Appetizer brandy: recipes with photos


2018-03-20 08:53:14




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Brandy is a strong noble drink with a mouthwatering aroma and taste. To savor it from the right kind of snack, which can set off all his dignity. The best recipes of snacks by brandy search for the article below.

What is usually served brandy?

Noble drink came to us from France, so traditions of its use is quite wide. The French believe that the best snack is cheese in various feed options. He best manages to set off the taste of the drink. Snack cognac recommended fruits (apples, pears, strawberries) and nuts.

If we are talking about the main dishes, you should submit rabbit, chicken or veal. Better that the meat was not greasy. As the main dishes may be the fish or seafood. The fish brings out the flavor of the drink, making it brighter.

Some believe that to drink wine with chocolate or honey, but this is controversial. This combination of products the taste is not for everyone.

Cheese and lemon appetizer brandy

Cheese is most often served with strong drink product. Instead of the usual cut, you can try something a little more original. For example, to use several kinds of cheese, podlasia them with honey, berries and fruit.

Cut into 200 grams of cheese Maasdam, DorBlu, and marble. Cheese is cut in triangles, it looks aesthetically pleasing. Lay the slices on a flat dish, and in the middle put a bowl filled with honey. Garnish the dish with walnut kernels and cut the plums, pears, grapes. Put a few mint leaves.


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cheese plate brandy

If you love to use lemon as an appetizer to cognac, try to serve this dish. On a special grater grate 100 grams of chocolate and 100 grams of cheese. Cut into rings 2 lemon and 2 orange. On a flat dish lay the orange on top of the lemon. On one side sprinkle on the fruit chocolate and the other cheese.

You can build a lemon and a brandy appetizer: slice one citrus rings, finely grate 100 grams of cheese and break into crumbs 100 grams of walnut kernels. Ring of lemon sprinkle with sugar, then cheese and nuts and seal in the form of a boat with a toothpick.

Appetizers to strong alcohol eggs

Excellent snacks you can make with regular chicken eggs. The deviled eggs are prepared a short time, and a dish is inexpensive, it tastes great too.

Boil 6 eggs and cut them in half. Remove the yolks and mash with a fork. 120 grams of cheese grate and mix with mayonnaise, salt and grated garlic (2 prong). Same here, add the yolks and a little pepper.

Half of the protein will put the stuffing with a slide and garnish with the chopped bell pepper and herbs.

deviled eggs

Eggs can be cooked and lazy "coat". To do this, boil 6 eggs, cut in half and remove yolks. Cook one Morkovin, potato and sugar beet. Peel and grate the vegetables. Finely slice one onion, pre-rinsing it with boiling water. The vegetables and the crushed yolk mix, salt, add mayonnaise. This mixture fill the whites. Put a piece of herring fillets. Wonderful deviled eggs are ready.

The Best appetizer to cognac in tartlets

Mushrooms are an excellent fit for any strong alcohol, but it is important to know how to apply them right and interesting. Definitely, the option tartlets will please guests. Take 800 grams of mushrooms and 2 onions, finely chop and sauté 10 minutes. Then add a spoonful of starch and 3 tablespoons of sour cream. Cook for 5 minutes. Cooked mushrooms, you can leave like this or skip through Mincer, having a pate. Nafarshiruyte filling tartlets from shortcake dough (the taste of bitter alcohol will only fit these).

A Good starter to a brandy out of shrimp. Seafood generally turn out light and delicious dishes. Take 16 pieces of prawns and place on hot pan.

tartlets with prawns

Lightly pour their brandy and stir-fry. Then in skillet, pour 150 ml of cream and the juice of one lemon. Also add three cloves of grated garlic. All this must simmer for 15 minutes. Then shrimp mix with chopped avocado and put in tartlets and garnish them with parsley.

Sandwiches brandy: what?

Some people can't imagine a feast without sandwiches. But strong drink is impossible to apply any ingredients. The hostess rescued appetizer recipe with cheese and tomatoes. To the ridge it fits perfectly! The basis to choose: black or white bread, baguette. Slice the bread into slices and lightly fry.

Cottage cheese (200 grams), grate, mix with mayonnaise and chopped 2 cloves of garlic. Of bread spread the cream cheese mixture, and top off with a slice of tomato, sprinkled with salt and pepper. Decorate the sandwiches, any greens. This appetizer will cost expensive, and will leave the table quickly.

sandwiches with sprats

Demand and sandwiches with sprats. The basis, again, any, cut into thin slices. Cut into thin slices tomatoes and pickles. Put some mayonnaise on bread and put in it the vegetables.Then put the sprats, which stack all the fat. The top of each sandwich and garnish with parsley leaves or cilantro. The plate itself can be decorated with lettuce leaves.

Snacks in a hurry

It Happens that guests come unexpectedly, and treats you need to prepare very quickly. In this case it really helps out a bottle of the precious drink and light appetizer to cognac. Recipes with photos so diverse that every woman can choose the most suitable option for her. By the way, to snack can be directly on the chips. Slice the tomato into small cubes, 100 grams of cheese, RUB, green onions and cilantro chop. Ingredients, mix and fill with sour cream. The filling lay out on potato chips and beautiful place on a platter.

You can quickly prepare a snack of cheese and curd with herbs, giving the treat balls. Take 100 grams feta cheese 100 grams of cottage cheese, mash with a fork. 200 grams of walnut kernels grind into crumbs.

balls of cheese and cottage cheese

Cheese, cottage Cheese and Basil, grind using a blender. From the resulting mass roll into equal balls and break in a nut crumbs. Get a snack in the fridge for an hour and serve.

Appetizers of crab sticks

What are you serving for an appetizer to brandy from crab sticks? Using your imagination, you can come up with something very original.

snack of crab sticks

Grate 200 grams of cheese and 3 teeth of garlic, mix with mayonnaise and chopped dill. Add in a bowl 2 grated boiled eggs. Thawed crab sticks (take a big bag) to gently loosen,so they turned into a thin layer. Put on layers of stuffing and twist rolls. Now you need a sharp knife to gently slice the rolls into slices and arrange on a platter, garnish with dill and olives.

Crab sticks, you can quickly make eateries canapés. Need to cut the sticks into large pieces and put on skewers, alternating with the olives. If desired, you can add the cucumbers.

What appetizer can be made from fish or meat?

The Fish, including the composition of the fatty amino acids, always perfectly suited to hard alcohol. Its use prevents rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood. And if you add more meat is not only delicious, but also satisfying. Cooking dishes will take more time, but the starters are very good!

200 grams of raw pork liver, scroll through a meat grinder, add 1 egg and salt. From the resulting minced form into flat fritters and fry in a pan.

100 grams cream cheese mix in one grated tine garlic and dill. On liver pancakes put a lot of cheese. Put a rolled up roses slices of salmon fillet.

appetizer with red fish

Even ordinary drying can be a wonderful appetizer for brandy, if properly presented. To start drying soak in milk to soften. 500 grams of minced pork and beef mix with chopped onion. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper for baking and put him drying. Fill them with stuffing and sprinkle with grated cheese. Then send the pan in the oven for 20 minutes. When you serve a snack to the table, sprinkle it with herbs.

If you want to taste cognac, you will need special products. What is the snack of brandy is needed in this case? Drink, aged for more than five years, perfectly complement the bitter chocolate. The taste reveals vanilla notes of good alcohol. Young cognac is good to eat goose liver - foie Gras. Good fit and beef, especially filet Mignon.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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