The playing method. The peculiarities of its use in physical education. Gaming and competitive methods in the elementary school


2018-03-19 22:06:19




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Games and competitions are among those social phenomena whose significance is not confined to the field of physical education and physical development. They arose long ago and was developed simultaneously with the public culture. With the help of games and competitions catered to the different needs of identity development, both physical and spiritual, interpersonal contacts, entertainment and recreation. But, in addition, they carry a pedagogical function, that is, are wonderful and important means of education.

Gaming technology in physical education

Features of the method, referred to as game, are as follows:

1. Playing organize their own activities accordingly, conditional or imaginative story (the game plan, the plan). In such a plot assumes that the goal will be achieved in conditions of constant changes of game situation, having a random nature. Scenarios usually come from the reality that immediately surrounds the participants.

In the game find a figurative representation of certain applied actions and observed in real life relationships. The participants imitate work, household chores, hunting, and more. The plot of the game can be intentionally created with a focus on the needs of physical education and exist in the form of a conditional scheme of actions between the players themselves. Such are the nature of all modern sports games.

2. Another characteristic feature is the variety of ways that the goal can be achieved. The advantages (goal attainment), usually not associated with a single variant of actions. His ways are always different and varied, that is, by definition, allowed the game rules. Limited games, only the General line of conduct without regard to the specific action.


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3. Game methods of teaching children to relate to the activities of a complex nature. They contain a lot of different movements - from running and jumping to wrestling and fights. Sometimes this method is inherent to the pre-agreed specific actions of one type. An example is "fartlek" (or "running game"), which combines the classic slot approach with continuous exercise. In practice it looks like alternating runs of various intensity and distance. Similar competitions happen in a rivalry on the ground between the participants.

game the method

Other benefits

Dealing with gaming are provided with a freedom. Independence of their actions is rarely limited. On the contrary, the requirements to the level of initiative, skill and resourcefulness in this case. Every game has the scope for creative solutions to the tasks, and the constant change of scenery and occurrence of new data in the story, pushing the decision quickly and very active, which helps to maximize the mobilization of physical and mental abilities.

In the game are modeled interpersonal and intergroup relations, the nature of which is quite stressful. Most of these actions are characterized by high emotionality. Such events contribute to the modeling and reproduction of the active relations between the individual players and entire groups aimed at cooperation (which relates to the same team) and rivalry (we are talking about relations between enemies in pairs and teams). The game is a collision of opposite interests, the place of occurrence and resolution of inherent conflicts. Due to this, throughout the emotional intensity exists at a very high level and helps the evident personalities of the participants with all of their ethical qualities.

The Gaming method had the ability to program certain actions with varying probability, the load it is allowed to regulate.

Competitive method

Its Main feature is the ability to compare the strength in terms of organized competition with a common goal - the struggle for the highest possible level of achievement, ideally for the championship.

As well As games, contests (competitions) - one of the most widely known phenomena of public life. Essential it is that such a way is arranged and stimulated activity in large variety of fields. This production process (working competition), and art (the system of festivals and art competitions), and, of course, with his sports competitions and Championships. Each of these forms carries a well-defined specific meaning.

the game plan


A Characteristic feature of the competitive method is unification. What is it? This term refers to bring to a certain uniformity of subject competitions, as well as some regulation of the means of struggle to achieve superiority and techniques that the evaluation result. It is quite understandable. After all, if there is no recognized standard for comparison of results comparison of strength and achievement impossible.

In some cases the process of unification affected only a certain narrow range of competing (team, class, group, etc.), but nevertheless, the principles applicable to the use of competitivemethod, are present in all sports.

At the heart of this method lies in the rational organization of the process of competition. In this case, the athlete is inherent in the test of its own forces, not only in the confrontation with opponents, but in an effort to overcome himself and improve their own performance or prior result.

Let's Talk about game activities

The play method at elementary school can be regarded as the most productive direction that exists among all modern methods of physical education. Any form of use it is always attractive to the child. Successful and competent variation of many existing forms allows to solve tasks of physical education fully and comprehensively.

Children, especially related to this age group, the most active interest in everything that finds its expression in movement. However, they are still crushing process, accurate selection and regulation of individual forms of physical activity. Kids tend to tire quickly, but recover quickly. Stronger fatigue often develops in children in the course of performing monotonous exercises. The most attractive like those, the mastery of which is possible in a very short time.

This feature is one of the features of the game method. Problems are solved in a relatively short period of time and involve the full mobilization of physical forces.

play method exercise

How to inspire kids

Children with their observation always manifested a figure of substantive thinking. On this basis, to organise their activities should therefore, adhering to conventional or imaginative story, making the exercise takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and does not allow keeping alive the interest in the class.

After the initial learning of the movements comes the moment of the necessity of their comprehensive improvement. It is here, as ever, created all the preconditions for the improvement of the physical qualities. The game method of training provides the full terms and conditions, which may develop the necessary traits - endurance, strength, agility, and quickness.

During the lesson or exercise game method in teaching apply also exercises competitive nature. Most often this kind of them affect the training and support elements of the movement, where somehow the rivalry.

Auxiliary game can be simple, complex, or transient command. As you know, all the child's behavior is spontaneous in nature and by and large exists in the form of games. As a method it in this case is the set of actions of a subsidiary nature, whose purpose is to give the children's game order and to push to achievement of certain pedagogical and educational tasks.

Thus it is necessary not to lose sight of the need to continuously maintain your freedom and a joyful relaxed atmosphere.

physical education and physical development

What makes the game

Methods of play could be related to imitative, game, and classic. Techniques does not have to be linked to a common sports game such as volleyball or football. To work they can be using as a base of absolutely any physical exercise.

Thus, the main purpose of using game method with all its features - not so much a selective influence on specific physical qualities or training of the original movements, as improving the whole complex of movements in the a bit complicated part.

Mainly we are talking about the development of speed, agility, independence, ability to orientation, initiative. A real teacher is able to transform it into a great tool for the education of camaraderie and teamwork, training, discipline and other important qualities of the person.

Gaming techniques at school, using many different apparatuses, various forms of mobile games can affect the physical quality of the players deeply and comprehensively. Result is the increasing interest in physical education and sport. Children have been encouraged to assimilate technology a very complex program of exercises and strive to overcome difficulties and learn to solve the tasks.

play method at elementary school

Competition as a form of interaction

Using a competitive method in the classroom for the physical education of children can be as detailed, and in the early. Competitions at performance of separate elements of exercises lead to the stimulation of interest and physical activity. About expanded form is when the classes are organized in the form of official competitions or even benchmarks.

The state of competition in the course of the competition, as well as the conditions and atmosphere they contribute to the creation of a special physiological and emotional background, reinforcing the main impact. We are talking about the official procedure for determining the winner, the ritual rewards for achievements, recognition of their social importance, competition and attrition is weakrivals in the case of multi-stage competitions. A complex combination of all these factors allows to manifest all the physical abilities of the body.

As a rule, compared to the same loads in the non-competitive nature of the adversarial conditions were much more significant functional changes. What is more important in the personal or public terms of the specific competition, the higher the psychological tension. Factors constant warfare, conflict of interests, struggle and rivalry are here by definition. In terms of the team competitions are formed and strengthened relations of mutual assistance and responsibility of individual players to the team.

Young athletes

Not only school education classes involve the use of a competitive method. It is used in the preparation of high-level athletes. Approaches in this matter may be different:

1. Using a competitive method can be executed exercises with a focus on increased load. That is, the training is in a contest for maximum number of repetitions of exercises and elements of General training.

play training method

2. Can be organized competitions that involve the performance of occasional tasks that don't need to specifically prepare, but is required to mobilize psychologically strong enough. An example is the competition rate of progress on the move a new and unusual movement or unusual combinations of elements.

How else can you use competitive method

It is Possible to compete in the main exercise in partially modified form (for example, running at a distance similar to the main, or throwing a projectile of increased gravity).

It is Possible to focus on the qualitative side exercise with reduced levels of competition.

Why competitive method is essential for the formation of sporting qualities and traits? The point is that it is based on the natural human desire to win. Installation to improve your own results and physical parameters in the competition to mobilize and involve all kinds of interpersonal relationships that occur in sports. Before the party aims to work to the limit of their own capabilities and to master the ability to control themselves (sometimes in rather difficult conditions).

He gives

Therefore, a complex pedagogical task can be solved using a competitive method. This also applies to the education of the qualities of moral and physical order, improving skills, and abilities, the rational use of them in difficult conditions. In comparison with other methods it makes maximum demands on the physical capabilities of the human body, so they get optimum development.

At the same time we should not forget about the potential danger of the development of not only positive character traits. The environment of constant competition can sometimes lead to a strengthening of such negative qualities as vanity, selfishness and excessive ambition. Precisely because it is so important to combine competitive method with a competent and highly qualified teaching leadership. Only in this case you should not worry about a decent moral upbringing of the younger generation.

gaming technology in physical education

What can you recommend in practice

And gaming, and competitive methods lead to an effective increase in the level of training and the development of physical qualities. Applying them, try not to move the mechanical variety is given in a variety of anthologies and textbooks of the game models in own practice work with students. Any of the forms should be modified and adapted to a particular occupation, depending on the set of tasks.

Physical education classes for younger students in the game plan, it is advisable to include the following forms related to gaming method:

2. Comic jobs.

3. Outdoor games.

4. The organization of classes according to the selected plot.

5. The use of exercise equipment and play equipment.

One of such forms could be circuit training, where the nodal points are the different types of machines.

Gaming method - exercises for the example

Power and speed as well educated with the help of outdoor games and exercises involving jumping, relay race, using the ball etc. Widely known games such as "Pass faster", "Throwing shield", "the Best jumper", "Relay", "Quantitative program", etc.

Flexibility is brought up in games of "Keep your balance", "the Shallows under the bridge", "Wave", "Relay two", "Race with gymnastic sticks", "Tag in the race", "Nimble, flexible", etc.

The Level of endurance is increased by using the following mobile games: salokya, relay races with the return, the ball rolling on speed, "Take free space", "Hunter", "Swallows". The description of all these and many similar exercises and forms of carrying out of game activities can be found in special books or on the Internet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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