Hate women. From love to hate... hating


2018-03-27 01:37:21




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«Hate women". It is this phrase you can hear from a man who tries to avoid girls feeling hatred towards them. During intercourse, he will likely try to find another flaw to write it down in your list which can be infinite.

hate women

In the estimates of such men intemperate, and all women are called bitches. And here are the good words to the members of the fairer sex to say can not. This is a small part of those distinguishing features by which you can easily find out misogynist. Why do men often recite the phrase: “Hate women"?. What to do in this situation?

Why there is hate?

Where do began to appear aversion to the fairer sex? It is sufficient to look around to find the answer to the question. In the news featured alcoholics, abusive men who constantly beat their wives, bad fathers, etc. These images can be seen even in the TV series, the videos on the Internet. Hallmark is contempt for women.

However, ladies are not exemplary. Acting in TV shows and commercials, they sometimes even worse than men. And break your heart for them is not a problem.

On a subconscious level we are trying to copy the images that flashed on the screen, exacerbating the contradictions to the limit. Men start to feel hostility to women and women to men. As they say, from love to hate…

Distinctive features

In psychology, a man who feels hatred toward women, called misogynists. However, the word is not very easy for hearing, so many people try to use the usual concept of a woman - hater. What are the symptoms can give men who love to utter the phrase “Hate women”?


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  1. He dislikes to all the beautiful half of humanity, not just individual representatives.
  2. He finds a perfect male image. In the eyes of misogynist men are better than girls on all indicators.
  3. The Success of women, he will try not to notice. Even if his win in a fair fight, being misogynistic will try to prove the opposite, referring to the manifestation of cunning and guile. Do you think she can win otherwise?
  4. All your actions and words, he will try to humiliate the woman. In order to achieve this task, in the course of going any means and methods.
  5. In amorous sphere, men who hate women, will embody the image of the brutal tyrant, not perceiving partner and regularly changing. But exactly the same treatment to them they will not tolerate, what will keep reminding.

Types of haters

There are a huge number of aspects on which misogynists can be divided into different categories. It is divided into two large classes: hidden and active.

hate the rich women

  1. Hidden will show being misogynistic hatred of women covertly trying to hide true feelings. Disgusted, he would still be sucking up to the ladies, because it is not able to Express their views openly. He's just afraid of condemnation. However, this type of misogynist is the most dangerous, as they can suddenly hit in the back.
  2. Actively being misogynistic man trying all his behavior to demonstrate disgust, disdain for the girl. To suppress or hide his feelings he would not like to be embarrassed and ashamed. He openly, fearing no one, says: “Hate women". And does it quite often. Besides, these guys are actively trying to spread their ideals and to look for allies.

Why men become misogynists? Causes of hatred are hidden on a subconscious level. You should consider those that are the most common.


Perhaps, once he was a gangly teenager. And all his attempts to meet a beautiful girl, ended in failure. She didn't understand, pushed, laughed. All this was repeated at the Institute, the guy always refused. This has led to the emergence of fear, the constant expectation of a dirty trick. Misogynism in such a situation - just protection from further disappointment.

The Hostility is able to Express themselves later. For example, a whirlwind romance, which was invested in the soul, abruptly collapsed. Or many years the marriage fell apart. In this situation, the misogyny embodies men's pain, all his frustration. From love to hate one step.

from love to hatred

Educational process

The Boys quite often try to copy the behavior of their fathers. And if he regularly shows disrespect to his wife, such behaviour is stored in the memory of the child. And the situation will be even more difficult if the woman is really at fault. For example, my son found out about a lover moms, or realized that the gap parents took her fault. Subsequently it will start to vent at all the girls their old grievances.

Hard to communicate with women and that kid who was deprived of maternal affection. It's just not going to understand how to behave towards girls. And he starts to blame all their failures. Can not afford to look for the causes.

Because of my upbringing disgust can be expressed selectively independing on the nation or status in society. For example, some of the men to hear the phrase: “I Hate Russian women”.

Sexual experience

The Negative aspects of a sexual nature is able to hit manhood, drop self esteem. Perhaps, over his clumsiness laughed or called him a lousy lover.

All this has led to the emergence of huge complex of inferiority. But the man can not admit, can not accept their wrong. Accordingly, the negative feelings will begin to shift to the girls, calling them frigid.

In some situations, men who hate women, begin to experience fear, afraid of shame, which leads to rejection of the beautiful half of humanity at all. After all, if not relations, and experiences. no place. Why is he alone? Yes, just all the girls are selfish and materialistic, why did he?


Why did men begin to say the phrase: “Hate women"? The reason for this can be congenital disease. Her powers far exceed all of the above. Pathology usually associated with the innate characteristics. Sadism, homosexuality, masochism is all caused by improper sexual conduct. It begins to take shape in the womb under the influence of hormones.

hate married women

Latent homosexuality

Not all countries recognize the love between men. In this situation, what to do? Of course a man will suppress desires, their nature, begin a relationship with a woman. But fun he is not going to bring only suffering. In such a situation will arise the hatred of the fair sex. Or to all people, even worse. Alone with this problem impossible to handle.


Some men are able to get pleasure from other people's suffering. And for this they are willing to cause either physical, or emotional pain. In connection with the sexual nature of such actions, the man primarily seeks to disrupt their feelings for women. All this he will do for the sake of inner satisfaction.

In this situation, an aversion can be formed not to all women, but only to individual representatives. For example, from such men to hear the phrase: “Hate married women rdquo;.

Alone with this problem; you need to consult an experienced sex therapist or psychiatrist. This deviation is quite common in rapists and killers. The more reasonable representatives of the stronger sex try to find a mate among his own kind.

Or women to blame?

Just because men don't hate women. Often girls are not able to notice how men inspire a sense of loathing, which then begins to spread to all members of the fairer sex. What women can do about it?

Men need to educate

Sometimes the root of the problem lies in education. For example, a common game in silence. Let itself will try to guess where he messed up. And the woman will nag him. However, the effect does not meet expectations. Men begin to withdraw into themselves, never realizing what had happened, and that they're mistreated.

I hate women Russian

You can Tolerate for a long time, replacing one relationship others. However, if it will be repeated again and again, formed misogyny. The man simply convince themselves of the wrongness of women's nature. It is surprising that in such a situation being misogynistic would be to copy the behavior of an unpleasant person, brilliant at that, expelling her anger by resorting to the technique of verbal drills. In other words, he will resort to the same weapons that are actively used by women.

Disregard for the feelings

Women quite often reject men. And doing it from scratch. He can only offer help, and the answer is a harsh word. Or decide to love, and to humiliate him.

Women, setting the stage for a boy to run errands, not able to calculate the consequences. They even can't imagine that will feel the man in such a situation, what he will do, when you feel that they just took advantage of. In this situation, it is possible to hear, for example, the phrase: “Hate the rich women”.

Open mockery

Why do women mock men? After yesterday he may look silly and funny, and become tomorrow's prestigious entrepreneur who hates all royalty, and the beautiful half of humanity. It will have everything but not love, he will be considered selfish and insincere.

Taunts are able to generate significant complexes. Men with time will change, but the past will remain, and eventually they will lead to misogyny. Ladies, mocks the awkward guys do not even understand that themselves create problems that may occur in the future.

Test of allegiance

That was Sexist men can make permanent distrust, regular checks on the strength, loyalty and integrity. Women are willing to cling to any oversights, to put the guy into the category of a deceiver. And if you are not able to guess the desire girls from the first attempt, then you have a destroyer of destiny. In suchsituation women it's like trying to turn men into enemies. And they get it.

I hate weak women

What if the next woman hater?

  1. Do Not hold grudges, to be mad at misogynist. It is only sorry because he was not able to find love, to feel happy in the love sphere.
  2. If you can't form a normal relationship with these men, it is not necessary to turn into enemies. Try to remain neutral, showing courtesy and goodwill.
  3. Should Not be disputes. To engage in a fierce debate with the misogynist, as to convince it still will not work. He will keep his own opinion, holding it still, and anger.
  4. It is Necessary to keep the distance. If from communicating with the misogynist hide not on duty either due to family relationships, be prepared for the fact that conversations with them will not deliver much pleasure. To avoid nervous breakdowns in this situation will help the psychological preparation for possible problems. Try internally to distance themselves from such a person, do not take his attacks personally, feel about neutral to the claims and criticism.
  5. The Lack of a close relationship. To link their fate with a woman hater is a waste of time. In such a situation, the personal life will be difficult, as re-of such copy is impossible. And to please him will not work, you can not even try. He will always find a reason to criticize.
  6. Relationship to avoid not work, try to take a misogynist as he is. Humble with his character, because all have their shortcomings.

Why women have an aversion to women?

Periodically manifests and internal misogyny - hatred of women to women. It can be caused by?

Nasty jokes about hair colour, logic, inability to drive a car - all this can be constantly streamed, not only men but also women. And it is normal. Simply, there are women who prefer to communicate with men because I can't tolerate “Babskii nonsense”. They are trying to devalue Hobbies, values, experiences of other members of the fairer sex. They want to be taller, smarter. And even stronger because of what some person says the phrase: “I Hate weak women”.

Such behavior - a nod to the strong half of humanity, trying to settle down to a society of men. This kind of method of survival. Quite often women earn less than men while performing the same duties. Girls need to think about the children, and the guy even alimony can not pay. Society in every way shows that men occupy a dominant position.

Of Course, women are able to exercise autonomy, to be free from men, but from men of the world to get rid of will not work. And every girl is looking for their tactics of survival.

hate women the woman


The Most feared manifestation of inner misogyny is to blame the victim. Let's say the girl was beaten by her husband. So it's her fault, after all, a normal woman will not marry the first comer man. Raped? Again, my fault, what normal woman would drink in the company of men, or to walk at night alone? And the key word in this situation, “normal”. Thus it turns out that the victim is abnormal, and to sympathize with her is not worth it.

External data

Perfect to be difficult. However, imperfect to be even more difficult. According to the company, the woman just can't be fat, she'll hate it. The same can be said about unkempt, oddly dressed and just ugly persons. However, sometimes there is a reverse situation when you can hear the phrase: “I Hate beautiful women”.

The company is not able to understand such of the fair sex, preferring to humiliate and insult.

Real women

At the present stage, the popularity begin to acquire a variety of training courses, which are taught to be real women. In addition, on this topic quite a lot of books and various articles. And every day they are becoming more and more.

However, all this leads to the formation of misogyny. Women who would want to “real”, just begin to hate all those to whom the.


Both sides are to blame for the fact that men utter the phrase: “Hate women". The woman just doesn't know what can cause her inept actions. Men are not able to understand and accept.

reasons for hatred

How to get out of this situation? It is necessary to unite and work together to deal with problems, misunderstandings. In the case that misogyny has gone too far, should turn for help to psychologists.

I Hope that this review helped you to understand what is misogyny.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/self-improvement/2466-hate-women-from-love-to-hate-hating.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/sama-daskanalenne/4332-nenav-dzhu-zhanchyn-ad-lyubov-da-nyanav-sc-prychyny-nyanav-sc.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/selbstverbesserung/4330-ich-hasse-frauen-von-liebe-bis-hass-die-gr-nde-des-hasses.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-superaci-n-personal/4335-odio-a-las-mujeres-del-amor-al-odio-la-raz-n-del-odio.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/self-improvement/2467-hate-women-from-love-to-hate-hating.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/self-improvement/2466-hate-women-from-love-to-hate-hating.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/z-n--z-zhet-ld-ru/4333-zhek-k-rem-n-mahabbat-dey-n-shpend-l-k-sebepter-shpend-l-k.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/samodoskonalenie/4336-nienawidz-kobiet-od-mi-o-ci-do-nienawi-ci-przyczyny-nienawi-ci.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/auto-aperfei-oamento/4333-odeio-as-mulheres-do-amor-ao-dio-as-raz-es-do-dio.html

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UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/samovdoskonalennya/4335-nenavidzhu-zh-nok-v-d-lyubov-do-nenavist-prichini-nenavist.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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