Calorie potato stew. Stewed potatoes with meat. Calorie braised potatoes with pork


2018-03-20 19:21:18




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Eat – it's not only a need but also fun, especially if the food is cooked with love and imagination. Even the most simple products you can make a truly food of the gods! For example, the combination of meat with potatoes is associated with the everyday diet. It's a win-win combination that nourishes, energizes and all this without compromising taste. But the calorie content of potatoes stewed allows you to fit this dish in a diet menu. And with some share of imagination it is possible to submit a dish on the holiday table.calorie potato stew

About the taste and the benefits of potatoes

It is Difficult to find individual who is totally indifferent to potatoes. If there are, then, likely, they were just unlucky to taste well-cooked potatoes. This is actually the second bread as for the fullness and universality in the human diet.

But nutritionists somehow not happy and, after all, addicted to potatoes can cause obesity. The calorie content of potatoes depends on the amount of starch in its tubers, so the younger the potato, nizkokaloriynoe.

Of Course, this figure varies depending on the method of preparation. To make the dish “easier”? you can hold the sliced potatoes in cold water to wash the part of starch. Before heat treatment was washed potatoes need to dry with paper towel. But if such training is necessary to accept the fact that starch is washed out of the lion's share of nutrients.

When cooking goes back a quarter of the vitamins. And 10% is lost if you cook the potatoes in a tin or aluminum pan. As a compromise, the potatoes should be washed no more than 20 minutes in cold water, blot with a paper towel and do not omit to cook in cold water, and best steamed or stew. But this raises a logical question how many calories in stewed potatoes? All people are allowed a dish?calorie stewed potatoes with chicken


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Why do potatoes need?

Stewed potatoes, cooked in the oven – this is not only delicious, but also very useful. Because it is a source of dietary fiber, which, in turn, a great blocker cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In addition, the potato is a source of vitamin b6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, and manganese, phosphorus and nicotinic acid.

Also potato dishes contribute to immunity, as this vegetable contains phytonutrients with antioxidant activity. And what can we say about the fact that potatoes contain carotenoids, flavonoids and caffeic acid.

Scientists found that potatoes reduce blood pressure. Daily reasonable consumption of potatoes can lower cholesterol, prevent colon cancer, but there is a caveat-for the absolute utility of the product it should eat with the peel.

All is Not perfect, the potatoes can not eat those suffering from obesity and diabetes, as this vegetable has a high glycemic index.

When comparing the different qualities and reviews of cooks stewed potatoes, cooked in the oven, is the perfect dish as it does not add large amounts of fat, and therefore has few calories without sacrificing taste. braised potatoes with meat calorie

The question about calories

Before you determine the caloric content of potato stew, is to talk about averages for boiled potatoes. Depending on variety, age of tubers and cooking process. For example, in young tubers – about 64 calories per 100 grams. The old potato in the skin has 77 calories per 100 grams. If the tubers are clean, the calorie content increases to 80 calories.

So, boiled potatoes are well suited for healthy and even diet, but they will not be full! Wherefore, cook the potatoes for soups and purees, and a solo part it plays in the process of cooking. The company “second bread” make various gravies, meat, poultry and fish. The base product is impregnated with smells and juices of other ingredients, but because the calorie content of potatoes stewed varies from the safe minimum up to exorbitant high. calorie stew of potatoes with pork


The Taste of potatoes is often underestimated. This vegetable is very tasty by itself, but only in the right setting. Reveals the taste of the potato butter, sour cream, baby greens, garlic.

Potatoes are very original “sound” if you simmer it with mushrooms and onions, pre-fried in vegetable oil. In this case, the calorie content of potatoes stewed approximately 102 calories per 100 grams, and the dish will turn out very hearty and nutritious.

If you cook with lots of oil, it is recommended to add in food more spinach, dill and onion, which due to the silicon content accelerates the process of breakdown of fats in the many calories in stewed potatoes

Every day

If you care about feeding their families, then add to the diet meals with potatoes, but only choose the most healthy way of heat treatment. As a second course good potatoes, stewed in sour cream.This is a truly versatile side dish and interesting.

Logically figure out how many calories in stewed potatoes? So, in the version with sour cream is 117 calories per 100 grams. It turns out that without harm for a figure you can afford a good serving dishes. Only pay attention to the choice of the sour cream. Low-calorie product is more liquid and due to this property makes an excellent base for the gravy. Heavy cream gives a more juicy and rich in taste, but “weights” dish in terms of caloric value.

When choosing the right prescription consider the fact that the most beneficial option would be to use vegetable oils, preferably extra virgin. You can also add olive or grape seed oil. This choice remains the majority of the useful elements-silicon and vitamins b and E. steamed potato caloric value per 100 grams

Special occasion

If you are scheduled for guests or a family holiday, it is possible and not to reinvent the wheel, planning a festive table. Special may be disclosed stewed potatoes with meat. The calorie content of such meals can vary depending on the choice of meat used spices and gravies.

It is Desirable to add to the stewed potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic. It and decorate the dish and to add some juiciness. Of spices complement the taste of potatoes black pepper, ginger, Bay leaf, Basil and hops-suneli. They not only enrich the taste, but also beneficial to digestion and metabolism.

However, the adherents of a healthy diet don't think it's a good idea the combination of potatoes and meat, but the taste of this combination fully compensates the potential risk to the digestion.

In the daily menu, does not require beauty supply, stewed potatoes with meat. The calorie content comes to the fore when the hostess tries to provide nutritious food to their home.

For the feast, cut the potatoes in cubes. Rinse and dry. Meanwhile, in the cauldron connect the chopped carrots, onion, garlic and spices. Add oil and some water. Option for diet meals you can choose chicken or Turkey, but is delicious with any meat. For the holiday you can treat yourself to a piece of pork that should be cut into thin layers.

Stir and fry the meat with vegetables to acquire a rosy color. You can now add potatoes, mix all, add water or broth to the top. The dish to simmer for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally and adding broth. Serve the potatoes in a beautiful tureen or place directly on plates. Under portion of the serving, garnish the dish with dill and Basil. potato stewed in sour cream


The Calorie content of stewed potatoes with chicken ranges from 125 to 140 calories per 100 grams. An indicator may be less if you use the sirloin part of the bird, while fighting to not take fatty broth, and the diluted tomato juice. In this case, the calorie content of stewed potatoes with chicken can be reduced to 115 calories per 100 grams. This figure is comfortable for the diet, but provided that will maintain a reasonable dosage.

Variations of cooking

If you do brunch, you can safely use as the basis for dishes of pork and simmer the potatoes in a deep pot and a frying pan with a thick bottom. Calorie stew of potatoes with pork is to reach 133 calories per 100 grams, if you just repeat the recipe. You can use the grill pan and then the meat will be less fatty and also more visually appetizing due to the characteristic ribbed markings on it.

Cook meat until half done, so that it ceased to ooze blood. Add to it onion, roughly chopped, crushed garlic, and carrots shinkovannuyu. Hands tear a few stalks of cilantro, parsley and Basil. So they give more flavor.

In a separate saucepan cook nourishing mushroom soup, and pour the meat. After you send back the sliced potatoes and spices. In a frying pan over medium heat the potatoes will be ready in 35-40 minutes. In this recipe the calorie content of stewed potatoes with pork reaches 130 to 135 calories per 100 grams.

Don't forget about the feed

So now the dish of the day - braised potatoes. Caloric value per 100 grams is low enough to limit yourself and enjoy the authentic taste and aroma of food. But don't forget about the visual side of cooking and treat its consumers the original filing.

Dish, where potatoes are mixed with meat and sauce will be juicy, but presentable. For a special occasion on the plate divide the area of meat, vegetables and gravy, and as a bold touch to put it on the edge of the dish a slice of fresh cucumber or tomato.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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