Verse - this is how many rows? What is stanza in a poem?


2018-09-09 01:00:27




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The Term "verse" comes from the Greek word meaning "turn", "whirling". It is a combination of a certain number of verses (lines of poetry), which is the semantic, syntactic and rhythmic unity. "The stanza is how many lines?" - you will ask. Answer. Its composition may include from 2 to 14 verses. Names of stanzas (main) we now will present.


The simplest of them is the couplet (in other words - distich). This type of stanza is used relatively rarely in Russian poetry. It was used, for example, Lermontov in his poem "Sea Princess".

poems 4 stanza


Consisting of three lines of poetry stanza poem is called (otherwise the tertset). This species is also rarely used by the Russian poets. Much more treastise included in other, larger stanzas. They are written, for example, the poem "Canto of Hell" by A. A. Blok.

how many rows in the Onegin stanza


The Most popular of all other kinds of verse is in the Russian poets a quatrain (in other words - quatrain). The existing combination of four verses allows to obtain an incredible variety of intonation, rhythm. Different quatrain flexibility of the syntax. It may in some cases be included in other, larger types of stanzas. As example, the Onegin stanza and the sonnet. In the quatrain apply the various methods of rhyming, but the most common so-called cross rhyme (built according to the scheme abab). For example, the poem "Sleep" by Lermontov, in which the first line rhymes with the third and the second with the fourth. Examples set.


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names of the verse

Do Not confuse two similar words - "row" and "stanza". Both of these concepts are United by the fact that of them are poems. 4 stanza, however, may include work written by quatrain, distichum, tertset etc. And the 4 lines that comprise the stanza, is always a quatrain.


Stanzas are a special type of stanza, which is composed of four lines. Dwell on it more. In Russian poetry it consists of four poems written chetyrekhtomnym pentameter, stanza, which uses cross rhyme (built according to the scheme abab). In addition to these formal characteristics, it also has each of the quatrains also semantic completeness. The most outstanding works that are written in stanzas, in the literature belong to A. S. Pushkin. In his poems several times found this verse. Examples: "I Wander...", "Stanzas", "In the depths of the Siberian ores".

stanza is how many rows

It Should be isolated from other varieties of stanzas rarely used in Russian poetry, the sonnet, the octave and also a special kind created by Pushkin - Onegin stanza.


The sonnet is often considered as one of the genres of the lyrics. However, from a formal point of view it is a stanza. A sonnet consists of two parts. The first consists of two quatrains (the quatrains), the second contains two tertset (i.e. treastise).

The sonnet as a stanza is how many rows? To answer this question, it is possible to calculate their quantity in the above us the parts and sum the resulting numbers. Can do it yourself and check the result. You should have exactly 14 lines. The sonnets scansion is iambic pentameter (used less shestistopny). Even in classic, minimalist version of the rhyme scheme might change following mandatory condition: must be used in the two quatrains ravensbury rhymes, treastise should be used two (or, rarely, three) that differ from those used in the quatrains. Alexander Pushkin was created by three well-known sonnet: "Madonna", "Poet", "Severe Dant did not despise the sonnet...".

Onegin stanza

what is a stanza in the poem

Onegin stanza by Alexander Sergeyevich was introduced in the literature specially for the novel called "Eugene Onegin". As you can guess, its name comes from this work. It corresponds to the following structural scheme: AbAbCCddEffEgg. To answer the question "how many rows in the Onegin stanza?", considering the number of elements in the schema. Their only 14. In this scheme, designated by the capital letters of the women's clause (the end), and lowercase are indicated for men. Throughout the text of "Eugene Onegin" this structure is maintained, in addition to the letters of Tatiana (Chapter three), Onegin (eighth), and "Song girls" (the third Chapter).


Answer the following question: "how Octave stanza is how many lines?" It consists of eight verses, as you might guess from the title. "Oktava" in translation from Latin means "eighth". Poetic lines in her rhyme as follows: abababcc. It is mandatory alternation of male and female clauses. Which of the famous works of Russian poetry is used this verse? Example of the octave is "little House in Kolomna" Pushkin's poem.

stanza example

What are the different types of division of stanzas?

The Division of stanzas often occurs inthe basis of combination of rhymes in it. However, as in the West, and in Russian poetry was given significant attention to the combination of rhymed with unrhymed verses. This should be considered in answering the question "What is a stanza in a poem?". In addition, can also be obtained strophic types with the introduction of long and short poems. Often included in a number of verses of equal length, one shorter (which happens often) or longer (which happens rarely). In addition, the big distribution have received today the alternation according to certain rules in verse lines, most often rhymed, of unequal length.

Note that all of these principles can each be combined with each other, many verses also admits doubling with the addition of additional "mirror" (reverse) arrangement of elements.

Song genres

In the composition of the stanza the special role can play replays of various composite units. This is true mainly for the song. It should be noted here repeats, present within the same verse (for example, the repetition in the last verse of the first, creating a ring-shaped building). Various singing genres also often self-stanza (called the "refrain"), which is repeated after each other in this poem and gives binomial cyclically returning to the song.

The definition of stanza in as a mandatory feature is considered a natural occurence. But it is also possible verse genres where repetition is limited only by analogy, more or less palpable, which is in some cases quite distinct, while retaining the non-strict variety of composite functions.

Some types of solid forms of stanzas of poetry in the world

A Huge number of different solid forms of verse has accumulated the world poetry. In ancient, for example, we find the richness of their species. They are constantly developed later in the poetry of other European Nations. These are the types of stanzas, as elegiac distich, goreleva, or alkaeva, stanza, captionsa large and small, asclepiadea, represented by several species, and others. Repeatedly reproduced most of them in Russian prosody, most often inaccurately. In this sense a much smaller role played by Oriental poetry in Russian. She was the recent attempt of the borrowing multiple forms (Persian quatrain, Gazelle). The rich heritage of the Latins in Russian poetry presents the some of the "hard" forms such as the Rondeau, the sonnet, octave, sextina, Triolet, terzini and others.

Heroic verse in Russian poetry

It Should be noted also heroic verse, which is firmly established in the national literature. It was borrowed from France, and became in the 18th century in the Russian poetry of the obligatory form for heroic poetry and classical tragedy. It consists of couplets presented tsesarevna shestistopny pentameter, in which there are pairs of rhymes, alternating female, male. Some other types of couplets are most frequently used in the genre of "romance", as well as in the inscriptions, epigrams, etc. Example - "Black shawl" by Alexander Pushkin.


We have reviewed some kinds of stanzas. Actually, there are quite a lot. But these are the basic that are used in Russian literature. We can assume that in most cases for the analysis of the poems of this information enough. Now you know what a stanza in the poem. I hope you will be able to identify the main species. The answer to the question "Stanza is how many rows?" can be found in this text.

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"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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