Cayenne pepper is an indispensable seasoning


2019-02-25 09:00:32




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Many dishes are impossible to cook perfectly without a seasoning like Cayenne pepper. This spice is also known under another name - "Chile". For many centuries it was valued at almost the weight of gold, and now available to anyone. Some world cuisines, such as Mexican and Indian, almost never do without it. This plant of the Nightshade family, originally cultivated in South America. Today, in industrial scale, this pepper is grown in tropical countries, but some varieties are successfully cultivated and in Russia. Many grow this pepper at home on the windowsill. This plant with branched stems, covered with elliptic leaves, rarely exceeds a height of 60 cm Flowering white flowers (sometimes with purple spots). Fruit-berry with a pericarp robotovidnye or globular forms.

chilli peppers


Many gardeners are grown on their plots red peppers. The name of a particular variety of this plant, few people know, but in the world there is a certain classification, which can determine its variety.

“Germany” – one of the most spicy peppers. Its fruits are roundish and wrinkled. “Cajun” - has little pods. “Bird's eye” – angular, thin peppers. "Jalapenos", has elongated fruit of medium size. “Serrano” - is young peppercorns, shaped like a bullet. “Poblano” - has large fruit with medium spicy. “seconds” - differs from other varieties of long, large fruits and a fairly mild flavor.

hot red peppers


Hot red pepper has a very pungent taste, which gives him the alkaloid capsaicin. Its content in different varieties of this crop varies widely. So, for example, in Cayenne, its concentration is so high that the juice causes chemical burns to skin and mucous membranes. In Chile contains a lot of vitamin C. the pods are carotene, vitamin B6, fatty and essential oils, sugars, mineral substances (iron, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium). If you use this product, remember that the unripe fruit of nutrients contains much less than fully ripe. Cayenne pepper is not the most low calorie product, since in 100g contains 40 kcal, but in practice, few people eat it in large quantities.

Useful properties

Red peppers in addition to its nutritional value also has medicinal properties. Its application in medicine due to the presence of the burning capsaicin. It is made tinctures, extracts, ointments, which have a warming and local irritant action. Pepper has immunostimulating property. Capsaicin is also conducive to the production of endorphins, which increases stress and reduces fatigue. This substance is able to absorb a substance P-a neuropeptide that conducts pain impulses along nerve endings. Thanks to the preparations made from chilli peppers relieve pain. These drugs are used in diseases of the locomotor system, muscle and joint pains. They have expectorant and antipyretic for colds. Pepper stimulates the digestive tract, increases appetite, speeds up metabolism. It also possesses anthelmintic properties.

chilli pepper is called

Application in cosmetology

In recent years, has become a very popular application of red pepper for cosmetic procedures. His tinctures and extracts used to improve skin circulation, stimulate hair growth and strengthen nails. Warming and irritating properties of pepper is used to fight cellulite. Many cosmetic companies produce effective creams, which are composed of extracts from fruits of this plant.


Cayenne pepper is not recommended for people with gastric ulcer or gastritis, since it often causes aggravation of these diseases. Also not recommended to use this product (especially in large quantities) for those who have high blood pressure. It often happens that the red pepper cause a burn of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. In this case, it is recommended to use milk, boiled potatoes or rice without spices.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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