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Russia – industrial country with a long history of industrial development. Accordingly, machine-building plants of Russia plays a leading role in the economy of the country. In total industrial production share of machine building products is in the range of 20%. It is a good global average, however, it must be increased, because the number of industrialized countries the figure is close to 40% or more.
The mechanical engineering of Russia in the structure of the national economy is disputing the first place with the fuel industry and significantly exceeds other sectors of the economy. After the collapse of the Soviet Union its share of “shared stash” from 28% (1990) has slipped to 16% (1995), but then began a gradual recovery. The beginning of the XXI century, the figures increased to 19%, and in 2015 – up to 22%.
In 2013 machine-building plants of Russia earned $ 190 billion (6 trillion rubles). Only in Russia, there are 19 industrial complexes, more than one hundred sub-sectors and individual industries. In engineering, involved more than 40,000 enterprises of all levels and of various forms of ownership (including 2000 – large), which is one third of the total number of industrial enterprises. The industry employs 1/3 of the working population: over 4.5 million people (3.5 million of which – workers). A large number of workers defines the social importance of industry in providing employment.
The Peoples of the Russian metal has engaged in since time immemorial. In the Urals, discovered ancient settlements, where the metal was melted and manufactured various products for more than 6,000 years ago. In Kievan Rus in the X century, there were large workshops that manufacture complex products. In the XII century, our ancestors mastered lathes and milling machines. However, the first machine-building plants in Russia appeared in the sixteenth century. They were connected with the arms business and was located in Tula. Production based on local iron ore, but there were small, scattered and unsystematic.
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Revolutionary change in the industry occurred under Peter I, which was active expansionist policy. His army needed more modern weapons, ammunition, equipment. With the discovery of large deposits of iron ore in the Urals, there was created and machine-building enterprises, mainly the Armory.
The wide range of manufactured products leads to the fact that many large machine-building plants of Russia, as the exclusive producers of certain types of products, at the same time have a relatively small volume of sales in money terms. With the largest Russian companies in the fuel industry, metallurgy and petrochemistry comparable in sales volume only of OJSC “AVTOVAZ”, ACC “Dry”, OJSC “GAS”, the group “JUICE” and JSC «KAMAZ».
Among the leading include mainly the automotive industry (sub-sectors of civil engineering with the highest share in the structure of production of engineering products) and defense industry, and the total number of large machine-building plants (with an annual turnover of more than 5 billion) is relatively small.
The engineering of Russia in recent years has embarked on the formation of holding companies and financial-industrial groups (figs). There is further development of machine-building companies and holdings that were created in previous years (United machine-building plants, power engineering Corporation, “New programs and concepts" and others), and the formation of new groups created on the basis of capital earned in other sectors. The most notable expansion in the machine building and metallurgical companies, which resulted in the formation of the automotive industry powerful FPG “RusPromAvto” and the group of automobile companies “Severstal”. As a result, in most sub-sectors formed by one or several large companies (groups), occupying them in a dominant position.
List of companies with more than 12000 employees, was reduced by an order (from 120 to a few dozen). TOP 10 companies by number of workers in them in recent decades has undergone a sea change. The number of factories are actually bankrupt, while others have significantly reduced staff. For example, we give a comparative table of the giants of mechanical engineering at the peak of its development and to date.
13000 (2014)
Number of employees | Maximum number | 2000 | Recent data |
AVTOVAZ | 115000 | 110000 | 52000 (2015) |
The GAS | 110000 | 107000 | 25000 (2013) |
KAMAZ | 100000 | 50500 | 40700 (2013) |
ZIL | 79500 | 19700 | 2300 (2014) |
The Chelyabinsk tractor | 54500 | 21900 | |
«Калашников» ("Ижмаш") | 47000 | 24800 | 4500 (2013) |
«Уралмашзавод» | 45000 | 15500 | 14000 (2011) |
«Уралвагонзавод» | 42000 | 29000 | 30000 (2015) |
«Севмаш» | 38000 | 27700 | 25000 (2011) |
«Ростсельмаш» | 35000 | 14800 | 10000 (2013) |
Более детальный список крупных действующих компаний по регионам выглядит следующим образом.
На западе России сконцентрированы высокотехнологичные предприятия ВПК (в частности, авиа- и ракетостроение, системы ПВО и РЛС, огнестрельное оружие, колесная техника), космической отрасли, выпускается широкая номенклатура дизельных моторов, железнодорожной техники, станков и оборудования. В Калужской области действует целый кластер автопредприятий зарубежных производителей. Между тем отечественные автогиганты АЗЛК и ЗИЛ растеряли былое величие.
В Петербурге и Ленинградской области сосредоточены крупнейшие машиностроительные заводы России. Местные судостроительные верфи занимают лидирующие позиции по строительству военных и гражданских судов. Среди отечественных флагманов гигантскими размерами цехов (200 га в центре города) выделяется Кировский тракторный завод, главным доходом которого стала аренда площадей, а не выпуск профильной продукции. По соседству, во Всеволожске, действует крупный завод «Форд». Еще одним машиностроительным центром региона является город Северодвинск, где строят подводные лодки.
Главной движущей силой машиностроения в регионе является производство сельхозтехники и оборудования для энергетики. Крупный производитель автомобилей ТагАЗ и Волгоградский тракторный завод признаны банкротами.
В регионе действуют известные машиностроительные заводы России: АвтоВАЗ, ГАЗ, «Тяжмаш», КамАЗ, УАЗ, «Калашников» и другие. Номенклатура выпускаемой продукции обширна: от подшипников (1/4 отечественного рынка) до уникального оборудования для энергетики, от автомобилей до самолетов.
The Ural is not accidentally called heart of the industry of Russia. The presence of rich mineral deposits and strategic location were the prerequisites of placing large industrial enterprises, mainly related to processing of metals and the defense complex. The most powerful centers of machine building are Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil.
The Engineering production is focused on the military industrial complex, aircraft building and production of equipment for mining. Many enterprises are bankrupt or close to it. Industry in this region is in need of modernization and support.
Represented large enterprises:
Russian engineering is going through hard times. Despite the relatively strong industrial capacity, most of the flagships have reduced production, many openly survive. The industry urgently needs reform, modernization of machinery and equipment, new approach to management. Meanwhile, the construction of new effective enterprises, mainly medium and small. Second wind got the plants for the production of military products. Great interest of foreign partners, especially the automakers. In the comprehensive state support and private initiative engineering can make a much greater contribution to the country's economy.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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