How many watts in Ijust 2? Overview


2018-03-22 10:24:18




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Electronic cigarettes every day increase its popularity, it's a great alternative to conventional cigarettes. Many people are switching to soaring in order to quit Smoking, others just because now it is fashionable. But whatever the reason for purchasing electronic cigarettes, the best choice for any beginner in hover will cigarette eGo format. One of the most popular representatives of the electronic cigarette is a device called Eleaf iJust 2. how many watts in ijust 2Before proceeding to the review of this device, its technical characteristics, as well as the answer to the question about how many watts per iJust 2, briefly review the principle of operation of Eleaf iJust 2, we give a General description of the related formats of electronic cigarettes.

Working Principle iJust 2

Despite the large difference between the different electronic cigarettes, they all have a common principle. Due to the fact that the essence of the device is the evaporation of the liquid, each of them has the atomizer, inside which is the whole evaporation process. The second integral part of any such device is a battery pack, the purpose of which is also understandable - apply energy to the atomizer. Speaking about electronic cigarette, imply the presence of both of these parts together. In most devices the atomizer and the battery pack is separable and replaceable, thanks to universal connectors (threads). Both of these parts are considered primary, but other than them, there are other necessary for comfortable floating elements.

what gives watt ijust 2Let us now Focus more on the process of evaporation of the liquid. Inside the atomizer includes a filament coil which is part of the replacement of the evaporator. The principle of thermal evaporation involves two essential elements: the filament and the material for impregnation (wick). In our case, the wick is made of pure cotton. The mechanics of the atomizer are arranged so that the liquid tucked into his tank, under the action of back pressure when tightened, penetrates the wick, and the spiral heats it, creating steam. The evaporation is affected by the electrical power of the batteries of the battery pack. Power is measured in all electronic cigarettes, iJust 2 including watts. How many watts is required to achieve the desired evaporation depends on the specific situation.


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All electronic cigarettes, anyway, is equipped with air holes for supplying air to the atomizer.

In fact, with the help of such devices can be turned into steam any liquid. However, it is the evaporation that acts as an alternative to Smoking, will not fit any liquid. It should be crotchet (characteristic bitterness), to give a lot of steam with little evaporation temperatures, should have some taste and, if necessary, to contain nicotine. All these properties can be achieved only mixed together a few special ingredients, and thus obtaining a special slurry (liquid) for electronic cigarettes.

Format of electronic cigarettes iJust 2

There are three basic types of devices: Mini, eGo and a Box Mod.

IJust Electronic cigarette 2 refers to the format of electronic cigarette eGo. Devices from this category by its dimensions similar to a ball point pen or large cigars. They all use battery packs equipped with more intelligent electronic Board, compared to the Mini. The downside to both categories, including Mini, is their neobkhodimosti. But really it's a moot point. Though officially these devices service repair, disposable electronic cigarette Mini detachable atomizer Mini eGo atomizer, it is amenable to analysis. Therefore, in the Internet you can find a lot of articles and videos on how to rewind unattended base atomizer these formats.

In cooperation and vaporization, e-cigarettes are averages of the three existing formats of electronic cigarettes. These parameters depend on capacity of your device. In our case, cuspidata and evaporation are subject to how many watts gives iJust 2.

E cigarette eGo format is well suited for people who want to change to a less harmful alternative to conventional cigarettes, as well as newcomers to soaring. Unlike electronic cigarettes format Box Mod, VAPE mods necessarily have the electronic Board that protects the user and battery from short circuit. Among format cigarettes Box Mod available and very popular devices without such protection. In addition, the format of the Box Mod itself is designed for experienced vapers who know what electrical resistance, are able to go with unprotected batteries, you know how to make a spiral filament and a wick, and correctly configure the atomizer at the desired vaporization. If the smoker desired ease of operation and good vapor, there is no better option than eGo?

Description iJust 2

Manufacturer's 2 iJust Eleaf is a company that has long gained recognition among fans of electronic cigarettes. The company manufactures equipment for evaporation of the formats Box Mod and eGo. After the great success of electronic cigarettes iJust, the company releases its new and improved version - iJust 2. As a bright representative of the eGo format, this device has all the characteristics of this class of electronic cigarettes.The main feature of iJust 2 in his cabanossi (the opportunity to work with coils of low resistance, the resistance is measured in ohms). Due to this, iJust 2 can give a lot of steam when use. To achieve this goal, the company Eleaf equipped with a battery pack of a new device with very good battery capacity of 2500 milliamps per hour (unit of capacitance). Such a charge is good for hours of soaring, even when you factor in his cabanossi (spiral with low resistance battery require a larger energy output).

New iJust able to please a large tank atomizer 5.5 ml. Even at high intensity use of electronic cigarette for several hours in the tank runs out of liquid.

Replacement evaporators iJust have 2 resistance of coil 0.3 Ohm (shabanie). You can also find these items at 0,7 ohms. The efficiency of vaporization when using the different vaporizers of the resistance depends on how many watts per iJust 2 at the moment. As the design of the atomizer of the previous version, this device saved the convenience and ease of changing coils.

Should pay attention to the special silicone ring governing the tightening force. eleaf ijust 2 how many wattsLike any other sabany atomizer, iJust have 2 large air holes, making the tightening easy. But if you want, you can make it tighter, like a puff of analog cigarette. With the aim of improving the impregnation of the wick (the tighter the delay, the stronger the effect of supplying slurry to the wick due to the back pressure) you can use a silicone ring that you wear on the outside bottom of the base of the atomizer.

The Battery pack of this electronic cigarette is equipped with a common function "pastry" (Passthrough). This means that you can charge the device while bathing.

Among the minuses can be noted the lower fill of the tank for sludge. That is to pour the slurry into the tank, Unscrew the atomizer from the battery pack, turn it over, Unscrew the base and then pour the slurry into the tank. Also a minus is that the glass part of the atomizer which is inseparable from it. If the glass is crack, have to replace the entire tank.

How many watts gives iJust 2?

Power output iJust 2, unlike conventional iJust, not fixed. The developers decided not to equip the electronic Board of this device is such a function, thereby implementing an interesting feature, unusual for most electronic cigarettes eGo format. Power, and thus the amount of energy directly proportional to the degree of battery discharge the battery pack Eleaf iJust 2. How many watts gives this device depends on the situation. Officially, the company has defined the boundaries of power from 30 watts (the battery is empty) to 80 watts (with a charged battery). The same characteristic fashion without the circuit boards (Mahmudi). In fact, it is a common property of any battery. The more it is discharged, the less power it produces. Fee this device though does not fix the power, but not without the usual necessary functions of short circuit protection. The answer to the question, with how many watt Eleaf iJust 2 will give the greatest amount of energy is obvious – with the greatest possible, that is 80 watts.

Description iJust S

The market already exists an advanced version iJust 2 – S. How many watts gives this version, you can understand when you consider that it has retained the appearance and technical characteristics of the previous device. The only and no doubt a nice improvement in the specifications were performed only in the battery capacity, which was raised to 3000 milliamps. Fixed the above disadvantages iJust 2 – added the ability top filling without having to Unscrew the atomizer from the battery pack, and removability of the glass of the tank. Size S iJust iJust 2 a little shorter but a little wider in diameter. ijust 2 s how many watts

Description iJust Mini 2

There is another representative of this line - iJust Mini 2. How many watts in a given device, it is possible to understand without comments. Also changed the battery, whose capacity was reduced to 1100 milliamps to obtain the shorter length of the whole device (115 mm). Also iJust tank 2 Mini has a small capacity-only 2 ml. In all other respects, this version copies the original. how many watts in 2 mini ijust

Appearance, size, weight, and connector iJust 2

This device belongs to the class of cylindrical electronic cigarettes. Klassificeret it as robomod that is not true, because tribology (Mod Pipe) – devices in the form of a pipe.

Total length iJust 2 is 168,5 mm. Length of the battery pack – 81 mm atomizer – 67.5 mm, drip (mouthpiece) - 20 mm Diameter battery pack – 20 mm. the weight of the entire electronic cigarette – 125,2 g. how many watts gives ijust 2

E-cigarette iJust 2 has a universal connector 510. This means that its battery pack can be used with any other existing atomizer, and the atomizer can be screwed to any other battery block.

Now that we have seen the description of all versions of the electronic cigarette, their technical characteristics and how much watt gives iJust 2, it is possible to proceed to the consideration picking the starter kit.

Pick iJust 2

IJust starter kit when you buy 2included:

  • A battery unit;
  • Atomizer;
  • Replaceable vaporizer;
  • Silicone ring
  • Charging cable (USB)
  • Manual;
  • Packaging.

All of the above comes in a single instance. how many watts in ijust kit 2

All starter kits are indicated by the word “Kit” (included). Each version has its iJust 2 starter kit – 2 Mini iJust Kit iJust Kit iJust S and 2 Kit. How many watts in a particular set can be found directly on the packaging or in the instructions.

In conclusion

Despite the stated manufacturer of the simplicity and lack of problems in the hover with iJust 2, it is important to understand that the saturation of the wick with liquid manure during active operation of the device has its own balance. If the manure is too well permeates the wick, the evaporation chamber of the atomizer will overflow, giving rise to the so-called “snot". The evaporation rate of slurry from the wick, in such a situation, the slower its rate of saturation.

There is a reverse, more common problem – burning. It's the same thing, only in reverse. Replaceable wick is a resource – approximately one week of use. After this time it is recommended to change, because it will give the fumes from natural aging. If iJust 2 gives the fumes before this period, when filled tank, you can try to achieve a balance with the gain traction, that is, through the use of silicone rings. In cases where iJust 2 suddenly starts to produce mucus, it is necessary, conversely, to make the thrust more freely.

Despite the fact that officially iJust evaporators 2 are considered to be maintenance free, you can find various tips on how to rewind independently, without the need for a permanent purchase. Therefore, this electronic cigarette worth a try for those who want to switch to electronic cigarettes, but do not want to constantly spend money on plug-in vaporizers.

Hope this article was useful in finding information about how many watts per iJust 2, as well as other technical features of this device.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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