Prevention of varicose veins in the legs. Exercises for the legs. Compression underwear for varicose veins


2018-04-02 07:07:26




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Of vascular Disease is increasingly striking younger people. A few decades ago with varicose veins of the lower extremities to the doctors was sought by persons mainly of elderly age. Now, however, pathology may be detected even in the schoolgirl.

pantyhose to prevent varicose veins

Disease (varicose veins) usually affects the fairer sex. The prerequisites for its occurrence be the unhealthy lifestyle, genetic predisposition, wearing uncomfortable shoes and tight clothing, sedentary work. An important contribution to the development of disease make a pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. Prevention of varicose veins should be by all women. The only difference is that one of the fair sex will be enough exercise, while others will need drug therapy.

Varicose veins

This pathology affects the lower vessels. Varicose veins is a very dangerous disease. It develops over many years and can lead to death. That is why it is so important in the first disturbing symptoms, consult a doctor. Depending on the extent of the disease, specialists prescribe appropriate medication and tools to deal with it. Stage of varicose veins are the following:

  • The start (in the lower extremities are not detected obvious changes, however, the patient feels a slight heaviness that appears in the evening);
  • The first (the manifestation of enhanced symptoms: swelling, itching in the course of the affected vessel, burning and pain in the lower leg area);
  • The second (lower limb partially affected spider veins, there are areas of bulging veins symptoms persist);
  • Third (leather calf undergoes strong changes, it becomes dark, there are ulcers and on examination revealed the clots).

At the very first signs of disease the patient should consult a doctor. Men are not usually prescribed in the prevention of varicose veins. All due to the fact that the probability of illness among males is very low. Women need to be concerned about the health and beauty of their feet.

Prevention of varicose veins

To Prevent the development of pathology in several ways. Prevention methods are divided into primary and secondary. The former is applied when there is rapid development of the disease or discovered early stage disease. Secondary methods are more effective in running situations.


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prevention of varicose veins

It is Worth noting that prevention of varicose veins in the legs will not be able to remove the pathology. Presented to your attention methods can only slightly relieve the symptoms and prevent further progression of the disease. Primary prevention methods include exercises, light exercise, correct diet and lifestyle. Secondary involve the use of medications, compression hosiery, and popular recipes. Let us consider in more detail how is the prevention of varicose veins in the legs.

Regular consultation of the doctor

If you want to protect your feet from such diseases as varicose veins, the first thing you should regularly visit a phlebologist's office. The doctor will be able to monitor the condition of vessels. Often doctors prescribe ultrasound diagnosis and Doppler. These studies help to identify the changed structure of the veins at the earliest stages. It should be noted that often the patient doesn't feel any symptoms.

The Doctor after the examination and the conducted research can help you choose the most appropriate preventive measures. If you already have the initial changes in the blood vessels, such inspections should be regular. They allow to identify the progression of the disease and to take appropriate measures.

Maintaining a normal body weight and proper nutrition

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs involves proper nutrition. The food consumed should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Meals should contain a sufficient amount of fiber. It facilitates digestion and regular stool.

stages of varicose veins

It is Worth saying that in people with overweight varicose disease is detected more often. All due to the fact that the lower limbs there is a strong load. Already the first symptoms of a pathology needs to force the patient to change their diet. Consumption of clean water shall not be less than one and a half liters a day. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to thin the blood. It indirectly affects the veins and vessels of the lower extremities.

The Right clothing is the key to healthy vessels

Prevention of varicose veins in the legs involves the use of the proper clothing. Phlebologists strongly advise you not to wear tight underwear and clothing. So, the area below the waist needs to be dressed in casual things. Can't wear skinny jeans, especially the seriously violates the blood circulation in the pelvis dropped waist. Tights and stockings must be chosen by size.

During the day wear only comfortable shoes. Possible should stop wearing high heels and cramped shoes. The lift of the heel should not exceed 3-4 cm. If there is a need for dress shoes, try not to hold it all day. Periodically take your shoes and let your feet rest. Whenavailability during the day, complete flexion of the feet and simple exercises that will be presented to your attention below.

Sedentary lifestyle – a direct way to varicose veins

The Remedy of varicose veins may be different. However, it will not help you if you don't change your lifestyle. Refrain from constant sitting. During this situation the blood in the lower extremities stagnate. Existing valves start to work hard. This leads to their damage and vasodilation. The situation is aggravated when you put your foot on the leg or bends one leg. In this case, the blood is simply sealed in the vessel. It can not only come out but not received it.

varicose veins reviews

Of Course, for the prevention of varicose veins is not necessary to change jobs and abandon favorite activities. However, try to move more. If you already have the preconditions for the development of disease, then every hour for ten minutes to Hiking and preventive exercises. Upon returning home, position your feet above the level of the body. In this condition is worth to be not less than fifteen minutes. You can then do household chores while performing the basic exercises.

Proper sleep and the rejection of heat treatments

What's more, assists in the prevention against varicose veins? Phlebologists and vascular surgeons say that when the first symptoms of the disease should all give up hot tubs, baths or saunas. The fact that the pathology progresses at such procedures. The veins under the action of high temperatures are greatly enlarged and injured. It is worth noting that a healthy vessel quite safely withstand thermal treatments.

vessels varicose veins

The Dream might also be a good tool for the prevention of varicose veins. Position your bed at a slight angle. The legs should be slightly raised. This will help to improve the outflow of stagnant blood. You can also use a normal cushion that fits under the lower limbs.

Compression underwear for varicose veins

Excellent tool for the prevention of are stockings or tights. However, they should not be ordinary. Compression underwear for varicose veins must be prescribed by a doctor. It specialist determines which level of elasticity suitable in this case. Tights and stockings from varicose veins can be of several types. They all have different pressure on certain areas of the feet. For example, a light degree of compression only affects the ankle. The higher the value of the variety of this lingerie, the greater the therapeutic effect it has.

It is Worth saying that such products must be worn correctly. In the morning, not getting out of bed, lift the lower limbs up to half a minute. After that, collect stocking the accordion and gently pull it. If there is a need to put on a product after a stay in an upright position, then you should lie down with feet elevated for several minutes. Remember that a compression garment requires special care. Wash it daily needs with suitable soft detergents.

The First level of compression

These stockings varicose veins are appointed as a preventive measure. They have relatively little pressure on the ankle, which is in the range of 18 to 21 mm Hg.

The Main indications for such prophylaxis are heaviness in the legs, burning in the course of abnormal vessels, and a small swelling occurs in the evening. Also, the product can be used in a forced sedentary lifestyle. Stockings are often the first of the compression ratio assigned to the trade workers and other support staff. These people are forced to spend a long time in the same position, they are at risk.

stockings varicose veins

Second class

The Tights to prevent varicose veins second degree of compression is often prescribed after treatment. The pathology can be corrected surgically, or using minimally invasive techniques. Often the second compression class prescribed for women to prevent varicose veins during pregnancy and childbirth. The wearing of stockings and tights can be the clock

It is Worth noting that the second class of compression has a pressure of from 25 to 32 millimeters of mercury. When selecting a product it is necessary to correctly determine the size. That is why you should seek help from a specialist.

Third and fourth grade

These types of gauze dressings are not preventive, and already a medical character. They were appointed in particularly difficult situations - when elephantiasis of the legs, ulcers and in case of impossibility of surgical treatment.

The Third class of compression underwear has a pressure of from 36 to 46 mm Hg. However, he pulls not only the ankle and calf, but also the areas located on the thigh. Fourth grade compression provides pressure is greater than 59 millimeters. This product is rarely available for sale. Usually it is necessary to to prescription pharmacy.

Medicines for oral use

The Remedy of varicose veins may have a preformed shape. These drugs help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. They also have anti-inflammatory action on the veins. Pain, swelling, cramps and itching are oftenafter the course of use of such funds. It should be noted that some medications thin the blood. This should be considered when choosing a medication.

disease varicose

All medicines for oral administration should be administered by your doctor. Each patient is individually selected dosage of the drug and the rate of its reception. Some medicinal agents can be taken during pregnancy. However, when breastfeeding, to carry out such preventive maintenance shall be prohibited. All preformed preparations are divided into several groups:

  • Antioxidants (vitamin E, a “Gincor Fort”). help cleanse the body, including veins, toxins and impurities.
  • Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants (“Aspirin”, “Vasobral”, “fraxiparin", "Chimes"). Thin the blood and help to improve its structure.
  • Phlebotonics (“Detralex”, “Phlebodia”, “Antistax”). Strengthen the venous wall, relieve swelling and prevent the inflammatory process.

against varicose veins

All drugs have their contraindications and limitations. Before using those or other funds need to consult with your doctor. In some cases, prevention is assigned to several medicines. In this case, the combination therapy produces a more pronounced positive effect.

Tools for local application

Cream from varicose veins can also be used to prevent. Often these medications are prescribed in conjunction with compression hosiery. It should be noted that these compounds are more safe than capsules and tablets. However, when symptoms of varicose veins they can be powerless. The most popular drugs are: “Lioton”, “Fenolip”, “Heparin”, “Caffeine" and so on. Any cream from the varices should be applied with light rubbing motions. The direction should be from bottom-up. Many formulations require repeated use throughout the day. This may not be very convenient.

The Effect of such prophylaxis may not be noticeable to everyone. These drugs show a positive result while taking oral medications.

Exercises to prevent varicose veins

Normal flexion of the feet can be a good prevention of varicose disease of the lower extremities. However, all exercises must be matched correctly. They need to carry out regularly. Only in this way will be obtained the effect of the manipulation. If you already had varicose veins, the physicians reviews say about the effectiveness of comprehensive correction. In this case you should use compression in conjunction with drug therapy. Physical exercise will also bring many benefits.

varicose veins what to do


Well trains the muscles of the legs and has a preventive effect normal running. You don't have to develop greater speed. Just run for pleasure. If you wish the exercises can be performed at home. For this you need a path.

An Alternative to running can be a high lifting of the knees. Stand still, hands on his belt. Alternately raise one other leg so that the knee forms a 90-degree angle.

The Rise on toes

To prevention of varicose veins proved to be effective, this exercise must be included in the exercises. Stand up straight, feet should firmly stand on the floor. Slowly stand on tiptoe so that the heel away from the floor three inches. Then slowly return to starting position.

This exercise can be performed even in the workplace. In one approach you need to make 10 ascents. During the day you can do 5 to 10 sets.

cream varicose veins

"Bike" or exercises in lieu

A Good prevention of varicose veins is a Bicycle. If you don't have this vehicle or not enough time for these walks, just do the following exercise.

Settle on a firm and level surface, feet lift up. Palms rest on the floor. Start circular motion feet like you are pedaling. The duration of this sort of exercise can range from three to five minutes. During the day you can do several approaches.


Very effective for the prevention of varicose disease of the lower extremities and of hemorrhoids is swimming. However, this pleasure can not afford it. You can swim anywhere.

During the exercises work all the leg muscles, the blood circulates faster. Due to this, increases the outflow of fluid from the lower extremities. Plays a significant role occurs in the water the weightlessness.


If you are not able to perform all of the described exercises, just go often. Try to give up public or private transport, take long walks morning and evening. Go to work for a certain period of time before.

It is Worth saying that this exercise will only be effective if correctly selected shoes. She should not pull the foot. Excludes high and uncomfortable heels. Shoes should have a small rise and can be selected by size. Otherwise, not only do you not geta positive preventive effect, but also make it worse.

Treatment of diseases and the subsequent prevention

Varicose disease cannot be eliminated by preventive measures. Even the medications do not provide long-term therapeutic effect. Currently, the most effective way to eliminate varicose veins are laser surgery, sclerotherapy and surgery. After treatment you need a lifetime to engage in the prevention of varicose veins. Otherwise, the disease can affect healthy veins.

remedy for varicose veins

Remember that the sooner you contact a specialist, the less you will need of forces and means to combat varicose veins of the lower extremities. Follow the doctor's recommendations and follow all assigned to you preventive measures.

In the conclusion, or Summing up

Now you know what are varicose veins. What to do to prevent it, as described above. If you already have pronounced changes in the veins, all these actions likely will not help. They are able only partially to suspend the progression of disease. The second and third stages of the disease should consult the doctor for treatment. Only after that the recommended preventive actions will be useful.

Health to you, and let your feet will always be beautiful!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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