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A Huge responsibility lies on the shoulders of the employee of SBU and the game's protagonist, major Alexander Degtyarev, by chance became the Stalker in the vast Area. Before him set the task to find the missing helicopter and find out the causes of their fall.
First steps with the old AKM and a small supply of food lead him to the outskirts of Zaton, where he immediately encounters the Stalker alone. From a conversation with him mayor finds out about the nearest camp where you can at least find out something about the missing helicopter.
This quest is, in fact, a task difficult to call. Rather, it is a hint about where to go for information and where to replenish their food supplies and ammunition, the benefit is that the game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" weapon – is not so rare case. After Degtyarev get to the Skadovsk, you will need to find a bartender who will give you a key job.
A Group of stalkers came across a strange Area for the glow at the Dredge, and you as the new face and impartial, please understand the situation and to give their assessment of what is happening. The bartender warned in advance that the object was spotted a strong source of radiation.
After warning the bartender about that later on in the game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat” the passage of the Dredger will be subjected to strong radiation, you should stock up on “Hate” and first aid kits. When they reached the glow, you will see several ways to enter the Dredger: pipe that is located behind the object, or on the bridge in front of the glow.
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Once you reach the bridge, you will see that the wheel is hanging artifact (it is the source of the strange glow). When you exit the Dredge you will be greeted by a group of stalkers, and one of them will ask you to give him the artifact, in order to cure wounded comrade (actually it's a trick he uses to lure the subject, so the only correct solution would be to shot him between the eyes and further fight with the rest of the band).
Next to the glow to find the secrets of a Stalker. “Call of Pripyat” suggests that in addition to lethal anomalies there can be very useful things. On the moving circles on the water, you can locate a valuable artifact (the location changes with each release).
The Reward for completing the waiting for the next: the cache coordinates and 3000 rubles.
A Stalker named Snag found a good swag, but to take it prevented the earthquake, hid the artifact under the earth with the Cossack, where he was kept. Plus, it's in the area were mutants with mink. The mission is to pick up swag and share it with the Snag, but to talk further about the discovery of his tenant or not, solve only the Stalker.
In order to get to the plows, it is necessary to penetrate into the cleft shown on the map, and then get out. Along the way you'll meet a few, but extremely dangerous and unpleasant creatures with mink, with whom it is better suited to the shotgun.
Once the container and you are in a safe place, you have a dilemma: to share the swag with a Snag or keep it all for yourself. On further passage of the game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" artifacts in the container, and your decision about what to do with the Snag, to no effect, so you can do as you please.
If you decide to keep it all for themselves, then you need to take the container to the remmaster, and for 500 rubles, he will reveal, in another case, sharing with the Stalker, will get the options to choose from: medical kit, helmet or artifact.
After you exit the rift near the anomaly “Claw”, you will find the secrets of the Stalker (“Call of Pripyat"), combed the area detector in search of interesting and useful artifacts.
One of your top priorities – search fallen helicopters. SKAT-5 lies near the exit from the tunnels vnz “Circle”, about the middle of the anomaly “Swamp”.
In order to safely get to the helicopter, it is better to use bolts (button 6), otherwise a meeting with the unpleasant and dangerous anomalies you provided. Once you search the helicopter and the nearby box, you will receive the supplies, and also played a key clip.
On the way back to the game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" caches can be found at the Burnt out farm, in the main building. Where a lot of anomalies, you need to climb the stairs, and into the far corner of the attic is a rare “Vintar”.
This is another priority objective of the major in the location called "Iron wood". Once you got to the place, and the only serious obstacle that you will encounter – this is a local poltergeist.
The Game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" sent the major a very strong opponent, and in order to cope with the mutant poltergeist, you need to aim at flying objects and the beast – light blue, somewhat similar to the electric charge of the sphere. Fire is better close: touch of poltergeist do not affect the health.The perfect weapon, as in the case with Snork, will be a shotgun.
According to the information read from the onboard computer derived maps, which can then be decrypted by the local guide. With their help, he will pave a new route and will give you a significant discount on the future “tours”.
Near the habitat of poltergeist, you can find the secrets of the Stalker (“Call of Pripyat") among the many anomalies, where the detector will be easy to find very useful artifacts.
The Helicopter is on location «southern plateau”, where to take its course is not so easy, so we need to find a guide in the face of the Stalker Noah, who lives on an Old Barge.
The Game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" suggests several ways to complete this mission. In the first case, you need to find the old man of Noah, which will take you to the plateau. In the second case, you can use the dangerous pass near the Southern plateau anomaly “Circus” where there is a small passage in the cave Snork, passing which, you will be in place.
After inspection of the helicopter you will get the coordinates of the evacuations, which should be checked for the further successful development of events.
The game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" artifacts can be found, deep inside the plateau, and thoroughly after working with the detector, after which you will find a unique item that restores health and reduces background radiation.
Cardan Technique to work the right tools, it can improve armor, weapons and other equipment.
So where are the tools in a “Stalker" (“Call of Pripyat")? Stocking up on weapons, ammo, health kits and move to the location of “Sawmill”. On the way you will meet lots of opponents and before you get to the main building, you will have to spend a good part of the ammunition. You then need to climb the stairs to the second floor where you'll find a large inventory of first-aid kits, bandages, rare ammo and a set of tools for rough work.
For the same master of Kardan you need to find a set of tools for fine work. The set is in the location of “Plant substation”. In order to get to the shops, you must go through a group of mercenaries. There are two versions of events: you give them six or seven cans of corned beef, and they miss you, or go through their corpses. Tools are at the end of a very long room on the boxes.
In-game “Stalker: Call of Pripyat" hiding places can be found on the way to the shop, and in other locations. In this place you will meet a long tube passing through almost the entire Creek. To get the cache, you must find the fallen pillar next to the pipe and use it to climb to concessions, where the concrete backup is a valuable prize.
Once you got to the «Jupiter», you can replenish your stocks of supplies or seller "behind bars" and begin to carry out its mission.
It is Necessary to explore the plant «Jupiter" and look for the crashed helicopter scat-1.
The Entrance to the site with a helicopter bomb, and go to the object only along the fence. Once you get to the helicopter, you need to pick up around him the black box information which you will need to decipher the local equipment.
After the wizard decodes the message with the black box, you'll find that all the military went to the evacuation point B28, you have the option Б208 automatically disappears.
Secrets of a Stalker (“Call of Pripyat") in a minefield can be detected using the detector. It will help you to find very useful items and ammunition. In order to minimize the loss of health, it is best to ride cautiously and use for probing the territory of the bolts.
You need to visit the location of SAM "Volkhov" to test the evacuation point for the further development of events in the game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat”.
The special Forces, which once stood guard the object, now composed solely of zombies. Breaking from the main building, you need to find lighted Desk with a note of Lieutenant Sokolova, which indicated the combination to the locked door (need it in order to get to Pripyat).
The game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" money can find, down in the basement "Volkhov" where you will meet a serious opponent – Burer, which is located in the great hall. After his assassination you can climb the stairs to the Armory, where the cabinets with the ammunition and the boxes with the money.
One of the helicopters, the ramp fell on the territory of the plant «Jupiter». The road to the object is long and complicated.
You should Start from the North entrance to the plant, gradually moving inward, to the South buildings. The map displays all the key locations and points of passage of the plant. To find most of the required documents is not difficult, but with administrative documentation problems can occur.
In the main factory building is accessed by concrete stairs and through the tunnel to get to the big hall, where is the scat-2 with watchdog – the Psi-Dog.After her murder, and the search helicopter pass on deep into the building and find the control room, where are the administrative documents required for penetration to Pripyat.
The game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" weapon can be found behind the garages, on-site plant. This is a very powerful rifle and ammunition to her. The garages are guarded by the bandits after the murder of which you can get a bunch of first aid kits and ammunition in a secret place.
The extraction Point will be available on the map only after you will find the way to Pripyat at the factory «Jupiter», where the documents would be clear that it is possible to reach the goal through the secret tunnels under the building.
If you haven't found all the necessary documents, then the Nitrogen will send you out in search of them, but when the whole set will have you, he will tell you that for at least three fighters with a closed system respiratory protection.
Sometimes, the Stalker “Call of Pripyat" version 1.0 does not shows the location of the gathering of fighters near the station, so feel free to go to a nearby rig and talk with the Zulus, which will help you gather supporters in a single command.
The Perfect companion is Vano who will need to pay $ 5,000 for a suit, and then send it to the Zulus. Lieutenant Sokolov can be found in the bunker scientists. There is also a suit for him which will get to you after completing the quest from Ozersk. Fulfilling the task and also send Sokolov, along with the suit to the Zulus.
Surviving monolith named Hobo, which can be found North of the warehouse containers, no questions asked agree to your adventure, because to lose it is nothing special, and the opportunity to get out of this place for it will not be superfluous. Talking with him, sent to the Zulus, and the team is ready.
After you and your companions will get to tunnels, you will need to overcome a lot of anomalies and get through the barrier of the monolith. After cleaning the area and the entrance to the next zone through the reinforced door you are greeted by a group of zombies, which also need to eliminate (shotgun) and reach the stairs leading to Pripyat.
Sometimes the set complement “Master” for “Stalker: Call of Pripyat” “let” you to the next location, so before going to the next district is better off in the mod, and then it can be re-enabled.
After she got out into the daylight, you will meet the commander Kowalski. After talking with him go to the Laundry room, where there is a military camp.
The sooner you will change your weapons, the easier it will be to further quests.
After the installation of the additions the game ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" (on the weapon mods or ammo will be useful) goes much faster, but much lost interest in the quests themselves, so it's best to modify your Arsenal by himself.
Just in Pripyat, there are two places where you can find tools for calibration – Department store and the old BWC. Inside the store you will find a pack of dogs and gerbils, passing which, you can find a room with yellow glass, where the door on the box and are the required tools.
In the old CCD will need to overcome a number of anomalies and, rising to the second floor, kill the burer, which protects the calibration set. For the modification of weapons can be given the tools Nitrogen or Cardan «Jupiter». Using special cheats ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" may be a result of modifications to powerful Gauss cannon that kills enemies from a great distance, leaving them with no chance of survival.
After you complete the quest “Interference” where you need to get rid of abnormal antenna, you can get on with your main job.
The Technician at the military camp spotted a strange signal near the Laundry, it is necessary to check and to find out the origin.
Once you arrive at the point, it will be clear that the signal is dynamic, and its source is always on the move. Next, after returning to the base after the attack “unknown”, it will become clear that the signal passed the legendary Stalker Shooter, who can know the reasons of the helicopter crash.
This is the last quest in the game “Stalker". Once you have obtained all necessary information from the shooter, the military appears able to evacuate you.
When the release will end, you need to talk to Kowalski for him to put together a squad that will help to evacuate the remaining military. The major goal – to protect Kowalski and Arrow, and in addition, it is desirable to protect the whole group.
The Road to the evacuation point will be swarming with crowds of enemies: a monolith, zombies, mutants and other evil spirits. In the last minute of the game on you or medic will attack the controller, after which you will be on the roof next to the life-saving helicopter evacuation.
Next, you can choose to continue wandering around the Area or to evacuate, watching a beautiful movie.
Developers as such, codes are not provided in the game, and any typed combination will not give you "omnipotence". In order to survive in the world of Pripyat required a little different approach to a tricky passage. So you can use the following cheats on the “Stalker: CallPripyat”.
The Following codes at the ‘Stalker: Call of Pripyat" will allow you to enhance weapons. But these combinations need to be careful, because they have a mirror property – something that strengthened you, also strengthened and the enemy. But in any case, to try makes sense, and there already everyone decides for themselves, it is acceptable or not.
The folder to find a file with the name you are interested in weapons and open a simple text editor. The value of each point is quite clear, and if you experience any difficulties, you can use any translator from English.
These simple cheats though do not give “the Almighty”, but can cope with some difficult situations during the passing game.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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