The analysis of security of the enterprise workforce


2020-07-03 00:32:06




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One of the tools in improving margins is the analysis of security of the enterprise workforce. Because of the number of skilled workers who are able to strictly adhere to the instructions and perform the tasks, determines the efficiency of the whole organization and level of productivity.

A qualitative analysis of the security of the enterprise human resources can significantly reduce the cost of finished products and thus significantly increase profits. This is not surprising: in the preparation of this analysis, the specialist can visually see how to effectively use the available labor force. Analysis of labor resources is based on primary information, statistical reports on the number of employees and productivity of each of them.

When executing this analysis, primary is the separation of employees into two main categories or groups. The first group consists of professionals directly involved in the production process and is called the industrial-production personnel. And the second applies non-industrial staff.

There is a classification of employees industrial group on a specific type of work, according to which all the staff involved in the manufacturing process of the finished product can be divided into employees and workers. The main task of workers is the participation in the production process or the creation of conditions for continuous operation, i.e. the operation of major and auxiliary activities. The group of employees includes executives and professionals. First organize continuous production and are responsible for the final decision in a difficult situation. Specialists include employees with accounting, legal sub-divisions, this group also includes quantity surveyor, engineers, technologists, and others.


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The Analysis of security of the enterprise workforce is based on staffing. This document, which lists the number of personnel, the scope of its activities with the division into specific groups and categories. Prepared a schedule with a certain periodicity, and the period of time the company decides.

The Main factors in the rating numbers are considered indicators of recruiting, payroll and the number actually working on a specific date. When compiled the analysis of security of the enterprise workforce, the calculations are performed in the figures. Average number of employees represents the sum of the number employed at each reporting date to the total number of calendar days in the period. Sredniowieczne number of employees - the ratio of the amount of employees present themselves for work in every working day, the number of working days.

The Security of the enterprise human resources is of great importance for the productivity of the production process. However, the planning document for the future no one is, therefore, the analysis is performed by comparing the previous and actual data. Of particular importance is tracking the movement of personnel in the company. It is believed that high turnover of the workforce reduces productivity. After all, a cohesive team working as one team. In addition, people are more interested in the financial wellbeing of the company, as it directly affects the level of wages and the possibility of commissions. To analyze the turnover of staff should understand the reasons for layoffs, for example, at the initiative of the leadership for continuous absenteeism, drunkenness or the abuse received by the authority or at his own request in connection with low wages.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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