Eduard Taran: biography, photos, family, wife ramming Eduard Anatolyevich. Taran Edward and RATM


2018-04-01 12:27:12




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Eduard Taran - known Patriotic entrepreneur and industrialist. He also engaged in public activities. His fortune he amassed as President and founder of the multidisciplinary "RATM Holding". The company manufactures products for the defense industry and electro-optical instrumentation.


Eduard Taran

Eduard Taran was born in 1967. Still in high school realized that only by knowledge can achieve a lot in life, therefore, regularly engaged in the improvement of their qualification.

So, got two of higher education. Today Taran Edward A. holds a diploma of Novosibirsk state technical University by profession an economist and Manager in enterprises, primarily associated with fuel and energy complex.

His second education he received at the Novosibirsk humanitarian Institute. This time in the specialty "economy". Is a candidate of economic Sciences, defended his thesis.

Own business

Taran Edward A.

Edward Tarana of Labor career began to develop after 1989, when he returned from the army. He fit in the adjustment process, starting with the fact that stood at the head of the Foundation for youth initiatives at the local factory "Promstal'konstruktsiya".

A Key in the life of Edward Tarana began in 1992, when he founded the company RATM, which has existed until now. The acronym of this organization stands for Regional Association of fuel materials. Initially the RAM was doing that started to supply thermal coal for companies operating under the auspices of the national Ministry of defense, Ministry of internal Affairs and the organizations which are officially included in the holding RAO "UES".

Business Development

Eduard Taran, whose biography is linked directly with the energy sector, in the early 90-ies established a joint Kemerovo-Novosibirsk enterprise according to this profile, which is called "Kenotic". At the same time actively investing money into the development of the coal fields of "Karakansky-southern", and the creation to him of all relevant infrastructure, including freight Railways.

About the same time his company that are his main assets, he begins to discover new markets. Taran Edward A., the biography which has repeatedly been associated with a risk, try yourself in different sectors of the economy. His company is engaged in the glass industry, cement production, opto-electronic instrumentation (this direction is one of the most effective), as well as investments in construction in the Novosibirsk region and the European part of Russia.


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In the early 2000s, the company RATM turns into a holding. Taran becomes her President and owner of a controlling stake. His Corporation is the largest once in the region the enterprise for manufacture of cement "Iskitimtsement", located in Novosibirsk region. He was able to restore it.

Currently, the company's assets has grown significantly. It has its own company in Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kurgan regions and, of course, Novosibirsk.

Famous social activist

Eduard Taran wife

In Addition to the roles in the business, which took a battering RAM, he is widely known as a public figure. For example, he owns a charity Foundation "Zhivi" that is based on his initiative. The Fund financial assistance to minors who suffer from cancer. Is a member of several all-Russian charity organizations. For example, "life Line" that provides medical care to seriously ill children.

In the early 2000s, the RAM has established his own Foundation called "the Citizen of the Fatherland." He supports social and business activity in the country, tries to influence the institutions of civil society.

Through his charities he also funded culture and sport. With it tranche receives academic Opera and ballet theatre in Novosibirsk, the Fund Zelensky involved in the development of the art of ballet.

During the Sochi Olympics Taran helped to equip the prayer room, organized performances by ballet for athletes.

With his direct support was seriously reconstructed stadium "Spartak" in Novosibirsk, which holds its matches a team of the national Football League "Siberia". Organized in Novosibirsk a tennis tournament.

Criminal prosecution

Eduard Taran biography

In 2010 it became known about detention by the police battering RAM at the Moscow airport "Sheremetyevo". Less than a day the court arrested the owner of the holding for two months.

The Hero of our article was accused of trying to bribe law enforcement officers. However, many believed that the case was fabricated. In particular, this version was expressed by the Chairman of national anticorruption Committee Kirill Kabanov, who said that, in his opinion, was biased.

After Spending some time in jail, the RAM was released. But after six months, criminal proceedings were suspended in view of lack of evidencecrimes.

Personal life

Eduard Taran family

In private life very secretive Eduard Taran. About the family is known very little. The only information available in open sources is his wife. However, their marriage is not officially registered. Taran Edward A. and wife Irina Tsvetkova live in civil marriage.

It is Known that, most likely, they became personally acquainted in the course of a criminal investigation. Tsvetkova was one of his lawyers. Then, and met his love Eduard Taran. Wife together with his assistants managed to save him from criminal prosecution.

Some Russian media, citing its own sources, reported that the couple has a child together. Others argue that RAM at the moment, five children. This became known at the hearing. This argument was used by his defenders to replace remand in custody or house arrest house arrest.

Currently, the RAM has returned to its Affairs and remains at the top of the RATM holding company.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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