The main stages of the sales


2020-07-02 23:31:08




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Each seller seeks to increase the volume of their sales. This process is a real art, knowledge of the basic rules which must necessarily lead to success. The main stages of sales, which is the same for the transactions of large companies and small retail sales of goods consist of six sequential steps:

1. The establishment of contact relations.

2. The identification of needs.

3. The presentation of your product.

4. Working with an existing objections.

5. The completion of the sale.

6. The output of the contacts.

The Success in sales of goods can be achieved only by the seller, who is a careful plan of work and is hard to set goals, showing self-discipline.

Phases of the sales should follow alternately one after the other. It is impossible to determine customer needs, setting the contact, and it is impossible to sell the goods, without answering the objections of the buyer. The success of each subsequent step of the sales depends on successfully carried out the previous one.

The first step of the product realization is the establishment of contact relations. This step is extremely important for the implementation of the entire sales process. This stage implies a personal communion, that is, a meeting that needs to be carefully planned. This will allow you to organize your day and treat time a potential buyer.

The arrangement of the meeting must be made a few days prior to the event. This should be assigned to a specific date and time. An agreement may be achieved through a business letter or during a telephone conversation.

Sales techniques, the stages of which begin with establishing contact relationships, based on creating a trusting atmosphere conducive to “disclosure” of client. Professional managers in advance collect information about the potential buyer in order to know, how it «tune».

A powerful tool that allows you to position yourself to the client, is the creation of a climate of trust. This will allow to proceed to define its needs, making the second step in the sales stages. The important point that determine the success of the seller at this stage of the sale of goods, is its ability to listen to the interlocutor, finding out all you can about him.

The Client should feel their own importance, to articulate wishes and needs, as well as objections. The seller needs to identify the most important buyer's direction (comfort or safety, image or profit). Knowledge of the motive of acquisition of the goods will allow to properly conduct the presentation.

When the stages of the sales reach its third level, it is necessary to demonstrate the ability of its products taking into account those values that were defined during the second step. It is necessary to call to their product interest and to awaken the desire to own them. Then produce the prompting the customer to action, giving him to understand that the presentation was done to the products was acquired.

This is Likely to create objections. This means that the stages of the sales reached their fourth level. Remember that objections are not an excuse. Rather, it is the interest which requires to purchase a product of confidence, and hence further information.

Once the client will get answers to your questions, you need to go to the next stage – Commission of sales. This step is the achievement of the purpose for which produced all the work. For setting the point where the buyer agrees to purchase and to part with a certain amount of money each provider uses its own methods. This may be a reference to an authoritative firm-the partner, the growth of inflation, and so on. Push to make a deal, you leading questions about the form of payment or means of dispatch.

Phases of the sales end with the release of the contacts. This step cannot be neglected. After the completion of the implementation process it is necessary to leave a good impression. This will help not to miss the possibility of further cooperation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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