Delicious rainbow trout soup: recipe with photos


2018-03-29 01:30:16




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Soups trout belong to the smart and healthy diet. This fish is almost impossible to be spoiled by improper cooking. It has tender and tasty meat.

Soups of the trout are cooked quickly and do not require any special culinary skills or knowledge. Every woman will cope with this task for 30-40 minutes.


The Fish (400 g) and clean well under running water washed. It cut into large pieces. Onion and parsley root, cleaned and coarsely chopped. Pieces of fish pour into a saucepan 1.5 liters of water.

Broth boiled for 30 minutes with onions and celery. In the cooking process, add salt to taste. At this time, cleaned 400 g potato and cut it into medium cubes. Trout out of the pan, and strain the broth. Onions and celery next recipe is not used.

cooking trout

The broth to send the potatoes and cook until tender. You can add black pepper and Bay leaf. The fish is cleaned from the bones. Rainbow trout soup poured in portions into bowls. They gently lay the fish on top and sprinkle chopped herbs.


This soup recipe, trout and other seafood will please fans of French cuisine.

To prepare it you need one onion peel and cut into medium dice. Then it are sauteed on high heat directly in the pan in vegetable oil.

Medium-sized tomatoes (2 pieces) cut into small squares, pre-removing the stem. In a pan, add 30 ml of red wine and evaporate alcohol, to send tomatoes.

After 5-10 minutes, add 1 tsp tomato paste and 1/2 tsp sugar. This mass needs to stew. Then add to the pot:

  • 100 g trout;
  • 70 Mr. walleye;
  • 5-6 pieces of mussels;
  • 7 pieces of tiger prawns.

All the seafood is cleaned in advance. Fish cut into medium slices. The whole mass extinguish within 5 minutes. Then pour water, it should cover all the ingredients.


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The Soup for salt and add spices. At the end of cooking add finely chopped fresh Basil.


The Fish entrees are quite simple to prepare and healthy. To prepare the soup you will need one medium size trout. Its gutted, cleaned from the scales, washed under running water and cut into large pieces.

In a pot put to boil the broth with all parts of the fish. Head pre-remove the gills. The broth boiled for about 30 minutes. Then the fish get from it and remove all the bones.

At this time, in the same broth boil 2 potatoes and carrots. Then the vegetables are ground with the addition of a small amount of broth into a liquid puree. Trout very finely chopped and put in the total weight.

the cream-soup with trout

In the soup add 150 ml cream and spices. Send the pan back on the fire. If the soup is too thick, you can dilute it with a little of the remaining fish broth.

Pour the soup in portioned bowls, top to decorate with small pieces of the remaining fish.

Soup, the head and tail trout

This kind of fish, refers to the delicacies. So throw away the heads and tails not rational. One can get a great soup, which taste will not give a full ear.

For its preparation it is necessary to put a pot of water (2,5 -3 litres) on the fire. To send the tail, fins and head of the trout, removing the gills in advance.

When boiling remove foam and add black pepper and a few pieces of Bay leaf. Cook the broth for 40 minutes on low heat. Then lay the fish in a separate bowl and allow it to cool.

Vegetables clean. Potatoes (4-5 PCs.), cut into medium cubes and put in the strained broth. Carrots rubbed on a grater and add this form in boiling soup.

Onions chopped into small cubes and are sauteed in vegetable oil. Then shift the pan to the other ingredients. Soup cook until potatoes are done. At this time fish fillet separated from the bones, and then add to the soup.

This dish is not need to flavor lots of spices, otherwise it will permanently lose its natural aroma and taste. Before serving in each plate put a little chopped fennel.

Cream soup

Red fish goes well with dairy products. So creamy soup with trout will have a delicate and pleasant taste.

cooking trout
  1. Onion cleaned and finely crumble.
  2. Carrot (1 piece) peeled RUB on a coarse grater.
  3. 2-3 tomatoes pour over boiling water and snimaut them from the skin. A vegetable cut into small cubes.
  4. 400 g potatoes clean and cut in small slices.
  5. An Empty pot of soup is put on the fire and pour in her vegetable oil. It for frying onions send. Once it becomes transparent add tomatoes and carrots. Mixture are sauteed.
  6. After 10 minutes, pour 1 liter of water and bring the mass to a boil.
  7. Send in the soup potatoes. His slightly salt to the vegetable after cooking was not fresh. Leave the soup to simmer for another 10 minutes.
  8. In a saucepan add 250 g trout, sliced, and immediately poured into 400 mllow-fat cream.
  9. Cook the Soup until cooked vegetables and at the end to taste even salt.
creamy soup with trout

The soup in portions of the plates, and next to put a plate of sliced greens.


To the first dish of trout was hearty, you can add a variety of cereals. Rice goes well with this kind of product, so this option is perfect for a fish soup out of my head trout. Stages of preparation:

  1. For the soup you will need 5-6 potatoes, onion and carrots. All the vegetables are cleaned and washed. Potatoes cut in small dice. Carrots scrubbed and finely chopped onion for a roast.
  2. Put On the fire a pot with 2 liters of water. Bring to the boil and placed there 2-3 head trout with gills removed. The broth is cooked for 30-40 minutes. The fish then set aside.
  3. In a saucepan send the potatoes and bring to a boil. There also pour 70 g of washed rice. Soup add some salt and cook to readiness of vegetables and cereals. At this time, the onions and carrots are sauteed in vegetable oil. Zazharku sent in a pot almost at the end of cooking.
  4. From the heads choose pieces of meat and put in the soup.

Before serving the dish in portions of the plates, sprinkle with chopped parsley.


soup of trout and cauliflower

The Fish goes well with a variety of vegetables. So the soup from the tail of the trout with cauliflower will have a delicate flavor.

400 g fish tails put stew in a pot with 2 liters of water. Periodically remove the foam to the broth was transparent.

At this time the potatoes (two medium tuber) cleaned and cut into cubes.

Carrots and a medium sized celeriac peeled rubbed on a grater. Stir fry vegetables in vegetable oil until soft.

3 tbsp. rice steamed with boiling water for 10 minutes. Several times stirred to the grains don't stick together.

200 g cauliflower disassembled into small florets. Large can be cut.

From the broth, remove the tails and filter. It in the following order send ingredients:

  • Potatoes;
  • Rice;
  • Roasting;
  • Cabbage.

Once all the vegetables are cooked, the soup put meat fish, which are selected with tails. You need to carefully remove all the bones. Cook soup for another 10 minutes. Then it needs a little more time to brew. When serving you can decorate with chopped parsley.

A Few cooking secrets

The Trout is a fairly expensive product. To cook delicious first courses often use different parts from it. Fish soup out of my head trout differ rich taste. The soup is nourishing and delicious.

After boiling, always remove the foam. Fish heads lay in the broth, only deleting them from the gills, otherwise the dish will taste bitter and have an unappealing color.

Fish soup of trout you want to add more greens. Fish goes well with parsley and dill.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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