3. Advertise in unexpected places, where its presence will create a positive effect. However, in this case, you should wisely come to the realization and placement.
  4. Activate the cooperation with partners and suppliers of the company.
  5. Visit the themed events like exhibitions, seminars and industry conferences.
  6. State of readiness of cooperation with each potential partner.
  7. Engage in the practice of rational proposals in sales.
  8. Conduct the trial of the action.

Of Course, these tips are suitable in cases where implemented the same furniture, clothing, cosmetics and other products you buy do not more often than once a quarter. What to do if you are wondering how to increase sales in retail trade with food?

Specific approach

how to increase sales in retail trade with food

It's quite complex in terms of implementation options, but they also deserve to be considered. So, let's say, increase the level of food sales:

  1. Should first look at companies that offer the service of supplying goods. It is possible that a vendor sells food is quite expensive and the market can find a company with a more pleasant price policy. In this case, it will be possible to reduce the sales price.
  2. Should do experiments in the distribution of goods and see what take most often together.
  3. Should pay considerable attention to the identification of patterns and try to turn to his advantage.


The Most attention in this case should be given to such approaches:

  1. Sensitivity to trends. Let's consider an example. When winter ends, thethe demand for the production of metal products for homes, sheds, fence, etc. For added effect you can use loyalty programs, reciprocal advertising, gifts, and recommendations.
  2. Exactly that, but better. The essence of this approach is that there are a selection of products, similar cost. In such cases, selected the highest quality. The use of such “background” can play a good service.
  3. More Expensive – better. Many people think that the more the item costs the better it is. And this is often true. In other cases, it simply cashing in.
  4. Symbiotic partnership. Think about where best to place the point? Here are a couple of combinations: a pharmacy and a grocery store or auto parts and bicycles. Adjacent areas and related products can very efficiently help in enhancing sales.

And if you are interested in how to increase sales in retail with flowers or other items quick use, then the last option would be literally perfect for growth. If you think that to find a good place almost anywhere.

Automated sales system

how to increase sales in the retail clothing trade in crisis

This is a popular way to organize, customize, and improve the efficiency of the customer when it is carried out in several stages. For example, there is an online clothing store. Can I improve its performance? How to increase sales in the retail trade of clothing in crisis and hard times?

This will help the automated sales system! It can help to ease the installation of the contact, clarifying requirements and requests, making requests, their processing and fulfillment, including shipping. Also the automated sales system helps in the after-sales service and subsequent interactions. There are a large number of benefits and useful features that they can offer.

The Construction of the sales system

A Lively mind, sensitive to market intelligence and provide ample opportunity. But to improve performance it is necessary to attend to the construction of the sales system. It will allow us to understand the structure of goods sold in the overall picture of the range and to analyze intermediate results.

Using as the basis of an automated sales system will significantly streamline the existing information. Besides, it will make it easier to build relationships with clients, ranging from his first call until the account statements. Much help and opportunities to do accompanying notes. In addition, they can have various additions such as the ability to send instant messages or emails.

The Various tools available to increase sales

how to increase sales in the retail trade furniture

Let's consider this case of retail sales of something through the World wide web. Only attention will be paid not sites, and social networks. It's a pretty popular site where a large number of people, and they are all – potential customers.

According to the opinions of a fairly large number of people, the presence of the company representative who deals with feedback through social networks, increases the number of sales in the amount of one third of the existing turnover. Should not be neglected and different pleasant bonuses and gifts that can please the customers by his availability. This can also offer to make an additional purchase along with the product.

Consider the following case: a person buys a computer, and it at a reduced cost to offer a router or even give it for free. You only have to follow the rules, what additional service should not cost more than bulk buying. You can also benefit by establishing a certain threshold of purchases.

It Should be noted that in this case there is no specific interaction model and work here is through imagination. The General essence is similar to the following:

  1. When the value of purchases exceeds a certain amount, then the buyer will receive a gift coupon for the draw or free shipping. Although it may be that something else.
  2. When you purchase two products, the third is free.

Custom model

In General, the list of different ways you can continue very long. Yes, and it is useful to try to include your imagination and come up with something new that will help increase sales. Finally it is possible to remember about this:

  1. Payment of delivery of goods. This method cannot be called common, but it is still quite interesting. So, when the buyer pays for the goods, he gets the change, not money, and some small things. For example – chewing gum, candy or matches.
  2. Colored price tags. This method is used in cases when it is necessary to draw attention to a particular product and to show that he is special. For example, that the food will soon spoil, and therefore sell it at a discount.
  3. Time-Limited price. Has on buyers, a strong motivating influence, literally forcing him to buy goods at the moment.
  4. The Possibility of a return. There is a pretty clever trick. There is a law that obliges to take the product back if it is returned within 14 days after it was purchased. This can be aadditionally to play. Enough to suggest to customers that if they don't like the product, they can return it in 14 days.
  5. Hints on price tags. In addition to the cost, in this case, it is useful to place information about what to take along in this particular product.


increase sales in retail

To Say how effective will be these measures can not be sure. Much depends on implementation and many different aspects. But the fact that the result will be – without a doubt. Most importantly – build a strategy. No need to put it all together and to pile up one on the second. In which case you can always use the first one, and then – something different. Besides it is possible to coincide with the various special moments to dates like New year, summer season, etc.

But in the pursuit of a number of sales don't forget about the minimum required price. Because the client is of course valuable, but to operate at a loss worthless. It is therefore necessary to look for the Golden middle. And if one person leaves, you should not grieve, and you need to concentrate on other people who are in the status of the potential client.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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