Water fasting with lemon and honey: benefits and harms


2018-04-09 03:00:30




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If there is a cure for all diseases, it is probably honey lemon. No wonder people say that those who from childhood lived in the apiary and constantly ate fragrant bee product, in your old age to have no chronic diseases. One honey, of course, is not to cure a serious illness. But to protect yourself from colds and also to prevent the development of most diseases is possible. This is proven by many studies. In our article we will talk about the benefits of water with lemon and honey if you drink it on an empty stomach. We will also talk about the unique properties of this drug depending on the types of honey.water fasting with lemon and honey

General information

Warm water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach acts as a medicine of wide range. High concentration of vitamins, acids and biometal, which is rich in natural honey is absorbed more fully, if metabolism is involved in ascorbic acid, i.e. vitamin C. Lemon – the champion of the content of this trace element. Contraindications lemon juice with honey and water almost does not matter. It can not only afford individuals with allergies to citrus. Research by found that high-quality natural honey, taken in small amounts, can cause rejection. An Allergy occurs, if the product there are contaminants, such as fragments of chitin and the products of metabolism of mites that can settle in the hives, etc.water with lemon and honey for weight loss


How to prepare and received water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach? The recipe is not very complicated. The most important thing – to have a strong fresh lemons, natural honey and good water. Since water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach (reviews confirm this) helps with many kinds of problems, I advise you to find a good supplier of honey. And purchase an expensive water filter or buy healing and soft spring, and for slicing lemon to use a porcelain knife. The fact that ascorbic acid, which is so important in our potion is destroyed in the interaction with the metal. Porcelain knife found is not so simple, and it is expensive. But insiders say that the simplification of the prescription in any part of it can completely negate the expected result.


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Option one

1 kg lemon scalded with boiling water and cut into small slices, 8-10 grams each, folded in a glass jar, add honey, about half a kilo, and refrigerate in the crisper. A day in the Bank formed a liquid with a lemon-honey syrup. It should be used as the basis for a morning drink. In a glass of water – 80-90 grams of syrup. Drink immediately upon waking, 20-30 minutes before meals. a glass of water with honey and lemon

Option two

Lemon scalded with boiling water, cut a few slices – about 80-90 grams, to put in a large Cup, add 60 grams of honey and pour in a quart of warm water. Stir and slowly drink.

Another way – lemon scald and cut into two halves. Squeeze out the juice, add honey (35-40 g), 180 ml of water, stir and drink on an empty stomach.

The Therapeutic properties of the drink

If on an empty stomach to drink water with lemon and honey, it will strengthen the blood vessels, making them more supple and permeable. Potassium and magnesium will strengthen the myocardium, restored the heart rate, calm the nervous system. Taken on an empty stomach water with lemon and honey (the reviews of those who have passed a month, claim that it really is) contributes to weight reduction. This is not surprising because normal acid-alkaline balance in the body, improves intestinal microflora. As a consequence, accelerates metabolism.

Well blood-thinning water with lemon and honey (reviews of phlebology on this issue agree) protects against the development of varicose veins.

With regard to seasonal outbreaks of respiratory viral infections, and in this case our drink could act as a panacea. One has only to start the habit with the whole family every morning to drink a glass of water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach, as a cold, ruthlessly attacking all around, will bypass you and your household side. The young and constantly Horny appearance: condition of skin, hair and weight loss - need to stop looking in pharmacies miracle pills beauty. They don't exist. Almost all of the best pharmacological agents are vitamins and minerals that just contains water with lemon and honey. For weight loss, beautiful appearance and good tone nothing is better not to think. If you want to delve into the issue, then is not it better to stock up on different varieties of honey and drink them one at a time? Because honey honey discord. Depending on the time of collection, species of plants and habitats, its properties are quite different.in the morning on an empty stomach water with lemon and honey

Alcoholism Treatment

It is Known that water with lemon and honey can relieve a person from such a severe illness, like addiction to alcohol. A detailed study of the composition and functional impact of drink on the body it becomes clear, why this is happening.

In General, the cure mechanism proceeds as follows. Water with lemon and honey relieves a hangover. A large number of complex acidsstimulates the production of hormones responsible for good health and spirits. The improved condition of the nervous system. Anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and fear neutralized.

Good muscle tone, smooth positive mood, healthy state, which become permanent sense, is exactly what makes finding a fun distraction and not alcohol, but in a completely different, healthy and prosperous field.

Under the influence of honey and lemon speeds up the metabolism quickly removes the products of metabolism. In this way intoxication is removed. Diuretic effect of the drink speeds up the elimination of toxic substances. However, one glass in this case is not necessary. Drink should be daily, preferably several times a day.

Buckwheat – a versatile plant

Our country is famous for its excellent honey, the nectar which bees collect from buckwheat. This variety has a reddish-brown color from light to dark tint that is very nice. Slight bitterness – a distinctive feature of the present buckwheat honey. In taste and medical qualities it belongs to the best category. Water fasting with lemon and honey from this plant cures many diseases. Especially it is necessary to tell about its benefits for blood. Buckwheat honey – the champion of the content of various vitamins and minerals. Anemia lemon honey water in the morning will help to increase the level of hemoglobin and improve blood composition.

Drink with the aroma of lime

Divine taste and aroma of Linden honey. Light, almost white, with a light cream color, it can be almost greenish color. Kristallizuetsya pretty quickly. Useful properties of honey when combined with lemon only intensified. Water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach (reviews of regular consumers of the beverage in this meet) is able to increase the tone and not to develop depression. This is due to the fact that acids, vitamins and biometals contained in lime honey, normalize hormonal balance of the body. water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach testimonialsGeneral condition Improves, comes to the harmony of the nervous system. Noticed that drinking on an empty stomach in the morning water with lemon and honey, relieves insomnia in the evening. With regular use morning rises cease to be a problem in autumn and winter, when daylight hours are short and even around day sluggish, dozing and yawning.

Phacelia for the digestive system

Phacelia – honey plant, which are grown specifically to produce very useful for the digestive system product. In addition, phacelia-green manure, to improve soil quality. With this purpose it is sown several times a year. Fazeley honey long time no candy, staying transparent and liquid. Drinking water on an empty stomach with lemon and honey from phacelia activates liver function, eliminates heartburn, heal ulcers of the stomach and intestines. For kidney stones and inflammation of gallbladder this drink will be especially useful. Pronounced immunomodulatory effects contribute to the overall rejuvenation of the body.warm water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach

Drink with Apple honey

The Apple blossom honey is rare and delicious. This is due to the fact that simultaneously with the Apple trees bloom and other plants-honey plants more attractive to bees. If the year was fruitful for apples and poor for other plants near the apiary, the beekeeper will put up for sale this fragrant product that has the best properties of fresh apples. Made with Apple honey and lemon water fasting for weight loss most appropriate. It acts as widely known drink from Apple cider vinegar with honey. Only honey water has no contraindications during exacerbation of diseases of the stomach.

Mustard & ndash; one of the favorite plant of bees

Mustard & ndash; a great honey plant. I must say that bee to obtain the nectar, which they feed their offspring, choose the best. Plants are called honey plants, are among the richest content of nutrients. If the apiary is located near mustard fields, until the mustard is gone, and the little workers will not touch the other plants. Mustard as some others listed in our article types of honey, is one of the most stable in composition. For this quality it is similar to buckwheat, lime, asparatame, fazlieva small number of other types of honey.

How useful water with lemon and honey mustard, can tell a physician specializing in urological diseases. This drink has a positive effect on the urogenital system of the male body.

An Adverse effect on the lungs and bronchi of nicotine may be reduced if daily fasting drink a lemon drink with honey from the flowers of mustard.

Sweet, soft and delicate taste of the honey mustard combined perfectly with the sharpness of the lemon. On taste, this drink is considered to be one of the best. lemon juice with honey and water

Manuka-a unique plant

If you managed to buy honey from Manuka, you are very lucky. The uniqueness minutowego honey is a powerful antifungal and antibacterial actions. In other words, water fasting with lemon and honey Manuka - a drug against staphylococcal infections that cannot be blocked antibiotics. Honey from Manukatreats cancer. The combination of honey with lemon enhances the effect, it turns out the cure, which is a powerful antioxidant. Rising above the bushes in New Zealand and the people of Russia are not easy to find this product.

Sage honey-lemon drink

Sage honey – a rare delicacy with a slightly bitter taste. If you are lucky and you are the owner of this product, know your useful sweet and sour water is more suitable for women. Water fasting with lemon and honey from the flowers of sage normalizes the menstrual cycle, relieve muscle pain and improve blood clotting.

A Slight laxative effect of the drink will improve the digestive system. As a consequence-will improve the complexion and condition of hair and nails.

A Marked diuretic effect of the drink will relieve from swelling and return a slender and fit figure.

Lemon and honey drink has antibacterial properties and is a good antiseptic, so it helps to destroy putrefactive bacteria lodged in the mouth. Accordingly, it is a means to the prevention and treatment of stomatitis and periodontal disease.on an empty stomach to drink water with lemon and honey

Acacia honey - tenderness

Acacia honey is characterized by pure white color and delicate sweet taste. His kids love. It promotes rapid growth and regeneration of cells of organ tissues, especially of bone.

In Addition, drink acacia honey is recommended for adults if you have problems in the urogenital area. It is suitable for both men and women. Include in your diet, acacia honey, you will create a natural barrier to cancer of reproductive organs.

Drink from the alfalfa honey

Alfalfa honey is nice-sweet and delicate taste. Its distinctive feature – fast crystallization from the thick resinous substance Golden brown in the white creamy mass.

The Therapeutic properties of lemon drink with alfalfa honey more all aimed at strengthening the myocardium. He gently lowers and stabilizes blood pressure. Being a cholagogue, the drink has a beneficial effect on the liver and gall bladder.

Lemon and alfalfa drink indispensable for colds as improves the overall condition and speeds recovery. With constant use, during the disease it protects against complications as inflammation of the nose and throat and coughing are only a few days.

Lavandulaefolia drink

Lavender honey are delivered to us from the mountain regions. The smell of the flowering plant attracts bees but repels ticks and other parasites. For this reason, in the hive is not the decay products of insects, whose remains can get into the honey and cause an allergic reaction. Lavandulaefolia lemon water helps with nervous disorders, on changes in blood pressure and decreased immunity. It is useful to drink on an empty stomach people engaged in mental work, students, pupils and seniors. Glucose and fructose contained in it that increase brain activity.the healthy water with lemon and honey

Drink lemon with honey rastoropshi

Rastoropny honey is valued for its ability to improve blood composition, increasing the number of platelets. A drink of lemon and honey rastoropshi especially good for the liver. Due to the unique composition of minerals, it has a beneficial effect on the liver cells. Bactericidal properties of this wonderful elixir of clear tissue called the body of toxins and microscopic parasites.

In Addition to the liver, a therapeutic effect rastoropshi honey with lemon apply on the joints and interarticular fluid. The drink is very useful to drink for pain in the joints and rheumatism.

Elixir of lemon and honey of silvery lohan

Honey sucker silver has an extremely delicate flavor and exquisite aroma. Nectar for his bees harvested in late spring, before flowering of the main honey plants. This honey is a rare and extremely useful. It retains a liquid consistency and very slowly kristallizuetsya. Due to high content of fructose in contrast to glucose, it can be consumed even by diabetics. It perfectly stimulates brain activity, treats severe depression, restores the nervous system and strengthens the immune system.

Female drink and accuraely honey

Another rare type of honey, accurately, it is considered more useful for women's health. Plant Accuray, or drupe perennial, grows on the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This is lovely honey. Honey is also very tasty, but has no smell. Quickly kristallizuetsya. Drink of lemon and honey with warm water on an empty stomach is good for the nervous system, curing nervous disorders and giving a healthy sleep. Drink it for cancer, he also is a preventive measure for ailments of the female genital organs. Is considered the great Energizer. Due to the balanced set of essential acids and trace elements, displays the body of excess salt and dissolves cholesterol plaques formed in the blood vessels.

Drink with osotovy honey

Despite the fact that the weed-grass growing everywhere, the honey out of it – a rare product. The fact that the sow Thistle is considered a weed that farmers try to eradicate it in all possible ways. The honey from this plant has excellenttaste and aroma. It is not cloying, like children, helps at illnesses of a liver and gall bladder. Osotovy drink of honey and lemon should be drunk by nursing mothers to enhance lactation. It strengthens blood vessels, relieves spasms and is recommended to persons suffering from frequent headaches.

Choice of honey

Med best to buy in specialty stores or from well known beekeepers. To determine the quality of honey without special knowledge and equipment is extremely difficult, by and large, impossible. There are a few recommendations:

- chemical pencil allows you to determine the admixture of water, if in contact with the honey will appear blue, then the product is unprofitable;

a drop of iodine will make the honey blue if it slipped starchy substance;

- pour a little honey on the paper: in the presence of mixed with water or sugar syrup on the sheet around the product, you'll see an aura;

- natural honey soluble in alcohol without sediment, in the presence of molasses or other impurities forms insoluble precipitate.honey-lemon and water in the morning

The damage

It is Important to understand that the unique use of the drug, described in our article is directly related to the quality of the ingredients. To harm the health of warm water with lemon and honey drunk on an empty stomach, in principle, can not. But if you got low-quality honey you use bad water saturated with chlorine and heavy metal salts, or bought damaged lemons, the expected improvement in health is unlikely to occur.

In conclusion, it should again be recalled that the honey – this is what bees feed their young. They collect the nectar from those plants that will not harm the larvae. Stories about the poisoning of wild honey – only legends and tales. Fresh, not older than one year, in moderate quantity honey is completely harmless and is allowed to eat healthy people of any age.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/19884-vada-nashcha-z-l-monam-medam-karysc-shkodu.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/19893-wasser-fasten-mit-zitrone-und-honig-nutzen-und-schaden.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/19905-el-agua-en-ayunas-con-lim-n-y-miel-el-beneficio-y-el-da-o.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/19881-ash-aryn-a-su-limon-men-bal-osyl-an-paydasy-men-ziyany.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/19856-woda-na-czczo-z-cytryn-i-miodem-korzy-ci-i-szkody.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/refei-es-e-bebidas/19855-gua-em-jejum-com-lim-o-e-mel-benef-cios-e-malef-cios.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/19886-su-a-karn-na-limon-ve-bal-yararlar-ve-zararlar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/19878-voda-natscheserce-z-limonom-medom-korist-shkoda.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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