The drug "De-Nol": the composition of the drug, instructions, indications, analogues and reviews


2018-03-17 18:21:20




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Given the fact that the modern food culture is not conducive to the normal operation of the digestive tract, more and more people faced with problems such as ulcer or gastritis. One of the most effective drugs for the treatment of these diseases is "De-Nol". The formula is designed to not only eliminate the symptoms but also treating the cause of their appearance.

de Nol evidence


The composition of the tablets "De-Nol" is based on subcitrate of bismuth, which acts as the active substance. It is an astringent drug which possesses a wide range of properties. Especially note gastrocystoplasty and antimicrobial action. This is due to the complex influence on all links of peptic ulcer disease and gastritis. Once in the body, bismuth subcitrate precipitate proteins due to the formation of chelate bonds. Because of this on the walls of the digestive system forms a protective shell.

Experts note the directional influence of drugs, "De-Nol". Method promotes the formation of a protective film only on those areas of the internal organs, where there are erosive changes. This helps to eliminate the acids and other substances, and therefore tissue scarring is much faster. Thus, the acidic environment of the stomach does not irritate the damaged area, but rather acts as a catalyst effect of the drug.

Will Help to get comprehensive information about the drug "De-Nol" instruction. The composition contains components that are credited for the ability to suppress Helicobacter pylori. Penetrating into the cell structure of the microorganism, the drug blocks its fermentation, which eventually leads to the death of the bacteria. In addition, there is a decrease in the mobility of other microbes. Bismuth subcitrate highly soluble, and therefore relatively deeply into the mucosa, which can contain disease-causing organisms. Thus, there is not only treatment but also prevention of relapse of peptic ulcer disease. To date, experts have not been identified varieties of bacteria that would be resistant to the active ingredient of the drug.


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de Nol amoxicillin

Release Form

In the form of tablets is produced "De-Nol". The composition determines the color white with a faint cream tint. Pills rounded, and also have a bulge on both sides. A kind of protection against counterfeiting acts of the embossed pattern in the form of a square with rounded corners and intermittent parties. Tablets have no flavor, but in some cases there may be a faint smell of ammonia.

Drug "De-Nol": composition

Manufacturer of the drug claims that it contains substances that can overcome not only the symptoms of ulcers and gastritis, but also the cause - Helicobacter pylori. This is the reason of such popularity means "De-Nol". Its composition is as follows:

  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate;
  • Bismuth oxide;
  • Corn starch;
  • Povidone;
  • Sodium polyacrylate;
  • Macrogol;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Hypromellose;
  • Macrogol.

Mechanism of action

High efficiency is characterized by "De-Nol". Taking this means is associated with the appearance gastrocystoplasty effect, which is caused by the following mechanisms:

  • Stimulates production of prostaglandin, which stimulates the formation of substances that form on the mucosa a protective barrier;
  • Improvement of blood microcirculation in the area of the duodenum and stomach, which helps speed up the regeneration of cells;
  • Reduction in the intensity of production of hydrochloric acid the corresponding glands of the stomach;
  • The product is characterized by the cumulative effect due to the gradual increase in the number of active substances in the blood;
  • It is completely excreted in feces.

the composition of the tablets de Nol


One of the most popular drugs for the treatment of gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is "De-Nol". Indications for use of this drug with the following:

  • A stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer in the acute form;
  • Gastritis and gastroduodenitis in the acute or chronic form;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome, which is accompanied by a disorder stool (diarrhea);
  • The defeat of the mucous membrane and the walls of the stomach after the application of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal means;
  • Functional dyspepsia that is not associated with problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

de Nol composition

The Main contraindications

Before you drink "De-Nol" for gastritis, ensure that you have no contraindications to this drug. The instructions marked with the following limitations:

  • Renal failure;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Age to 4 years;
  • Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to components of drug.


Well proven pills "De-Nol". The statement contains comprehensive information about the method of application and dosage. So, adults should take 1 tablet four times a day. The first 3 doses are half an hour before meals, and the last before going to sleep. Also a valid scheme when twice a day, take 2 tablets half an hour before meals.

Children under 12 years: daily intake of 2 tablets of the drug. As in the previous case, the meal possible half an hour after drinking the medication.

Other scheme works for kids up to 8 years. The daily rate is determined as 8 mg per kilogram of child's body. The number of receptions equal to the number of tablets (or parts thereof) that meet the norm.

The Composition of medicines "De-Nol" leads to the fact that the treatment should continue for 4-8 weeks. In the next 2 months prohibited the treatment of any other drugs, which contains bismuth. To fight against pathogenic bacteria causing erosive changes were more effective, it is permissible to combine "De-Nol" with antibacterial agents.

The excess of the recommended dosage

Only in case of strict observance of all recommendations possible positive effect of taking the means of "De-Nol". The drug is such that in case of overdose may experience a number of unpleasant symptoms. In the instructions marked by kidney failure, which can be removed after drug withdrawal.

To alleviate the symptoms of an overdose, the first thing to resort to gastric lavage. Further symptomatic therapy. Thus, in most cases, prescribe helatoobrazovateli that promote recovery of renal function. If found serious violations in their work, resort to the procedure of hemodialysis.

Interactions with other drugs

It Is necessary to observe some caution in combining with other funds the cure "De-Nol". The drug is such that it is able to block the absorption of tetracycline. Any other medicines, liquids and foods (especially antacids, fruit, dairy products), significantly reduce the effectiveness of "De-Nol". Thus, their use should be present half-hour interval.

Drug "De-Nol": side-effects

Before using the product, you need to carefully read the instructions. So, the composition of the tablets "De-Nol" causes the following adverse effects:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Frequent stools;
  • Constipation;
  • Itching;
  • Skin rash;
  • Encephalopathy.

These symptoms are temporary and are caused by the accumulation of active substances in the body. In most cases the unpleasant symptoms disappear as soon as the patient ceases treatment with the drug.

de Nol the drug

Additional information

The Main characteristic that determines the effectiveness of this drug as a "De-Nol",. Application instructions contain additional information:

  • Not allowed long-term use of the drug for more than 8 weeks;
  • Do not exceed recommended daily dose (this applies not only to children but adults);
  • The drug can be taken simultaneously with other drugs that contain in its composition of bismuth;
  • During treatment, possibly staining the black color of feces;
  • Sometimes there is a slight darkening of the language;
  • There is currently no data on the impact of "De-Nol" on the ability to drive vehicles;
  • During treatment, "De Nole" is not recommended to consume alcohol;
  • Sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Comprehensive treatment

Often treatment of ulcers and gastritis requires an integrated approach. "De-Nol", "Amoxicillin" and other funds are taking together to ensure the full impact on the problem. So, the scheme of complex treatment can be as follows:

  • Twice a day half an hour before meals drink "De-Nol";
  • Twice a day you need to drink 500 mg "==";
  • According to the same plan, but by taking 1000 mg "Amoxicillin".

Sometimes to treat ulcers and gastritis is applied somewhat different scheme:

  • Twice a day half an hour before meals drink "De-Nol";
  • Four times a day take 500 mg "Tetracycline";
  • In a similar dose, but three times a day, drink "Metronidazole";
  • ...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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