Lungs of a smoker - the most vulnerable part of the body


2019-01-11 18:00:40




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The Breath – it is a process that we don't notice, but I can't live without it. Healthy lungs easily provide the oxygen necessary for the life of the organism, causing his stamina and activity. Lungs of a smoker (several months) work hard and become vulnerable to serious diseases.

light smoker

Long duration of Smoking and quantity smoked per day of cigarettes exacerbate the detrimental impact. Lungs of the poisonous tar inside them accumulate soot, heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium), which are mixed with the liquid lining of the alveoli and acquires the consistency of molten lead. With every cigarette a human body penetrates about 4000 harmful substances, most of which are carcinogenic.

Pictures of lungs of a smoker with great experience can lead an untrained person into shock, as the healthy human body turns into something lifeless, unnaturally shiny, dark grey, all speckled with black dots.

Each subsequent inhaling exposes the lungs of the smoker a lot of stress. Constant irritation of toxic smoke leads to enhanced development of thick mucus, clogging the bronchi. The lung tissue lose elasticity, impaired ventilation, resulting in changing the normal course of breathing, shortness of breath. Not coping with the resin deposited on the mucosa, the organism mounts a defense system in the form of cough. In this way he tries to get rid of harmful substances, but self-defense is decreasing every year Smoking.


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The Most common disease of Smoking (bronchitis, inflammation and pulmonary emphysema) become chronic. X-ray of the lungs of a smoker demonstrates changes in them. Unfortunately, this diagnosis is not always accurate.

Until recently, doctors were sure that x-ray is a reliable method to examine the lungs of a smoker for the presence of cancer. Now scientists from many countries came to the conclusion that the early stage of the disease are not visible, as evidenced by the increased mortality of smokers. To clarify the diagnosis are computed tomography or bronchoscopy.

pictures of lungs of a smoker

Since the chronic disease have serious consequences for health, smokers should periodically clear the lungs. In this therapy the doctors recommend plenty of warm drinks in combination with mucolytic drugs to facilitate expectoration of mucus. A similar effect is herbal with the content of elecampane, mother, stepmother, rosemary and licorice. They can be taken in the form of decoctions or to do with inhalation.

Good effect gives the use of garlic, horseradish or ginger immediately after Smoking. They contain harmful substances dissolve mucus and eliminate it from the body. To strengthen the work of the lungs can be practiced with breathing exercises that improve their ventilation and blood circulation.

But the best way to clean lungs of a smoker-quit "smoke." In this case a few months there is a natural cleansing of the body through cough and mucus offices. Then the respiratory system returns to normal condition.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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