Artistic and aesthetic human need


2018-03-20 19:26:18




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According to the results of archaeological excavations, we can conclude that even primitive people were peculiar aesthetic need. Researchers found examples of cave art, which was made about 30 thousand years ago. Even then the man dreamed that he was surrounded by a harmonious, beautiful objects.

aesthetic necessity

Approaches to the source of the aesthetic needs

What is an aesthetic need? There are three main approaches to the realization of this term.


Theory of aesthetic pleasure (hedonism) assumes that the perception of nature as a primary source of pleasure. John. Locke talked about the fact that terms such as “beauty”, “wonderful”, in the understanding of man denotes those objects that ‘cause a feeling of pleasure and joy”. That is, the hedonic approach has contributed to the emergence of artistic and aesthetic needs, has led to the emergence of experimental aesthetics.

The Founder of this direction is considered psychophysik G. Fechner. The aesthetic demand is seen in the necessity of creating conditions for aesthetic pleasure. Ferner conducted experiments with a group of volunteers, offering them the sounds, the colors. The obtained results are systematized it, with the result that he was able to establish “laws” of aesthetic pleasure:

  • Threshold;
  • Gain;
  • Harmony; the
  • Clear;
  • No conflict;
  • Aesthetic Association.

In the case of coincidence of the stimulation parameters with the natural qualities a person could experience true pleasure from the sight of natural objects. The theory has found its application in mass culture and industrial design. For example, many people enjoy the appearance of expensive cars, but not all characteristic of the aesthetic need to review the works of German expressionists.


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aesthetic human needs

The Theory of empathy

This approach is that it transfers the experiences to certain works of art, like a man compares himself with them. F. Schiller art as an opportunity to “other people's feelings to turn in their feelings”. The process of empathy is intuitive in nature. This theory proposes the satisfaction of aesthetic needs with the help of paintings, “rules”.

satisfaction of aesthetic needs;

Cognitive approach

In this case, the aesthetic need for identity is considered as a variant of the attainment of wisdom. This view was held by Aristotle. Proponents of this approach consider art as creative thinking. They believe that the aesthetic needs of a person to help him learn about the world.

“Psychology of art”

L. S. Vygotsky in his work analyzed this problem. He believed that aesthetic needs, human abilities are a special form of socialization and its sensory world. According to the theory outlined in the work “Psychology of art”, the author is convinced that through art one can convert the passion, emotion, individual feelings, to turn ignorance into education. In this case the person has a condition of catharsis, characterized by enlightenment, the elimination of contradictions in feelings, perception of their new situation. Thanks to the internal discharge voltage by means of works of art, there is a genuine motivation for the subsequent aesthetic activities. In the process of formation of a certain artistic taste, according to Vygotsky, there is a need for aesthetic education. The person is ready to study theory, to re-experience the pleasure of a visual inspection of art objects.

As the empirical development of the human person, of changing society, changing attitudes to beauty, the desire to create. As a result of progress in different fields of human activity there were various achievements of world culture. As a result of the progress modernized artistic and aesthetic needs of a person, corrected spiritual aspect of personality. They affect the creative direction, intelligence, creative focus and aspirations, attitude to other people. If you lack the ability to aesthetic perception of humanity will not be able to realize themselves in a wonderful and complex world. In this case, it will be impossible to talk about culture. The formation of this quality is possible on the basis of purposeful aesthetic education.

artistic and aesthetic human needs

Importance of cultural development

Analyze the basic aesthetic needs. Examples of the importance of a full of aesthetic education supported by historical facts. Aesthetic requirements of the plan are the source for the development of the world. Man is a social being, so for self-actualization he must feel its relevance, necessity. Frustration breeds aggression, negatively affects the mental stateperson.

What is the need

Every living entity is by the consumption necessary for life goods. The basis of this process is the need or needs. Try to find a definition of this concept. M. P. Ershov in his work “human Need,” argues that the need is the source of life, and this quality is characteristic of all living beings. He believes the need for some specific property of living matter, which distinguishes it from the inanimate world.

need for aesthetic education

Philosophers of the ancient world

The Thinkers of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece have seriously studied the problem of the needs of others, and even managed to achieve certain positive results. With Democritus the demand was defined as the main driving force that changed the person's mind, helped him to acquire speech, language, acquire the habit of active labor. If people did not have such requirements, they would remain wild, not be able to create a well-developed social society to exist in it. Heraclitus was convinced that they arise in dependence on conditions. But the philosopher said that desires must be reasonable, to enable them to improve their intellectual abilities. Plato subdivided all the needs into several groups:

  • Primary who form “the lower the soul”;
  • Secondary, capable of forming a reasonable person.


The Value of these qualities gave the French material of the late 17th century. So, P. Holbach said that with the needs of the person can control their passions, will, mental ability, to develop independently. N. Chernyshevsky associated requirements of cognitive activity of any person. He was certain that throughout its life changing interests and needs, that is the main factor for constant development and creativity. Despite major differences in views, we can say that the opinions expressed by scientists, there are a lot of similarities. They all acknowledged the relationship between human needs and activities. The lack of desire to change the situation for the better, to find a way to solve the problem. The need can be considered a component of the inner state of the person, the structural element of the activities aimed at obtaining the desired result. In his writings, Karl Max took this issue enough attention, realizing the importance of explaining the nature of the concept. He noted that needs are the cause of any activities that allow a specific individual to find his place in society. This naturalistic approach is based on the relationship between the nature of man and the concrete historical type of social relations acting in the form of a bridge between the needs and human nature. Only then can we talk about the identity, Marx thought, when a person is not limited to their needs, but interact with other people.

aesthetic needs ability


Currently used various variants of classification of human needs. Epicurus (Greek philosopher) subdivided them into natural and necessary. In case of dissatisfaction people have suffering. Necessary needs, he called for communication with other people. So that man could realize himself, he must make a serious effort. As for brilliance, wealth, luxury, you get them very problematic, it's only a few succeed. Of particular interest in this subject was manifested by Dostoevsky. He invented his own classification, select the material goods, without which no normal human life. Particular attention was paid to the needs of consciousness, connecting people, social needs. Dostoevsky was convinced that level of spiritual development is directly dependent on his desires, aspirations, behavior in the society.

Culture personality

Aesthetic consciousness is part of the public consciousness, its structural element. It, along with morality is the basis of modern society, helping humanity to develop a positive impact on the spirituality of the people. In its activity, it manifests itself in the form of a spiritual need, which expresses the relationship to external factors. She is not opposed to aesthetic development and encourages people to be active, helping him to put into practice the theoretical knowledge.

aesthetic needs examples


Such a thing as needs, throughout the existence of human society have attracted the attention of many great thinkers and vibrant personalities. Depending on the level of development, intellectual characteristics, each person creates for himself his own system of needs, without which he considers its existence a limited, defective. Intellectually developed personality first to pay attention to aesthetic needs, and then they think about material things. Unit of people, they are at all times the existence of human society was considered a role model, their example was followed by others.It is the need to communicate, the desire to do something for other people, have developed political and public figures, helping them to self-realization and self-development.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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