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Among the readers there are many fans of baking. What could be more delicious and fragrant pie or muffins. In our article we want to talk and baking of puff unleavened dough. It always turns out very tasty. The variety of recipes allows you to cook a variety of dishes based on puff pastry.
If you love pastries from puff unleavened dough, you probably keep it in the refrigerator, store-bought ready-made dough. Unfortunately, the modern Housewives don't always have time to cook it, because it is troublesome and takes time. Much easier to have a spare ready that you can always use in case of need. In this case, the task is greatly simplified and there is no need to prepare unleavened puff pastry.
Baking Recipes with cream cheese are some of the most popular among Housewives. Cheese culinary products have a unique taste and aroma. They love everything: both adults and children. Juicy Selecci prepared quickly and easily. The taste of baked goods can vary by adding berries, dried fruit, raisins.
As you have already understood, as a filling, we will use the cheese. For this mix with the sugar and egg yolk. Mix the stuffing with a fork to break lumps.
Pack the dough out of the refrigerator and let them thaw. Then cut it into equal squares, the perimeter of which lubricates protein, whereby the edges of loecki should better stick together. In the center of each blank put a spoonful of cottage cheese. Next, close the puff and the edges fastened together with a fork (like pasties). Silicone brush, grease the surface of the protein. Far turn on the oven and put it in the baking sheet with the puffs. They prepare about fifteen minutes. Such cakes of puff unleavened dough with cheese turns out very tasty. And the speed of cooking happy. Ready puff is no worse than those that are sold in bakeries.
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Baking of puff unleavened dough does not have to be sweet. You can prepare a wonderful cake with a rich meat filling. This is a perfect dish to whip up. A meat pie can be a wonderful lunch or dinner. This dish is prepared quickly and easily.
For cooking, you can take any stuffing. Add to it the chopped onion and stir the mass. Next, the minced meat fry in a pan until semi-state. One layer of dough rolled in the shape of the pan and spread on a filling, don't forget to add salt and pepper. Then cover with second layer of pie dough.
Fastened to its edge, and the upper part lubricates the beaten egg. With a fork, make several punctures to the pie turned out beautiful. Send it in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Ready pie hot serve.
Baking of puff unleavened dough is quite diverse. We offer you to prepare loecki with meat-tasty dish that will please everyone. They are incredibly delicious not only hot but cold. Juicy filling like every member of the family.
To prepare puffs you can use a variety of toppings. Our recipe for puff pastry involves the use of minced meat. To it add salt, pepper, chopped garlic and onions. Stuffing mix, it is ready for further work.
Taken from the refrigerator dough, expand it slightly, and roll out. Cut each sheet into equal squares (side of the square should be equal to 8-10 centimeters). In the center of each spread meat filling and shaping of dough puff in any convenient way. You can, for example, make an envelope or a triangle.
Next, prepare a baking sheet, greased with oil. Although, in our opinion, easier to use greaseproof paper. Selecci spread on a baking sheet and grease with a brush the surface with beaten egg. If you made triangles of dough, you need to make punctures on the surface to come out steam and not upset the integrity of the product. Is baked to 30 minutes, as the mince should be well grilled.
If you cook a pastry from puff unleavened dough, you may be interested in our recipe. We offer you to cook a delicious dish of rhubarb. Of course, it is not often found on our tables, but nevertheless good for baking. Finished Selecci usually sprinkled with sesame seeds, sugar, or Mac. This dessert can be taken as a snack at work or on nature.
To prepare the filling, we need the petioles of rhubarb. Wash them and peel and then finely chop. Then add the sugar and vanilla. The stuffing is ready. Next, unfold the pastry sheet andslightly roll out. Next cut into blanks of rectangular or square shape. Sizes you can pick yourself. On one half of each rectangle, make cuts, and on the second put a lot of sugar and rhubarb. Further, the fastening edge of the puffs and lay them on a baking sheet, the laid paper. On top of the baking grease with the egg using a silicone brush. They can also be sprinkled with sugar, sesame seeds or poppy seeds. Prepare the puffs in the oven for at least 20 minutes.
Baking of puff unleavened dough with apples – is a real holiday. Offer to cook a wonderful Apple pie. It can apply to a Cup of coffee. By the way, this recipe is good for those occasions when you suddenly come to visit. Literally within a short amount of time with minimal effort you can prepare an excellent dessert.
Take the dough out of the fridge and leave it to heat up. And in the meantime, let's prepare the toppings. Apples wash and peel, then cut into cubes. Add sugar and cinnamon, if you love it. As we prepare the pie, we need the corresponding form. Grease it with a rolled piece of pastry. This is the basis for our baking. On top pour the Apple-sugar mixture. Next, roll out another sheet of dough, close the pie and remove unnecessary part of the test. The upper surface of the cake grease with the egg. Now bake it in the oven. Preparing cakes of unleavened puff pastry stuffed fast enough, enough for twenty minutes. During this time the apples have time to grilled, and even to let the juice.
Speaking of sweet pastries made of flaky unleavened dough, it is impossible not to recall the croissants. They prepare amazingly simple. For a sweet dessert, you can take a variety of toppings.
As a filling, we will use the apples. To do this, wash them, and peel, then cut into cubes. So they are not darkened, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice. Also add the sugar.
Next, lay a sheet of dough, lightly roll out and cut out into triangles. At the base of each workpiece spread the filling with sugar. Then roll the croissants. From top to grease them with egg and bake it in the oven. Twenty minutes later, the cake is baked.
The Tabs – this is a delicious unleavened cakes from ready-made puff pastry. Preparing this dessert in minutes. The reeds can be submitted to tea or given to children with them to school.
Taken from the refrigerator two sheets of dough. Give them the opportunity to heat up and cut into equal rectangles. Each of them lubricated the egg and liberally sprinkle with sugar. Then put the tabs on a baking sheet with parchment. Bake it for no more than 10-15 minutes.
There are many recipes of sweet pastries made of flaky unleavened dough. But we should also recall the wonderful cakes. For example, you can cook a tube with a cream filling. Everyone remembers this tasty treat from childhood. As a filling you can use any cream: protein or oil. This dessert will appeal to the whole family and children especially.
If a stock has a packing test, to make a tube of cream are generally very simple. To do this, take out the dough from the refrigerator and let them warm up, and then roll out to a thickness of about 0.5 mm. and Then cut the layer into strips of a width not more than four inches.
For dessert cooking we need special cones of metal. They usually use confectioners for the preparation of the delights. They can be constructed, for example, of foil. On each preset for winding thereof, the rim test and this is done overlapping. Next, the tubes are sent to be baked in the oven. Meanwhile you can start preparing the filling. Beat with a mixer butter and then add the condensed milk, still whisking. Typically, these tubules filled with protein cream. But this stuffing is very tasty, so it is imperative to try. Whisk the cream in about five to seven minutes. And then put it in a pastry bag and fill the tube. Top dessert beauty you can lightly sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Recipes with photos the baking of puff unleavened dough that are listed in our article will help to Fund a range of tasty and quick dishes of many Housewives. As one of these options can be a roll with poppy seeds.
Mack poured very hot water and allow it to infuse. After half an hour drainthe water from the pan and place it on the fire to evaporate the excess liquid. Add milk, honey and sugar. Ovarium weight on a slow fire for about forty minutes. Then enter the butter and cook for another five minutes.
The Dough out on work surface and spread the poppy filling. Collapsible roll, which top grease yolk. Put the cakes on a baking sheet with parchment and send it in the oven. In forty minutes the loaf can be served on the table.
Our recipe baking of puff unleavened dough in the oven is very simple. Hearty chicken pot pie to cook faster. The dish can be a great lunch or dinner.
Baking can take any chicken. Ideally, it can be tenderloin, but it is quite good and the stuffing, pan-fried.
To prepare the pie fillet must be pre-boiled. After it cools cut it into pieces, adding pepper and salt. Take out the dough from the refrigerator and enable it to heat up. After we roll out the layer to the size of the pan. Spread on a filling of chicken. You can also add chopped green onions. On top lay a second sheet of dough. Its surface is lubricated with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Send the cake in the oven. Twenty minutes later, the cakes can be served.
Looks Delicious classic strudel in the photo. Recipe unleavened cakes of puff pastry with Apple will take a little time and effort. This dessert can offer a ball of ice cream, then a treat will be even tastier.
The pre-Dough out of the fridge so it could warm up. Meanwhile, peel the apples from the skin and cut into pieces. Mix them with sugar and flour, add the cinnamon.
Roll out the pastry sheet and grease it with melted butter, then sprinkle it with crackers. After we spread the Apple filling and evenly distribute it over the surface. Collapsible roll and doing it on top of the cuts that the steam could get out. On top of strudel dough milk and send it in the oven. After 35 minutes a delicious dessert with Apple ready.
This recipe is the baking of unleavened dough ready lets cook delicious chocolate croissants. The sweetness will be a good alternative to store-bought options.
Get pre-dough from the refrigerator and allow it to heat up. After we roll it out and cut into long triangles. Chocolate broken pieces and put it in the base of each workpiece. Next, turn the croissants and slightly bend them to form the shape of a Crescent. That horn had a beautiful color, they must top grease yolk. Place the pastries on a baking sheet with parchment and put into the oven. Twenty minutes later the croissants you can eat.
The Cakes of unleavened puff pastry with jam - it is one of the best options. All chocolate lovers will appreciate this dessert. By the way, for cooking you can use absolutely any your favorite jam: strawberry, cherry, currant or apricot. Choosing a filling for puffs, you need to pay attention to its consistency. Jam should not be too thin, otherwise it will simply spread out on the baking sheet. A very good option to combine toppings. For example, you can connect cheese with jam. Turns out very tasty filling.
For making delicious puffs we will only need the dough and jam.
The Sheet is rolled and cut identical rectangular blanks for puffs. In the center of each put a spoonful of jam. How to fasten a puff so that it is not lost form, but the filling does not leak? Around the perimeter of the workpiece from the test must be applied with a silicone brush egg yolk. This will help to seal the edges of the pastry. The blank is folded in half and crushed seams. On top of the pastry make a few small incisions. This simple move will allow the couple to freely enter, without spoiling the beauty of the culinary masterpiece. Ready puff spread on a baking tray with baking paper and put to bake. In twenty minutes it is possible to invite to the table.
From the cherries to make a layer cake. By the way, as a filling you can use any berries and fruits. But the combination of incredibly delicate puff pastry with cherry – it is something divine.
Take out the Dough from the refrigerator, and cherry are thrown back on a colander, to have gone excess moisture.
The Sheet of dough roll out and place on a baking sheet with parchment. Pour cherries on top to an even layer and sprinkle them with sugar. Cover pie with the second layer of dough, grease the surface of the yolk.With a fork make holes in the surface of the pastry. Send the cake in the oven. 25 minutes later, dessert is ready.
If you love cake but don't have the desire and ability to spend a lot of time on their cooking, our recipe is sure you will enjoy. Puff pastry – the perfect base for biscuits, pastries and puffs. But at least a good such dough cakes.
Defrosted the dough a little roll out and formed from it the same size cakes. Bake them on a baking tray on baking paper. Each cake will increase in volume several times. For further convenience you should then, during cooking the cake, all the layers slightly flatten with your hands.
While the cakes are cooling, you can prepare the cream. To do this in a bowl, mix sugar with sour cream and whip the cream with a mixer. You can add a little thickener. However, the cream should not be too thick, because it needs good wet cakes. Lubricated creamy mass of all the layers, stacking them on one another. On top of the finished cake decorate with cherries. To prepare this dessert you can use other suitable creams.
For Example, a good filling is obtained from the condensed milk and butter. They were mixed and thoroughly whipped. You can also add lemon zest. A good addition to the cake can be nuts. The dessert can be arranged in the form of individual cakes.
As you can see, puff pastry can be cooked an incredible amount of delicious dishes. This baked incredibly fast, and the taste of the finished culinary products always happy. We hope that our recipes will be useful to each owner. Especially that wonderful cooking baking requires experience and skills, and therefore, the simplest recipes are useful for beginners.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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