The Aircraft Carrier "Liaoning". The flagship of the fleet of China


2020-05-04 14:20:18




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China bought from Ukraine in 1998 unfinished former Soviet aircraft carrier Navy “Varyag” and in 2002 finally got it. After a substantial refit at the shipyard in Dalian, in Northern China, the ship was commissioned in September 2012 and renamed the "Liaoning" in honor of the North-Eastern province. The main task of the ship – to serve as a training site for the Chinese Navy to gain experience in operating modern aircraft carrier, as well as for the development and improvement of technologies that will be used in the design and construction of ships of this class.

Decay Product

Previously, the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" was called heavy aircraft carrying cruiser "Riga". It was the second ship of the project 1143.5 (class "Admiral Kuznetsov") of the Soviet Navy. 67 500-ton ship laid on the black sea shipyard in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 06.12.85 and launched 04.12.88. Renamed the “Varyag” in July 1990. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the ownership of it was transferred to Ukraine. Due to the lack of funding in 1992, the construction was stopped. By the time it was built 70% of the carrier. Structurally, the ship was completed, but it lacked the armament, electronics and suspension.

The first time China has expressed interest in buying the “Varyag” in 1992. Official representatives of China inspected the ship, stationed on the dock of the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant, but the negotiations were fruitless because of a dispute over the price. In the result, the unfinished “Varyag” remained at the dock unattended for 6 years. In the late 1990s, the vessel was auctioned and bought by a Chinese company from Macau for 20 million US dollars for conversion to a floating casino and amusement Park. The contract with Ukraine prohibited the buyer to use the ship for military purposes. Before selling all the military avionics have been removed.

the aircraft carrier Liaoning

From the floating casino is the flagship of the Navy of China

In 1999, 11 years after launch, “Varyag” finally left the dock, driven by several powerful tugs in the far East. However, the ship was permitted to pass through the Bosphorus Turkish government on the grounds that the ship is without power and is too great a risk to other vessels and objects in the channel. “Varyag" was near the Strait for three years. After intervened by the Chinese government and in 2001 was transferred to Turkey on 1 million dollars as a guarantee, the ship finally was allowed to continue.


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4 Nov “Varyag” fell into a 10-point storm and broke from its moorings near the Greek island of Skyros. After many unsuccessful attempts to regain control of the ship, the helicopter of the Greek coast guard evacuated 7 crew members. After falling while trying to attach tow ropes killed the sailor tug Haliva Champion. The vessel was again brought under control the same day.

After a restless journey “Varyag” in March 2002, has finally arrived in the Dalian shipyard in Northern China and was kept there under heavy guard. By the time it became obvious that the ship in the amusement Park will not be converted ever. Instead, it was handed to Chinese Navy for research and restoration. With the ship China got the blueprints and design documentation. In 2005, the carrier was moved to dry dock shipyard in Dalian and painted in grey Navy of China.

The Restoration work was completed in late 2006. Then in April 2009, the ship was moved to another dry dock to install engines and other heavy equipment. Installation began in late 2010. By March 2011 the superstructure on the upper deck was almost finished, painting is finished and the scaffolding removed.

aircraft carrier Liaoning cv 16

“the research vessel”

In June 2011, the head of staff of the people's liberation army General Chen Binde confirmed that China is building an aircraft carrier. It was the first official recognition of the existence of such a project. On 27 July, the Ministry of national defense of China stated that it had retrofitted the ship to “scientific research, experiments and educational purposes". The first four-day sea trials of the ship took place in August, and then began the second series of tests in December, before he was returned to the factory for finalization.

25 Sep 2012 the ship was officially commissioned under the new name of the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" (CV-16). In November, the defence Ministry confirmed that the Chinese fighter J-15 successfully completed it fit with the take-off and arresting gear. Press of China suggests that the crew training will last for 4–5 years, until the ship reaches its maximum potential.

the Liaoning aircraft carrier, arrived in Tartus

Based aircraft

The flagship of the China fleet aircraft carrier "Liaoning" has a short runway, equipped aerofinishera. Rise facilitated by the presence of nasal jump angle of 14°. The deck is equipped with the brake cables. Two lifts from the right side moves the plane from the hangar to the flight deck.

The aircraft Carrier "Liaoning" can carry 24 "flying shark” – multi-purpose carrier-based fighter Shenyang J-15, includingthe number of their double version – training fighter J-15S. In addition, he transportorul several types of shipborne helicopters, including helicopters Chinese production of Changhe Z-18, Z-18J AEW and Z-18F ASW Harbin Z-9 and Ka-31. The total quantity of aircraft – 36 units.

where is aircraft carrier Liaoning


“Varyag” was originally equipped with anti-ship missile system “Granite” (SS-N-Shipwreck 9). The launcher was removed before the vessel is sold to China, and missile base – during a conversion to increase the size of the aircraft hangar.

The aircraft Carrier "Liaoning" equipped with system of air defence of small range, which consists of 4 missile defense systems HQ-10 (FL-3000N), each with an 18-missile launcher, similar to the system RIM-116 used by the U.S. Navy. Modification of short-range missiles of a class “air” TY-90, HQ-10 is equipped with dual passive radar and infrared homing and has a maximum range of 9000 m. It is improved variant is equipped with an active infra-red head and has a maximum range of 10000 meters

In addition, the aircraft Carrier "Liaoning" has two weapons systems short-range type 1030, which represent a 10-barrel version of the type 730 CIWS. The 10-barreled 30-mm gun served 2 box of 500 ammo. One store, typically charged detachable armor-piercing ammunition. Empty cartridge cases are ejected forward from the bottom of the system. The cannon is controlled from the outside, with a maximum rate of 3.5–6 thousand rounds/min Range of firing is limited to 3000 m, but the goal is usually affected at a distance of 1000-1500 m.

the aircraft carrier of China Liaoning

Communications and detection purposes

The Chinese aircraft Carrier "Liaoning" equipped with navigation devices:

  • Radar detection of air targets such as 382 Eagle S/C (mounted at the top of the mast);
  • Marine radar;
  • Radar fire control HQ-10 SAM;
  • Radar detection of air targets such as 346 a set of four active antenna arrays with electronic scanning on the bridge;
  • Radar aircraft;
  • Navigation radar;
  • Antenna connection;
  • Antenna for satellite communications.

Power plant

The aircraft Carrier "Liaoning" equipped with a standard power plant, a similar plant of the ship "Admiral Kuznetsov" of the Russian Navy. Consists of 8 boilers and four steam turbines, 50,000 HP each. The ship is equipped with four shafts with fixed pitch propellers.

the flagship of the fleet of Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning

Aircraft Carrier "Liaoning": Tartus

In September, 2015, there have been reports that the flagship of the fleet of the PRC passed the Suez canal and heading for the coast of Syria. The Israeli military intelligence website claimed that the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" has arrived in Tartus, Syria, escorted by missile cruiser. The arrival of military planes and helicopters expected by mid-November, directly from China or through Iran via Russian transport aircraft based at the ship and the Russian base near Latakia.

Chinese military expert denied this information. He also assured that China will not support any groups or individuals in Syria, adhering to fair and objective approach to this issue. In addition, the Syrian military source said that no Chinese warship did not come into Syrian territorial waters.

aircraft carrier Liaoning Tartus

South China sea tensions

Where are the aircraft carrier "Liaoning"? The ship is within the territorial waters of China and serves to demonstrate the forces in the region, the tension which has grown over the decades, as well as for crew training and naval aviation. Because soon will be built a second ship of this class, but only its own production. To launch aircraft again, you will use the springboard, which allows the aircraft to carry more cargo compared to power electromagnetic catapults used on almost all aircraft carriers of the US Navy, may not.

Two ships of this class, China will become a member of the exclusive club – is the number of active ships are only in Italy and India. Of special note is the US Navy with the ten largest warships in the world.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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