How to brew rose hip in a thermos: tips


2018-04-09 13:00:31




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Berries rose hips are a unique natural remedy with strong anti-cough effect. In fruits and leaves of this plant contains a rich vitamin complex: rutin (vitamin P), carotene (provitamin A), vitamins b, E, and K. the amount of vitamin C rosehip is breaking all records: its content in 100 grams of fruit constitutes, on average, 1.2 grams, which is several times more than lemon and black currant. In addition, rose hips contain an impressive number of Botanical antioxidants – they have a powerful antibacterial effect, and strengthen the immune system. These properties make rose hip berries are an indispensable tool in the treatment and prevention of colds. To combat the disease can how to brew rose hip in a thermos, whole berries, and to drink tea from its leaves.

Gather rose hips in late summer-early autumn. They should be soft, but not overripe. Rejected the corrupt and the tainted berries, with dark spots. After that, the rosehip is dried to keep it fresh for a long time wasted because a substantial portion of the vitamin C is destroyed. For the same reason it is not necessary to dry rose hips in the sun: best to do it in the oven or a special drying for vegetables. In an extreme case, the hips are allowed to dry in the shade, but it will also lose a significant portion of nutrients. Store the dried berries are best in cloth bags, not in sealed jars. The maximum storage time of dried rosehip – 2 years. During this time it is suitable for the preparation of a vitamin infusion. Can how to brew rose hip in a thermos and fill it with cold water and bring to a boil in an enamel or heat resistant glass container, then leave.


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Before you brew rose hip in a thermos or other vessel, it is necessary to revise the berries and discard those that have undergone spoilage – for example, mouldy. Then take 1 tablespoon of dried rose hips, rinse them and grind in a wooden (not metal!) mortar. Further, the raw material is poured a glass of boiling water and boiled on slow heat for about 10 minutes. To use utensils of aluminum or stainless steel should not be, because vitamin C is destroyed by contact with metal. The broth is poured into a jar and insist days, then it is necessary to filter through two layers of cheesecloth.

There is another way – steaming the fruit in a thermos. In this case, before you can prepare a decoction of rose hips, to grind its berries do not have: a thermos keeps warm and they will have time to warm up, giving all nutrients. In this way the broth is cooked much faster and it doesn't drain, but only pour in a glass jar. So how to brew rose hip in a thermos to daily (infusion usable during the day), better to do it in the evening, then by morning it will be ready. If, however, insist the rose hips in a thermos for more than 8 hours, the vitamins will start to break down.

There is another way to brew rose hips, allowing you to make maximum infusion enriched with nutrients. This recipe will come in handy, for example, those who want to know how to make rosehip baby during illness or after it, to strengthen the immune system. Dried fruits are crushed, pour boiling water and insist for half an hour. After this infusion is poured, and the fruit is again filled with water and subjected to a longer boiling: it will help to avoid the destruction of vitamins, but it will enrich the broth with trace elements, which can withstand the high temperature. A decoction of rosehip strain and mix with the infusion.

Drink a decoction or infusion of rose hips half a Cup 3-4 times a day. The norm for children – the third Cup, 2–3 times a day. The therapeutic effect occurs quickly: in addition to the enrichment with vitamins, this tool helps to eliminate toxins, so the well-being for its reception is improving every day.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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