American psychologist and psychiatrist Stanislav Grof: books the author of the matrix and the main ideas


2018-03-27 00:00:13




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The Combination of the words “an altered state of consciousness” is some excitement and thrill, as the name of the man who devoted his life to research. We are talking about the famous founder of transpersonal psychology by the name of Stanislav Grof.

Curriculum vitae

He was Born in Prague in 1931. Received a medical degree twenty years studied psychoactive substances and their use in psychotherapy. The knowledge contained in the book “LSD psychotherapy”.

Stanislav Grof

Since 1967 Stanislav has lived and worked in America. In 1975, he met his future wife, it gives a starting point for new discoveries. In connection with the prohibition of psychedelic drugs was developed by an alternative method of immersion in a state of altered consciousness-holotropic breathing. Together, they begin to conduct sessions. Then Stanislav Grof begins to work on the preparation of transpersonal psychologists, lectures, and leads workshops around the world.

What is transpersonal psychology?

The Object of interest this branch of psychology became the experience of a special kind, which is called the spiritual world of man. They are conditionally divided into two groups: included in the “objective” the reality and go beyond its limits. The first group includes: the experiences of the child in utero, the experience of ancestors, the phenomena of foresight, memories of past incarnations and more. The second group relates the experience of psychic and spiritual experience.

Stanislav Grof beyond the brain

The Peculiarity of this direction is that it actively uses the ideas of philosophy, religious teachings, sociology, and other Sciences.

Most scientific communities do not recognize transpersonal psychology, I believe that it has no scientific basis, and the effectiveness of her methods highly questionable.

Advanced map of consciousness

Grof in psychology it was thought that a newborn baby – is a blank slate. He has no memories, no experience. However, the academic sessions revealed that people remember birth and the period of intrauterine development, is able to leave his body and merge with the consciousness of other living beings, even the Universe and the planet.


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Stanislav Grof books

Based On the research identified three levels of consciousness:

  • Biographical, containing information from birth.
  • Perinatal spanning prenatal development and birth.
  • Transpersonal.

This map included not only Western theory, but also those that contain the spiritual teachings of the East. Grof also found a relationship between level of awareness and available energy level.

The Idea of a holotropic breathing

To Gain popularity not only in the narrow circles of specialists and people interested in psychology for personal reasons, helped holotropic breathing. This technique, which was created by Stanislav Grof. Holotropic breathwork was developed by the researcher together with his wife in order to obtain an alternative to LSD, which was prohibited. However, there are points of view that the same breathing techniques used long ago, for example in the practice of yoga for achieving Supreme state-Samadhi.

Stanislav Grof holotropic consciousness

The Methodology is criticized. It is believed that hypoxia causes the destruction of brain cells, therefore dangerous. Proponents argue that the feelings that one experiences during a session, healing. This allows to deduce from the depths of the unconscious emotions and unpleasant experiences that are not conscious, and therefore continue to disturb the man, and manifest as various symptoms.

The method

Holotropic breathing – is a method, the essence of which is to create a situation of hyperventilation of the lungs by breathing common equipment. This method eliminates from the blood the carbon dioxide that creates a situation of oxygen starvation, the brain reacts in an altered state of consciousness. This is supposed to aktiviziruyutsya of the unconscious rise to the surface, the repressed emotions in the form of hallucinations.

In the session involves two people. One - holonavt, he breathes, another sitter, his role is to help and observe. Then in a pair are swapped. The technology has a long list of contraindications.

Basic perinatal matrices

There Is another theory, whose author is Stanislav Grof. Matrix – a model that describes the state of the human psyche in the period of intrauterine development and birth. This theory claims that, while staying utero and then birth, the person receives a special experience, which has an impact on all subsequent life, and it can also cause mental disorders.

Stanislav Grof matrix

The First matrix, called the "amniotic universe" refers to the period when the embryo is in the womb, sees it as his universe. This is a static matrix. If pregnancy was easy, then the matrix is filled with a sense of peace and joy. Any complications during pregnancy adds to the negative matrix elements (metaphor for heaven).

The Second matrix corresponds to the period of contractions before birth. Exit yet, but oxygen and nutrients is not enough(the metaphor of hopelessness).

The Third matrix relates to the period of attempts at delivery. The fetus moves through the birth canal, it becomes the first in the life experience of overcoming (a metaphor of the struggle).

The Fourth matrix is related by birth and the first moments that a child experiences immediately after it. This is the final loss of communication with the body of the mother, the first breath, the feeling of light and other (symbolic of rebirth).

The Theory of matrices also has been active criticism in scientific circles. However, there are studies that were conducted separately and with other goals, but they confirmed that the pregnancy and birth really has an impact on the mental development of man.

Stanislav Grof

If you like the ideas expressed by Stanislav Grof, books – one of the ways to get to know them closer. In Russian you can find 18 of his works. All his books have been published in 16 languages. What is most proud of Stanislav Grof? “the Holotropic mind" is one of the most popular of his books. In it, he recounts his theories, confirming vivid stories from clinical practice.

Stanislav Grof holotropic breathing

Another interesting book, which was written by Stanislav Grof, – “Beyond the brain”. In it he not only describes his scientific theories, but criticizes those who do not accept the ideas of expanding the human consciousness and calls mentally ill those who have experienced similar experience. In the book, which was written by Stanislav Grof (“Beyond the brain"), is also considered by many deeds of famous people and political figures from the perspective of the impact of birth trauma. Such masterpieces must-read.

Wondering Stanislav Grof? His books will tell you more about the methods of work and studies.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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