The state and law. St. 181 of the civil code with comments


2018-03-18 07:00:30




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St. 181 of the civil code (revised) establishes the period of limitation for making claims on the application of the statutory consequences of recognition of a void and voidable transactions. The norm also defines the moment from which starts the calculation of prescribed periods. Consider the next article 181 of the civil code with commentaries, 2015 article 181 of the civil code

Deadlines for submitting claims for invalidity of void transactions

The Period for claims under such contracts is 3 years. The calculation of the specified period starts from the date of execution of a void agreement. The claim may be presented by an entity not involved in legal disputes. For him the term cannot exceed 10 years. The calculation period starts from the day when the person learned or he should have known about execution of the transaction.

Section 2 of article 181 GK the Russian Federation

The Statute of limitations for claims on invalidation of voidable transactions and the application of appropriate consequences is 1 year. Calculation period is from the date of termination or threats of violence, under the influence of which was signed the relevant contract. The start date may also coincide with the date when the claimant became or should have become aware of other circumstances, to direct the relevant claim.

St. 181 of the civil code (with commentary 2015)

The rule describes the cases of the application of limitation periods to voidable and void transactions. For the first periods stipulated in the previously effective provisions, remained the same. The current statement of article 181 of the civil code the limitation period for void transactions was reduced to 3 years. From 01.01.1995 (from the date of introduction of the first part of the Code) 26.07.2005 (until the entry into force of the Federal law № 109), this period is 10 years. This position seemed justified, in particular concerning privatization transactions that were committed before the adoption of the relevant norms.


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However, over time it began to create certain obstacles to ensure the legal and economic stability of entities involved in civil turnover. On the one hand, within 5-10 years, the owner of an object can change several times, and today, as a rule, the current owner is considered fair. On the other hand, the practice of article 181 of the civil code shows that a three-year period for void transactions is sufficient for the protection of their interests.

St 181 1 of the civil code

Current issues

Comments to article 181 of the civil code reflect the opinion of various experts. However, the majority of them Express a common point of view, which is as follows. Extended limitation period previously significantly hampered the resolution of cases in view of the high risk of loss of evidence, increased the possibility of contradictory reflection of the circumstances, the persons involved in the dispute, and so on. These and other factors have complicated the procedure for making objective decisions, which in turn formed the preconditions for taking wrong decisions with consequences. The establishment of reasonable time in article 181 of the civil code helps to stabilize turnover, uncertainties in the interactions of the participants that inevitably arise when a long limitation periods.

The scope of the responsibilities and rights

It is always specified for transactions with participants of the turnover. The detailed regulation of responsibilities and rights of the constituent entities resolve disputes in a short time. Lack of reasonable limits to ensure the protection of interests entailed negative consequences for defendants and third parties. This was largely due to the fact that the latter could not always take into account the need for the collection and preservation of evidence. Established in article 181 of the civil code shall provide for the protection of parties to a civil transaction from presentation of fraudulent claims, encouraging with it to promptly take care of implementation and protection of their rights. As a result, it allows to strengthen economic and financial discipline in the society. St 181 2 of the civil code of the Russian Federation

Features of application of the limitation period

In the first paragraph of article 181 of the civil code stipulates that the period is calculated from the day on which we began implementing the terms of the transaction, but not the date on which the entity learned or had to learn about violation of their rights. In article 166 paragraph 1 it is established that the insignificant transaction is void irrespective of whether it was recognized by the court or not. If you meet the requirements in the reasoning of the decision should be the indication. Void transaction, as we know, does not give rise to legal consequences. In this regard, its invalidity can be declared only from the Commission. To start the calculation of the limitation period are sufficient to its execution began at least one side.

Third party

Void transaction may infringe the interests not only of the parties who knew of her performance conditions. In particular in the housing sector have often faced a situation when owners of apartments in apartment houses which are not acting as participants in the treaties, could not provide protection of rights to objects recognized by common property. For example, is about the attics, cellars and other premises. Often the local authorities pass these objects in the property or rent to third parties. To solve such problems, the law specifies the rules for which are estimated in terms of certain categories of void and voidable transactions.

So, in accordance with paragraph 42 of the plenary Decision No. 29 of 15.12.2004 determined that the claim for annulment of the contracts on the grounds provided for in paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 103 of the Federal law "On bankruptcy", may be sent by the lender or by external control during the year. Here the features of the calculation of the time period. It begins with the moment when the transaction has become or should have become aware of the initial external administrator (if it is acting as applicant's), not the debtor. In the case of missing the deadline in this case it can not be restored. article 181 of the civil code with review 2015


Meet the requirements of external control is allowed in case if during the execution of the transaction in respect of which the claim is filed, the lender has suffered or could suffer a loss. A contract with a separate entity after the adoption in court statement on the recognition of bankruptcy of the debtor or for six months preceding this point can be classified as invalid. If this should occur the following condition. The transaction must assume a preferred satisfaction of claims of some creditors over others.

Specifications Chapter 9.1 of the Civil code

In article 181.1 of civil code established the basic provisions. In accordance with all the rules that are defined in this Chapter shall apply, if the law or the procedure set by regulations, provides otherwise. In the process of activity large enterprises a key role in decision-making plays a General meeting. In the second paragraph of article 181.1 determined that the acts adopted by it, give rise to legal consequences on the occurrence of which they are directed, for all subjects eligible to participate, and other persons, if it comes from the nature of the relationship or required by law.

article 181 of the civil code in the new edition

Making decisions at the meetings

Features of the procedure are set out in article 181.2 of the civil code. The act is considered adopted if it received the majority of votes of the participants. In this case, the meeting must be present at least 50% of the total number of members of the society. Allowed the adoption of decisions by absentee voting. For inclusion in the agenda several issues regulations on them approved separately. A different procedure may be established by the members of the society, if his approval voted unanimously. The fact of the decision recorded in minutes. The document is signed by the Secretary and the Chairman of the meeting. The Protocol shall include:

  1. Place, time and date of the meeting.
  2. Information about the subjects participating in the event.
  3. The results of the meeting voting. They are on each issue included in the agenda separately.
  4. Information about the entities authorized to carry out the counting of votes.
  5. Information about the participants who opposed the adoption of the discussed solutions and demanded to enter the appropriate information in the Protocol.

 the commentary to article 181 of the civil code

Esperimenti solutions

It says in the article 181.4 of the civil code. In accordance with the decision approved at the meeting, the court may invalidate, if they revealed violations of legal regulations. Speech including goes about:

  1. Failure to follow the procedure of preparation, convening, holding of events, if this had an impact on the will of the parties.
  2. The Lack of authority from the person on behalf of the members of the Assembly.
  3. The Assumption of the equality of rights participating in the event.
  4. The Violation of the rules of the Protocol.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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