Than to cure bloating in early pregnancy?


2018-06-08 14:00:27




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Bloating early pregnancy occurs under the action of progesterone-the hormone that is responsible for the nurturing of the baby in the first two or three weeks of its intrauterine development. Typically, such a manifestation does not mean anything bad, but you should consider that if flatulence hurts the woman, it is best to consult a doctor. Colic and gases can be a manifestation of toxicity, so pregnant have to go on a certain diet to reduce the frequency of these manifestations.

Bloating in early pregnancyIllness or not?

Sometimes a manifestation of flatulence during pregnancy is absolutely not due to the presence of the ovum in the womb. As you know, in the first few weeks of development the baby a woman's body is under stress. This leads to decreased immunity and worsening of existing diseases (if any). Thus, the bloating may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to find out for sure, you need to consult a specialist and pass the appropriate tests.

Tips to eliminate bloating

Abdominal Distension – symptom of pregnancy, which cause discomfort expectant mother. Every woman wants to get rid of such manifestations. Especially such processes are harmful to the society. Bloating in early pregnancy is completely normal, because this process is completely natural. Of course, expectant mothers try to avoid or at least minimize such a manifestation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Here are some tips on how to reduce bloating in early pregnancy:

Bloating a sign of pregnancy1. The doctors recommended light massage of the lower abdomen. This should be done in a circular motion clockwise. Thus, you transmit the pressure as the colon, which contributes to the waste gases and their natural exit from the body. After the massage, you need to roughly calculate the point between the lower edge of the chest and the navel. In this place it is necessary to produce a light pressure for two minutes.


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2. Many moms wonder: "how to treat bloating?" Quite a simple and effective method reads: must be applied to the belly warm fabric. Some women use the flowers of chamomile. They are put in a pouch and heated in the oven and then this hot “compress” put into the stomach. Thus, there is gas under the action of heat, and the smell of chamomile has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the woman. This poultice can be used for no longer than half an hour a day.

3. Refrain from conversations during the meal. Scientists have shown that 2/3 of air in the blood fall during a conversation while eating. So now your main rule - there is silence!

4. Try to drink herbal teas. Useful during pregnancy to drink anise, chamomile, mint, thyme or Melissa. These herbs have a calming effect on the body and promote better separation of gas.

how to treat bloating5. Well reduces the flatulence of a pregnant woman receiving food enzymes. However, to appoint a drugs not need! Consult a specialist about making yogurt and other similar products. To adopt such means preferably before meals. Thus, the pancreas will better perform its functions.

6. Bloating in early pregnancy can be reduced by changing the diet. You will have to abandon the consumption of legumes, cabbage, black bread, carbonated water, excessive eating of fruit and vegetables. Such a diet is temporary, so you need just a little patience. After a month or two your body will get used to the hormonal background, and the problem will disappear.

7. Learn to eat often but in small portions. During the meal, food must be well chewed. Better food than a lump of chewed and impregnated with saliva, the better it will work gastrointestinal tract.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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