Cake "Freshie": recipe


2018-03-18 17:31:06




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French cake ", Frezie" (fraisier), recipes of which now have undergone a variety of modifications, first appeared during the reign of king Louis XIV. Prone to the excesses of the monarch already for the fiftieth year of life gained serious stomach problems. Therefore, his personal consultant-dietitian (as well as a spy) told him as a dessert the miracle fruit-strawberries. Called the physician Antoine de Fresie. In 1714, the garden at Versailles gathered the first harvest of strawberries, which the local “michurinists” grown from wild strawberries. And called this berry in honor of dietitian - fraise. Of course, to serve the king-gourmet just “naked” strawberries chef decided not to. But he used it as the main ingredient of cake. This was the beginning of another masterpiece of French cuisine – “Freshie”. And the recipe of it we tell the hostesses in this article.Cake recipe freshie

Bake cake

Three eggs detachable whites from yolks. Then act like when kneading biscuit dough. Whisk whites with a pinch of salt. Gradually fill up a hundred grams of sugar. Set the mixer to maximum rotation speed of the beaters and whisk the whites until the formation of shiny and stable peaks. Yolks well, mix with the flour (50 g), starch (twenty five grams) and a teaspoon of baking powder. It is permissible to add a sachet of vanilla sugar. Gently combine the yolk and protein mass. Stir the mixture with a spoon in a circle always in one direction, from top to bottom. Carpeted two baking trays with baking paper. Evenly distribute them in biscuit dough. Cake «Freshie”, the recipe of which we have presented, involves the use of square cakes. They need to bake seven to ten minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Completely cooled cakes. In principle, you can use the detachable round shape for cakes. In this case, the bottom carpeted with paper and the edges greased with butter and sprinkle with flour. When baking the biscuit dough, you cannot open the oven door, otherwise the cakes will fall. But when they are ready, open the oven. Let the pile stand there with ten minutes.How to make French cake freshie


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Make a cream “Muslin”

Cake ", Frezie” the recipe instructs smeared with a special cream called "Muslin". It is similar to custard.

Boil two hundred milliliters of milk. Cool it to room temperature. Three eggs, beat with a Cup of sugar. Carefully dissolved in this mass of sixty grams of starch and then cooled milk. Two hundred milliliters of milk bring to a boil. Pour in the hot mass. Then put the saucepan on a slow fire and keep so, constantly stirring with a spoon until the liquid thickens. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. After that, add the half tutu (one hundred grams) of butter and beat into a soft mousse. Wait until the cream is completely cool. Add the remaining half a pack of butter. Again beat into a soft mousse. Strawberry cake with pistachio cream, frezie

Prepare syrup

That the biscuits were not dry, we will popitem cakes. Put on fire a saucepan with a hundred grams of water. As you will pour heated sugar. In General, we need to dissolve seventy-five grams of sweet sand. Well boil the water – a total of about five minutes. Fully cooled syrup. Adding a shot of strawberry liqueur. To fold the cake ", Frezie”, the recipe recommends using a round shape 20-25 centimeters in diameter. Cut the cakes so that they fit in this connector. Impregnate them with syrup. Seven hundred grams of strawberries wash, remove the stalk. Part of the berries cut in half and tightly put on the sides of the form. The rest of the strawberry spread on the bottom cake. Carefully spread the cream (most of it half or even two-thirds). Cover with a second Korzh. And lubricates remaining cream. And remove our masterpiece in the fridge for three hours.Delicious French cake with strawberries, frezie

Cake Decoration

In this regard, the opinions of cooks differ. What was the first decorated cake ", Frezie”? The recipe is silent about it. But many gourmets do not suggest to overwhelm the delicate flavor of the cake with sugar paste. They say that strawberries taste good harmony with grated chocolate. In many French pastry “Freshie» cooking with buttermilk glaze. It is very easy to do. Leave in the process of assembling the cake a little syrup and a few strawberries. Porirua berries, add the syrup and few drops of lemon juice. All this stir with two tablespoons of rich and creamy natural yogurt without filler. Dissolve five grams food gelatin in a small amount of water. Add in to the mix and give a “grab”. Gelatinous mass pour the top of the cake.Cake freshie fraisier recipes

Modifications: biscuit genuis

Many confectioners racked their brains how to cook French cake ", Frezie» more subtly. Therefore, along with the classic recipe, there are modifications. One of them is biscuit pastry genuis. The recipe was developed in Genoa, hence the name. In a bowl break three eggs, add two more egg yolks. The remaining proteins need to be put in the fridge – from them you can bake delicate meringues to decorate the cake. Whisk the eggs and put them in a water bath. Sleep 120 grams of sugar. Whisk for five minutes. The mixture should brighten. Remove from heat, replace the whisk with a mixer on high speed beat for another five minutes. When the mass will increase by three times, pour a spoonful of melted butter and sifted 120 grams of flour. Stir the dough. Biscuit genuis bake in a preheated oven at 170 OWith about twenty minutes.Cooking recipes, frezie

Italian meringue

Recipes «Freshie” abound with a variety of creams that you can decorate a cake. But under sponge cakes genoas best suited meringue. It is also sometimes called the protein cream. To prepare it, you need to pour in forty milliliters of water one hundred and twenty grams of sugar and put the saucepan on a medium heat. Continue to cook meringues you need four hands. One person pomeshivat syrup to sugar is not a donkey, nor have caramelicious, and another whisk the egg whites until shiny and stable peaks. Syrup is ready when a drop of it in a glass of cold water does not dissolve, but turns into a soft ball that you can roll with your fingers. Continue with a mixer, beat egg whites. Gradually pour in the boiling syrup. Beat for another two minutes. These meringues with a dense, smooth consistency hold their shape well and do not flake.Author's recipe, frezie

Modified: almond cake

Will Be a delicious French cake with strawberries «Freshie”, if we'll make the cakes a little differently. Whisk three whites with 30 grams of sugar to hard peaks, refrigerate. One egg and two yolk RUB with 65 g of powdered sugar. Add 65 g of almond and 25 grams of regular flour. Whisk for about ten minutes. The mass of dark, thick must turn into fluid, airy and bright. Carefully, with a spatula, working from the bottom up and from the sides to the center, stir, add the beaten egg whites. Bake in a hot oven about a quarter hour at a temperature of 180 OC. the Cakes should be noticeably browned, and the middle – to stop bounce. Biscuits must be completely cool.

Strawberry cake with pistachio cream “Freshie”

Prepare two layers. You can knead the delicate almond biscuit dough. If it is not possible to buy ready-made pistachio paste, you need to buy a hundred grams of peeled unsalted nuts. Fill them with boiling water. In three minutes the water can be drained. Pistachios are then easily cleaned from the skin. Then we dried in the oven for about ten minutes at 180 degrees. Then peremel nuts into flour with a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Mix with 25 grams of almond powder. Fifty grams of sugar dissolved in two tablespoons boiling water. This syrup pour in the nut mixture. It is kneaded. For flavor, add a drop of almond essence. This pistachio paste and beat with a ready-made custard and add the butter. Further-a trick. The hostess remained only to assemble and decorate a delicious dessert. Bon appetit!


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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