Uzvar: what it is and how it correctly to prepare?


2018-03-29 01:50:12




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Let's talk about this interesting drink is uzvar. What is it? This is a traditional Ukrainian national drink. It is prepared from dried fruits. In the old days it was prepared exclusively for Christmas. Now drink at any time of the year, even in summer, as it perfectly quenches your thirst and has a very pleasant taste and aroma.

Useful properties of the compote

Prepared uzvar of dried fruits. There may be apples, pears, plums, cherries, raisins. Sometimes add dried apricots and fruits of hawthorn. The use of the compote is due to nutrients contained in fruits and berries. It is well known that trace elements content in dried fruits is higher than in fresh fruits. With proper preparation of the drink, manages to keep all the vitamins (b1 In2, A, C).

uzvar what is it

Compote of dried fruits useful in many diseases. Doctors advise to drink it to strengthen the immune system, especially in the spring, in the gastro-intestinal diseases, problems with the cardiovascular system. It is also able to remove toxins from the body. For this reason, it is prescribed in cases of poisoning or intestinal diseases. Of course, in this case, it is not recommended to put the cherry and plum compote. Uzvar is based on apples. It helps hold the chair and to establish motor skills. Here is such a wonderful drink.

How to prepare this drink is like a drink?

What it is: a drink? Many will say that this is the usual juice, prepared not only from fresh fruit and dried. But this is not true. An ordinary drink has so many useful properties, which have compote. It should be able to prepare correctly in order to keep its most valuable.


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uzvar of dried fruits

In Preparing a regular juice, you boil some time after put fruits and berries. With uzvar can not do so. It has to be removed from heat immediately after water and dried fruits to boil.

In General, before preparing berries and fruits should be thoroughly washed, sometimes soaked to swell. On this account there are several opinions. You can soak the dried fruit overnight, so did our grandmothers. And you can omit them in water before cooking them for literally 15-20 minutes.

Honey or sugar in the compote?

Basically, when we cook the compote, do not have to observe any precise proportions. The more fruit you put in, the more intense will uzvar. Not everybody likes it. Some hostesses prefer a light unsaturated compote. It's a matter of taste. As for sugar, it all depends on your preferences. We believe that a drink needs to be sweet, and you decide for yourself how much sugar you put in.

compote uzvar

If you first prepare the compote (what it is, we have already discussed), until you have determined your preferences, you can follow these proportions of ingredients: two quarts of water put half a kilo of fruit and 250 gram of sugar.

There is one important caveat. Don't be surprised if the compote will turn out not as sweet as you like, although sugar you put enough. The fact that the dried fruit absorb some of it. That is why we advise to put a little more sugar than the ordinary fruit compote.

When the compote has cooled slightly, you can add a couple of tablespoons of honey.

Is it possible another way to cook uzvar?

What it is: a drink? In all the cookbooks says it's a refreshing drink made from dried fruits and berries, sometimes with the addition of a small amount of honey. Perhaps the name itself comes from the word “brewing”, because this drink can not cook. There is a recipe in which fruits and berries poured with boiling water, then covered with a lid and marinate. Of course, this method of cooking is considered more forgiving because it allows to preserve all nutrients and vitamins in the drink. However, we must remember that in this case, you need to insist compote, otherwise it can be too bright and unsaturated. They say that the longer it infuses, the better and more useful work.

uzvar to corner

The Drink can be refilled only with honey and sugar and not put. Sometimes in it add cloves and cinnamon, and even lemon zest and orange. You need to be careful with the compote for diabetics. They had better not to use it because of the excessive sweetness.

Cooking uzvar to corner

To prepare festive Kuti definitely need a drink. “What is the pudding?” you ask. This is a traditional Christmas dish. It is cooked wheat, raisins, poppy, nuts. In the old days said about that the better-tasting pudding, the more rich will be the year. This pudding is also called “rich”.

For its preparation necessarily need the compote. To corner take ingredients such as:

  1. Purified Wheat-1 Cup.
  2. Mac – 130 g.
  3. Water – 250-300 g.
  4. Salt.
  5. Raisins (preferably light) – 150-170 g.
  6. Walnuts (lightly roasted) – 120 g.
  7. Honey-4-5 tbsp.

cook uzvar

For the compote you will need:

  1. Dried fruits & ndash; 200g.
  2. Water-2 cups.

Wheat is thoroughly washed and boiled at least two hours. However, it should be soaked in water overnight. This will facilitate the cooking process. Mac have to steam it and leave for one hour to infuse. Then drained the excess liquid and pound it in a mortar with sugar or with a blender until the appearance of milk. Raisins pour boiling water, too.

As a rule, the Christmas pudding - a generous kutia. She dressed with not only honey, but also a compote, which is very intense. After it cools down, add honey.

Ready wheat mixed with raisins, poppy seeds, nuts. You can add pieces of sliced fruit from the drink. And then Christmas pudding to fill with compote and honey.

Instead of an epilogue

Compote – this is a wonderful, useful vitamin drink. It is quite possible to cook in the summer heat, it perfectly quenches your thirst. In addition, it is used for medicinal purposes. Even in the old days, the drink started to prepare the second half of winter, when the body is exhausted and is in need of vitamins and useful elements. Try this miracle drink and enjoy its taste.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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