Slimming massage: types and features of


2018-03-21 22:43:20




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Massage for slimming has long found its place in the field of cosmetology. This pleasant, relaxing and very effective the procedure can be performed in salons and at home. It significantly improves the health and elasticity of the skin. Massage can be of different types, each of which has its own advantages and particular technique.

abdominal massage for weight loss


Many people are mistaken in thinking that abdominal massage for weight loss involves kneading fat simple movements. This view is erroneous, because only a slight pressure on problem areas to break up or to completely withdraw the fat from the body did not succeed. The only way to get rid of it is burning. This is what the specialist in the salon or the person doing the massage yourself, using different methods of exposure.

In order to fat burning effects have worked at the highest level, and invented the massage. The impact causes increase blood circulation in problem areas, resulting in activation of the metabolism.

In the world Today, actively used by more than 220 techniques of influence on a skin of hands and special devices. Most of them have to eliminate fat and cellulite.

massage for slimming abdomen and sides


Modern slimming massage can be divided into 4 major groups:

  1. Hardware.
  2. Foot.
  3. Manual.
  4. Combined.

Hardware varieties used in terms of stores, although each person can purchase the necessary equipment for home use. These include vibration technique, which attract the attention of many girls.


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Combo and leg options, as a rule, are used for medicinal purposes. In the area of weight loss they are not well known, although some effect from them is quite real.

The Manual types are used for weight loss often. So it is necessary to consider separately how to perform such massages not only in salons, spending considerable sums of money, but also independently.

Which one is the most effective?

Can't say for sure what massage slimming abdomen and sides will be most effective, it is impossible. The best options simply do not exist. To date, developed several effective techniques that has a very high quality potential and is aimed at solving a specific problem. On this basis, it is worth noting that the kind of massage chosen solely to the individual characteristics of a person, including his health condition and the expected effect.

Define problem areas

As a rule, massage for weight loss directly depends on the area requiring correction. So, there are several areas where fat deposits appear most often. They include: thighs, arms to shoulders, flanks, belly, legs, in the inner area of the calf. Each area has their own signs that indicate the presence of excessive subcutaneous fat.

massage the sides for weight loss

First, you should always pay attention to the elasticity of the skin - the lower their tension, the more power you will have to pay for weight-loss. To create a personal strategy for weight loss, you can gently pinch and pull the skin on the problem area, defining the thickness of the fat.

There is another problem, which is struggling slimming massage with cellulite. It can appear not only the owners of excess weight, but in people with a thin build. He exposed the buttocks, legs, and the stomach.

Home treatments

Impact on the problem areas can easily be done at home. You do not need to have any special skills, since technology implementation is painted step by step. The advantage of such sessions is that they are completely free. In addition, home massage can be done anytime, which is also very important. Just weeks of regular treatments will be enough to feel the first results, but the full course should last much longer otherwise made in the first time, the effect will quickly disappear.

Implementation Rules

Abdominal Massage for weight loss at home must be done carefully, adhering to the rules. They can be used to ensure maximum efficiency of the process and not injure themselves.

Many people carrying out procedures on their own, carry out movements in a fast pace, hoping to get a good result. Actually this is not necessary, as accelerated actions can only harm the skin.

During the massage is not to avoid strong pressure and high intensity. Otherwise you can hurt not only the affected skin but also internal organs.

Effect will be obtained only if the full course of treatment. On average, it lasts about a month (daily sessions). Upon completion of the course you should rest for a couple of weeks, after which, if desired, to repeat it.


The First is to consider acupressure for weight loss at home. This technique has been used for over five thousand years, asis the most simple and quite effective.

On the human body there are many biologically active points that affect different organs. They stimulate their work, put in order and allow you to keep control of spiritual energy. This technique gives you the opportunity to say goodbye to the diet to normalize digestion and reduce appetite.

The First thing you need to note the point located in the auricle. Its stimulation will help to control appetite. To find its correct location, you will need to attach fingers to the jaws as widely as possible to open your mouth and at the point of its connection with the ear to find the cavity. This is the place you need to press and a bit of massaging in for a minute.

massage for weight loss reviews

Exactly the same point is present on the outer side of the right leg. It is situated at a distance of 4 fingers from the ankle. Finding it, there should also be pressure of 50-60 seconds.

Hardware massage

Many girls use massage R-sleek in the fight against cellulite varicose veins and just to quickly achieve the result, a vacation or an important event. As is known, the application of vacuum and strong physical effects with varicose veins and a number of diseases excluded. But er-slick can be used without fear of harm. Due to the rotation of thermocompression, that is, the effects of vibration, clearly designed to pressure and warming, go the extra pounds, improves lymph exchange and blood flow, which helps the body start the natural metabolic processes and to continue to combat excess weight not only your help, but also independently.

Hand massage techniques yield the fact that neither the wizard will not be able to work out all the problem areas at the appropriate level as this will make the camera. Due to this, the result you can see already after the first procedure. And to achieve the planned weight loss is 1-2 sizes bigger and getting rid of cellulite in 6-10 visits.

A Little life hack for the ladies - to get the maximum result from the R-sleek, it is necessary to observe a drinking mode during the whole course. On the Internet you can find a large amount of information about appropriate modes, depending on the desired result.

Sculpted option

The Second place in popularity is a sculptural procedure. Reviews about belly massage for weight loss this type of there are only is good as the effect of it becomes noticeable pretty quickly. Its implementation will need to take special oil and a handheld massager, which can be mittens, a roller with spikes or brush.

5 minutes before the session to take a cold shower, due to which muscles will be warmed up and the result will be more effective. After you want to take the oil and apply it for smoothing out the problem area. To work with your hands need until, until you see a little redness.

After that it is time to proceed to more intense movements. To do this, promyat the skin, to pinch, roll and grind with a deep force, reaching the subcutaneous layer. All these movements can only be moderate and intense, so the pain in any case not be felt needs. To do so requires within 10 minutes.

abdominal massage for weight loss at home

After Finishing the above exercise, is to move to the technique of kneading. This is done using the knuckles of the hands, as well as massagers. For effective massage, squeeze the hands into fists and mash them skin for 8 minutes, alternating with a glove, brush or roller. In the end, the skin will acquire a pinkish color, and at this moment will felt a surge of heat all over the body.

The Pinch technique

Another great technique that helps eliminate cellulite and improve overall skin condition. Reviews about massage for weight loss say that making active movements with your hands, you can achieve really good results. For the procedure, you will need to take the cream and the usual Terry towel.

Before the massage, be sure to take a warm shower. Then you need to carefully RUB with a towel problem areas, then apply to them the cream and RUB in for a couple of minutes in the direction of clockwise.

Then you need to actively pinch the skin with your fingertips, gently pulling it a centimeter or two. All these movements are recommended not be implemented in a chaotic manner, but strictly in a clockwise direction, so as not to harm internal organs.

In General, the procedure is very effective, although in the process it fun to very difficult. One session should last not less than 15 and not more than 20 minutes. In conclusion, definitely need to slowly smooth the involved skin with hands.

Procedure with banks

All known vacuum or cupping massage of the abdomen for weight loss at home involves the use of special silicone equipment. You can buy it in any pharmacy at a reasonable cost, so much to spend money on is not necessary.

In the first place on the area you need to apply massage oil or any cream with nutritiouseffect. After the top you should set silicone jars that instantly shrinks, forming a vacuum. Skin should enter them by about 2 centimeters. When all banks are placed, they must perform a circular, rectilinear and zigzag movement. To accomplish massage costs only after the appearance of redness.

home slimming massage

Vacuum sessions can help to flush from the human body all the decay products. After each of them will feel the improvement of the skin. In addition, they will contribute to the strengthening of muscle tissue and makes it more elastic.

Water massage

The Perfect massage for the sides for weight loss long been considered a water technique. She runs in the bathroom. The ideal option would be to purchase a special head massage shower. If this is not possible, then do not despair, because instead you can use regular nozzle, but the water pressure will have to be made stronger. Massage should be done immediately after the main taking a shower.

First you need to make good pressure, and then direct it to the necessary area, to rapidly performing a circular motion. Experts recommend to start with the buttocks and thighs, moving smoothly to her stomach and sides.

The Movement of the water jet can be performed in different directions. You can change the temperature and force of pressure. Session duration is 10 minutes. This time is enough for good effects on the subcutaneous layers.

At the end of the massage need to take a cool shower. After that you need to wipe with a towel and dress warmly.

Honeymoon session

In conclusion, you should consider the honey massage of the abdomen for weight loss. For his conduct will need to take products that are present in many homes. They are essential oil (you can take tangerine, rosemary and grapefruit) and honey.

Five tablespoons of main component you need to add about 6-7 drops of oil and mix thoroughly. The finished mixture should be placed in a cool and dark place, as all of it at one time will not be used. For a single procedure is enough to take only a couple of teaspoons of the mass.

First you need to put on problem areas the required quantity of honey and RUB the mixture until it thickens, going from the bottom up. After that you apply to the involved area of the palm of your hand and flick to tear it off. This action will create the massage effect, resulting in the activity of metabolic processes.

abdominal massage for weight loss reviews

The Procedure is performed until, until no longer stick to the honey. Usually it takes no longer than 40 minutes. After that, you will also have to go take a shower and carefully to wash off makeup, without leaving any residue. If you see severe redness, the skin can be treated with a nourishing cream.


Before starting a home massage for weight loss, you must seek the advice of a specialist. He will tell you about some of the contraindications that must be taken into account. These include:

  • Pregnancy;
  • The presence of infectious skin diseases;
  • Lesions of the skin;
  • Joint problems;
  • Cancer;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Varicose veins.

In the presence of at least one of these contraindications to massage is strictly prohibited. People who decide not to pay attention to it, you risk to harm your health, resulting in excess body fat will be and other issues.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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