The pumpkin pie: simple and delicious recipes


2018-03-27 00:54:22




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Many people do not like the taste of this orange fruit in baking. But use it for the body is invaluable. First of all, pumpkin pulp is a source of vitamins C, T, K, group B, and A, D and E. Autumn vegetable has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator and cleanser. It contains fiber and pectin that contribute to the normalization of the digestive system. The skillful cooking of this vegetable makes great cakes, and delicious. The best cake recipes with pumpkin are presented in our article. The choice may be to prepare pastries for main course or for dessert.

Classic pumpkin pie

Classic American pumpkin pie

The Birthplace of pumpkin is considered to be South America, the indigenous people which started to grow this orange vegetable five thousand years ago. Today's pie of pumpkin pulp is traditionally served on thanksgiving and other holidays. This pastry is a shortbread crust with lots of toppings orange and spicy aromas of spices.

American pie pumpkin in the oven is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. To start the dough. For this, 200 g sifted wheat flour mixed with a pinch of salt and sugar (50 g). Then they added butter (100 g). The mass is first chopped with a knife, and then is made with a fork. As soon as it becomes homogeneous, the injected egg. Kneaded dough goes in the fridge for half an hour.
  2. At this time, prepare the stuffing. A pound of pumpkin is cleaned from the peel, cut into arbitrary pieces, put in a saucepan and poured milk. There is added 100 g of sugar and the cinnamon stick. Pumpkin in a saucepan brought to the boil, then boil on low heat for 30 minutes.
  3. Chilled dough is distributed along the bottom and sides of the form. Is laid on top of sheet of parchment and poured the load in the form of beans or peas. The pie shell is baked 20 minutes at 180 °C.
  4. Chilled filling from the pumpkin crushed with a blender to a puree.
  5. In a separate deep bowl with a mixer beat the egg. Then added pumpkin puree. The mass is whipped again and laid on the cake.
  6. At the temperature of 160 °pie is baked for 40 minutes. During this time the filling should be dense.

The pumpkin Pie yogurt

pumpkin Cake on kefir

The Next version of the cakes is ideal for home tea party. The pumpkin pie yogurt turns out dry, but wet enough on the inside. So it is no need to soak or smear with cream.


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Preparing pumpkin cake in this order:

  1. You first need to prepare the main ingredient for baking. For this, 200 g of pumpkin you need to cook or bake in the oven (20 minutes), then cool and grind immersion blender.
  2. The pumpkin puree, add 200 ml of buttermilk and 2 eggs. All the ingredients mix well again between them.
  3. Add to the dough a pinch of salt, 70g of honey or sugar and spices. Pumpkin pie is perfect nutmeg, cinnamon (for ½ tsp.), lemon peel or orange.
  4. Sift the flour (450 g) baking powder (12 g), add to dough and knead well.
  5. The Oven is heated to a temperature of 180 °C.
  6. The Form of grease, pour the dough and send a cake in the oven for 90 minutes. Willingness to check the match or toothpick.

Yeast cake with apples and pumpkin

Yeast cake with pumpkin and apples

The next advantage of baking is that the dough is suitable for her in the fridge. Thus, it is quite possible knead in the evening and in the morning to start baking a cake with pumpkin in the oven.

Step-by-Step cooking recipe use yeast, consists of the following:

  1. In a bowl of dry yeast (2 tsp) to add a bit of salt and 50 g sugar.
  2. Then poured cold milk (1 tbsp.), added whipped with a fork egg and softened butter.
  3. Sifted flour (3 ½ tbsp.).
  4. Knead soft dough, which can be a little sticky. It should transfer to a bowl, wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours, and preferably overnight.
  5. In the Morning to get the dough for a couple of hours before you start working with it.
  6. At this time you need to cook the filling. Pieces of pumpkin with peeled Apple slices cooked until tender. Add sugar to taste. Whisk pumpkin and Apple stuffing in a blender or grind in a different way.
  7. One-Third of the dough aside. Of the remaining parts in the baking pan to form a pie shell with bumpers. Put the cooled filling. The top of the cake to decorate the bars.
  8. Bake the product for 45 minutes at temperature 200 °C or until Golden brown.

Pumpkin cheesecake pie

pumpkin Cake with cream cheese

Step-by-Step recipe following pie pumpkin is to perform a certain sequence of actions:

  1. In a bowl add a raw egg, add sugar (100 g) and vanillin. The mass is whipped with a whisk or with a mixer. As soon as it becomes white and thick, canadd soft butter (100 g), sour cream (75 g) flour (250 g) baking powder (3 g). Kneaded dough goes in the fridge for 60 minutes.
  2. Peeled and sliced pumpkin (350 g) is poured boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes or until tender.
  3. Meanwhile, you could do cottage cheese filling. For this cheese (300 g) whipped immersion blender with sour cream (50 g), condensed milk (70 g), raw egg, starch (1.5 tbsp) and vanilla.
  4. Chilled pumpkin is also crushed to a pulp in any convenient way. Thereafter, the resulting mass is connected with condensed milk (50 g), cinnamon (1 tsp) and starch (1 ½ tsp).
  5. The Dough is laid out in a shape with sides. In the center is alternately filled with toppings: first 2 tablespoons of cheese and then the pumpkin mass. After this form is sent with the pie in the preheated oven (180 °C), where it is baked for 80 minutes. to cut the product only after cooling.

Sweet layer cake with pumpkin

The Following recipe is characterized by its simplicity. For fast with pumpkin pie used frozen puff pastry which can be bought in any supermarket. Also, still need a bit of a thick jam and 200 g of raw pumpkin. The recipe consists of several steps:

  1. A Layer of dough is lightly rolled with a rolling pin. On one side of the knife made deep cuts, and the second part is smeared with jam (2 tbsp).
  2. Pumpkin cut into thin plates. The prepared slices are laid out on a greased jam part and covered the second half of the test. Edge products samitivate.
  3. Recipe pie pumpkin is cooked at a temperature of 180 °C to Browning the top. Ready pastry generously sprinkled with sugar powder.

Pie with raisins, orange zest and pumpkin

Pumpkin pie with raisins

We Offer you another option of cooking delicious home-baked with autumn vegetables:

  1. Pumpkin (300 g) and orange peel rubbed on a fine grater.
  2. Raisins (50 g) for a few minutes pour boiling water, and then laid out on a towel.
  3. Eggs (4 pieces) whipped with sugar (1 tbsp.) to a froth.
  4. Separate mixer whipped margarine (200 g).
  5. Egg part of the test is connected with oil. Added flour (250 g) and baking powder (1 tsp).
  6. We can only stir in the dough the raisins, pumpkin and peel. To put it into the form.
  7. Pie with pumpkin and raisins is baked for 60 minutes. The first half hour the temperature of the oven should be 200 °C and then it should be reduced to 180 °C.

Pie stuffed with pumpkin and rice

The Next version of the cakes - the perfect salty snack for any table. When cooking this pie with pumpkin should not have any difficulties:

  1. Flour (100 g), 50 ml of water and salt (1 teaspoon) knead the dough. It is necessary to gather into a ball, cover with a towel and leave on the table for 30 minutes.
  2. On the stove in a saucepan boil water, add salt and immerse the slices of pumpkin (400 g) and 100 g rice.
  3. After 10 minutes, discard the contents of the pan into the sieve.
  4. Pumpkin slightly crushed. Add in the ricotta filling (200 g) and grated Parmesan (100 g), 1 egg and 1 egg yolk, butter (40 g) and olive (1 tsp).
  5. Divide the Dough into two parts. Thinly roll out each half to give the layers the shape of a rectangle.
  6. On the bottom layer spread the filling. Then cover it with a second piece of dough, edge to take.
  7. Grease top of cake with olive oil (1 tsp). Bake the product for 30 minutes at 180 °C.

Greek pie with meat and pumpkin

Greek pie with pumpkin and meat

This rich pastry is perfect for a main dish. Step-by-step cooking a delicious pie from the pumpkin meat is as follows:

  1. Beef and pork (350 g) cut into small pieces and fried in a pan with onions until all the liquid evaporates. Add salt and pepper.
  2. Pumpkin (300 g) is rubbed on a coarse grater. To taste add a little sugar (1 tbsp).
  3. Puff pastry (900 g) is rolled out in 2 of the reservoir.
  4. On the bottom laid out the stuffing evenly across the surface.
  5. On Top of the filling closes the second layer of dough. The edges of the cake come together. On top of the product lubricated egg.
  6. Bake pie for 45 minutes at 180 OC. Served in hot or cold.

How to cook a cake without flour with semolina and pumpkin?

In the following recipe you can bake very tasty manna. Pie with pumpkin and semolina instead of flour turns moist inside, with a spicy aftertaste of lemon peel. If you do not know, to guess that the addition of the orange vegetable will be very difficult. To make a cake you need:

  1. Preheat the Oven, setting the temperature regime 180 °C.
  2. Grate 250 grams of pumpkin on a fine grater.
  3. To Prepare the lemon zest.
  4. Combine the zest, pumpkin, semolina (1,5 tbsp.), baking powder (1.5 tsp.), a Cup of yogurt, sugar (½ tbsp), a pinch of salt and vanilla.
  5. - Kneaded dough in a greased form.
  6. To Prepare the pie for 45 minutes.
  7. In a saucepan on low heat make a syrup from lemon juice, water (½ tbsp.), sugar (¾ calendar) and vanillin. Cook it for 3 minutes, then remove from the heat and allow to cool.
  8. Pour the prepared hot cake syrup. Cool the pastries and serve.

The Recipe for a delicious cake forslow cooker

Pumpkin pie in a slow cooker

Kitchen aide baking is perfect: always fit and well baked through. Therefore, to prepare in a slow cooker pumpkin cake is a treat. The main thing - to observe the sequence specified in the recipe:

  1. Cup sugar (200 ml) and the pulp of roasted pumpkin (200 g) crushed to a homogeneous state along with the orange zest.
  2. Add the yogurt (200 ml), 2 eggs, lemon juice (1 tbsp) and cinnamon (½ tsp).
  3. Mix the ingredients. Then sift the flour (2,5 tbsp) and a teaspoon of soda.
  4. Knead the dough consistency as pancakes.
  5. Put the dough in a greased bowl. Set the mode "Pastries". The pumpkin pie in the slow cooker 700 watts is going to prepare for 100 minutes. But after 1 hour its willingness to try a toothpick.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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