Salads of green tomatoes for the winter: recipes blanks


2018-03-26 10:02:21




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Salad of green tomatoes in the winter (pictured below) is a great dish suitable as a starter for any meal. To prepare this dish can be quite simple. It does not need to complete specific courses and have a lot of skills.

The Beauty of tapas is that for its preparation required the green tomatoes that do not have time to ripen on the beds. Although many people believe that because of this, the fruits become unfit for use.

Let us Consider some options through which you can make a delicious salad green tomatoes, as well as some peculiarities of preparing snacks for them.

Salad with green tomatoes


A Huge number of professional chefs and ordinary Housewives are often share their secrets about preparing snacks in the form of salads, tomatoes, who do not have time to ripen.

First and foremost, you should pay attention to the fruits used as ingredients, was not affected by any diseases. In that case, if you ignore this fact, you can get a bitter salad green tomatoes. This dish will be spoiled.

How to determine what vegetable is affected? This can easily be seen when it is cut: inside it will be all wrinkled and, in some cases, blackened.

Most professionals in the culinary field is not recommended to buy a green fruit on the market. Practice shows that the most tasty dish is obtained from the vegetables grown in their own garden. Some Housewives who are fans of salads of green tomatoes for the winter, specially grow them to remove the bushes in the immature form.


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For cutting the main ingredients for the salad it is desirable to use the sharpest knife, because the flow of juice in the process is undesirable. For this purpose you can use the tool designed for slicing fruits, which has a peculiar form and appearance of sharpening.

As for containers, it must be sterilized before putting ingredients into it. The cover also needs to be processed. For example, they can hold it in the boiling water for a certain time.

Classic recipe

To prepare a delicious salad green tomatoes for the winter, you can use this simple classic recipe.It is based on the use of a minimal set of ingredients and use of standard skills in the culinary field.

To prepare a tasty salad you need to take the desired amount of green tomatoes, wash them thoroughly and cut into quarters.

In a separate bowl you need to boil a liter of water. It is necessary to add a tablespoon of vinegar, a couple tablespoons of sugar and salt, and two Bay leaves and a few peas allspice. Practice shows that for different number of tomatoes it takes a different amount of marinade. How to choose the right amount of fluid?

In this issue experienced Housewives are advised to focus on the amount of the main ingredient: the ratio should be approximately 1:1.

Once the marinade comes to a boil, it should send a pre-chopped tomatoes. In this form, they should be blanched for about a couple of minutes, and then remove, placing on prepared banks. Pickle should boil again, then pour it in the jars with the contents so that the liquid completely covered the ground.

In Winter you can access the conservation and use tomatoes as an appetizer. In a salad you can add all the a couple of ingredients so as not to spoil the taste of the main vegetable.

Salad of green tomatoes for the winter

Tomatoes in Korean

Many representatives of the Russian population love to see on the table salad of green tomatoes in Korean. In the finished snack has a tangy flavor than especially captivating fans of spicy dishes.

To prepare the salad of green tomatoes so we have to take pounds main ingredient, wash it and chop slices. The tomatoes should be added sliced bell peppers large size, and beam your favorite greens (great cilantro, dill and parsley). All the ingredients mix well. After that, the vegetables should add 5-6 crushed cloves of garlic, a tablespoon of salt and twice as much sugar. All of the ingredients have once again a good stir and allow to infuse for five minutes.

Meanwhile, you can prepare spices. For this we need to reheat in a deep frying pan a quarter Cup of vegetable oil and to send him half a teaspoon of mixed spices. The resulting gravy should fill the salad, then it should be sprinkled with a quarter Cup of vinegar.

After thorough mixing, the vegetable mass has to be distributed to the banks and Bay juice, roll up under the lid.

"Hunting snack"

This recipe (with photos) salad of green tomatoes for sure will conquer all fans of the original snacks. He's a great complement to meat, cooked in any way.

For the preparation of original appetizers will be required to take a half pounds of green tomatoes, wash them and cut into strips orhalves. The same should be done with the same amount of fresh cucumber and bell pepper. In the resulting vegetable mass needs to add a couple of chopped carrots and two onions (small size). Now the ingredients should be mixed until smooth.

After the preliminary preparation, the resulting mixture was necessary to add half the garlic cloves which have to be put down, a small amount of parsley, and salt and desired spices to taste. Products, it is necessary to mix and allow them to infuse for 40-50 minutes. During this time, there should be juice.

salad Recipe green tomato

After a specified time is necessary to put the pan contents on low heat and wait for the moment when the mass will be heated (bring to a boil not necessary). When this happens, it is necessary to add to vegetables 10 tablespoons of sunflower oil and vinegar.

Finish the salad, it should be tightly spread out in small jars and pour juice which stood out during the infusion. Salad of green tomatoes you can roll under the covers. Before that, the jars can be sterilized in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Sour salad

Fans of sour dishes have to taste this salad recipe made from green tomatoes. For its preparation it is necessary to take pounds main ingredient. Tomatoes wash and cut into slices, making slices across. The thickness of each layer should be about an inch. Separately it is necessary to grate a pound of carrots, crushed with masher a couple of heads of garlic and break up manually the bunch of parsley.

After the preparation all ingredients should be folded into one deep bowl, making it in layers. For a starter it is best to use enamel basin. Each layer of vegetables should be sprinkled with a little salt. After uploading it is necessary to cover the weight of the yoke and leaving it like that for a day. Practice shows that to remove the vegetables in the refrigerator is not necessary. At room temperature for a certain time, they will have time to let the juice required in the process of conservation.

At the end of the allotted time, it is necessary to remove oppression and immediately pour the brine into a separate bowl. Now the vegetables should be spread on a pre-prepared jars of small volume so that they were very tightly Packed, while the neck remained a distance of about a couple of centimeters.

In the fusion pre-marinade is necessary to add a half Cup of vinegar and one third of sunflower oil. The resulting sauce should be put on a slow fire and bring to boil. To produce the necessary boiling for 10 minutes, then sauce it is necessary to fill the jars so that it completely covered the vegetables.

Before rolling under the lids salad green tomatoes need to be sterilized for half an hour.


Another option is cooking a delicious winter snack - salad with tomatoes, cooked with cabbage. Canning green tomato salad, you need to know about what to prepare the meals necessary to take a few pounds of brown, but very dense fruit. They will give the finished snack with a pleasant taste.

To create a salad for the winter for this recipe, you need to take a few pounds of cabbage and shred it finely still the same as on the starter. After that, it is necessary to have mash with your hands so of vegetable drain juice. After this procedure, the cabbage should be added cut into slices of tomatoes that have not yet matured (2 kg). Pounds of sweet peppers should be chopped thin half-rings and also send to vegetables.

The Resulting mixture must be as salt (3 tablespoons), stir until a uniform distribution of all ingredients. As such, the vegetables left in the refrigerator overnight.

Salads for the winter from tomatoes green photo

At the end of the allotted time, you must prepare a kilogram of ripe tomatoes that need to mince or chop any other convenient way. Then send the tomatoes into the vegetable mixture, then add half a kilogram of shredded carrots and a kilo chopped half rings onion.

Once all the vegetables are connected to a ground, you should pour a Cup of vinegar and pour the same amount of sugar. Now Tara with vegetables should be put on low heat and bring contents to a boil. Stirring constantly, vegetables need to simmer on the stove for 15-20 minutes. After this time, the hot mass should be spread on pre-prepared banks, adding to the salad brine, which is separated from the ingredients. Now the banks can roll under the iron lid and send to the cellar (after cooling).


A delicious salad green tomatoes can be cooked, clearly following all the recommendations listed in this recipe. To prepare salad snacks should take pounds crisp green tomatoes, wash them, removing all unnecessary items, cut them in slices.

They should add grinded in the same way spicy peppers (100 g) and three bell peppers. Vegetables need to send in the marinade and boil it for 15 minutes.

For salad winter green tomatoesthe recipe proposed here, it is necessary to pre-cook marinade, made on the basis of tomato juice. For him to pour in the container of a liter of juice, add 150 ml of sunflower oil and one third Cup of vinegar. The mixture should be salt and two tablespoons of salt, add 3-3,5 tbsp. sugar, and three crushed garlic cloves. Mass mix well and boil on a slow fire.

After the salad is boiled, it should be spread out on a pre-prepared banks and roll up under the lids.

Salad with green tomatoes delicious

Salad with tomatoes and plums

A Great option winter snack can be a salad green tomato salad (pictured below),with the addition of plums and pepper.

To make it should prepare a kilogram of brown tomatoes, wash them and cut into slices of medium thickness. 300 grams of carrots must be cleaned and cut into half rings, and four of plums, of which you must first remove the bones, - slices. Separately, it should slice it into rings or half 600 grams of peppers, of which it is necessary to wash and remove the seeds.

All the prepared ingredients put in a bowl. They need to add a couple of tablespoons of salt and three tablespoons of honey, which is optional, you can replace a half Cup of sugar.

The ingredients you need to pour a little more than half Cup oil, add small amount of chopped spicy Cayenne pepper and thoroughly mix everything. To vegetable the weight you need to add a pinch of spices, curry and mustard powder. It is necessary to give the salad a spicy taste. Like this snack should be left for 20-30 minutes in room temperature, and then send it to stew on a slow fire.

The cooking Process should continue for half an hour. After the allotted time the weight should be spread out on a pre-sterilized jars, pouring the separated juice.

Canned green tomatoes salad

Salad of green tomatoes and cucumbers

To prepare delicious meals, you should take a pound unripe tomatoes, wash them and cut into quarters. The same should be done with the same number of young zucchini and a kilo of fresh cucumbers. 500 grams of apples should be cut into slices and combine with the above ingredients.

Vegetables and apples should be added 200 grams of peeled cloves of garlic, which should be very finely chopped with a knife or grind with a special masher. Of all the components, you should create a homogeneous mass, which should be placed on a slow fire for stewing. Once the contents come to a state of boil, it should cook within 10 minutes.

After that, the salad should be spread on pre-sterilized banks and to roll under the metal cap.

Salad with green tomatoes photo


Recipe salad green tomato salad with eggplant will surely appeal to those hostesses who prefer to surprise their household and invited guests with delicious and original dishes and additions thereto.

To prepare this snack should take one kilogram of eggplant, green tomatoes, and bell peppers. Vegetables must be washed to remove any unnecessary parts, and then cut them in slices.

As for the eggplant, they should fry in a hot pan with vegetable oil. In order to eliminate from the vegetable its distinct flavor, can be pre-soaked in water with dissolved a tablespoon of salt. After 15 minutes the eggplant should get, dry and then cook as described.

After all the preparations, vegetables (except eggplant) need to combine in one large bowl, add the chopped half rings onion (500 g), after which fry all of the components needed for a salad, on a slow fire. You should simmer them for 40 minutes, after which the mass should be spread in a basin for cooking, add eggplant, salt and a couple tablespoons of salt, then pour 60 ml of vinegar.

After thorough mixing, all the ingredients need to put in a pre-sterilized banks and to roll under the metal cap.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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