Casserole with fish: the best recipes and especially cooking


2019-04-12 18:00:30




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As a rule, for cooking casseroles is recommended to use products having more or less homogeneous consistency. Usually the course is meat or minced chicken combined with finely chopped vegetables. But modern Housewives who want to diversify the home menu, came up with several alternatives. One of them is a casserole with fish in the oven. The recipes for this delicious and healthy dishes you will learn from today's article.

General guidelines

To prepare this easy casserole is suitable for almost any fish that you have in your fridge. It can be both marine and freshwater. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the number of bones.

The fatter the main ingredient, the less oil will be consumed in the cooking process. As for potatoes, it can also be anything. For those who want to reduce the duration of roasting, you should choose young tubers. This dish is good because for its preparation we can take not only raw potatoes cut into thin slices, but pre-made mashed potatoes.

fried fish

You have got not just delicious, but also the most beneficial casserole with fish, it can introduce a variety of vegetables. Serve the finished dish with different sauces and salads. Some cooks make this dish than with a traditional fillet or meat, and canned food. Many additionally prepare the color from the tomato sauce.

Classic version: a list of components

Many of us since childhood, familiar taste of this dish. For its preparation should be reserved in advance all the necessary products. Your kitchen should be:


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  • 400 grams of cod fillets, or any other marine fish.
  • One carrot.
  • 70-80 ml of milk.
  • One egg.
  • 20 grams of butter.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • Salt.

casserole of fish with potatoes in the oven

The number of the latter component depends solely on the personal taste preferences of the cook and his family.

Process Description

So you have a flavorful casserole with fish, the taste of which resembles that submitted in kindergarten, you need to accurately comply with the recommended proportions of ingredients.

In a frying pan filled with a small amount of drinking water, put pre-sliced fillet, on top evenly spread the finely grated carrots and simmer until all the liquid evaporates. Usually this process takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

casserole fish in the oven

After this time the contents of the pan are crushed using a blender or mince. In the resulting puree enter raw egg yolk and white whipped in a lush foam.

In a saucepan pour the milk or cream, add flour and boil, stirring constantly to avoid lumps appeared. A minute before removing from the stove to fill send butter. The contents of the pan poured the fish, salted, stirred until a homogeneous mass and gently lead the protein foam.

The Resulting spread stuffing in a baking dish, previously greased with butter or oil. It is important that the height of the layer was not more than three inches. Usually this dish is prepared in a water or steam bath. But if you want to get a ruddy crust, then the form can be send half an hour in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

Rice casserole fish in the oven: a list of products

It Should be noted that the dish made this recipe with a soft taste and pleasant aroma. Like it all without exception. It with the same appetite eating both adults and children. So you have a useful casserole, you have to purchase all the necessary products. In your possession should be:

  • Half Cup of rice.
  • 400 grams fillet of any marine fish.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • One egg.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.

fried fish in the oven recipes

In addition, the ingredients list should be supplemented with a small amount of sunflower oil, a bundle of fresh herbs, salt, ground black pepper, Basil or oregano.

The Technology of preparation

First boiled pre-washed rice. For this casserole boil a glass of water and send less than half the amount of grits and some salt. Fifteen minutes later, the dishes removed from the heat and leave to steam.

So you have a tasty and healthy casserole with fish fillet is cut into small pieces, sprinkle with salt, lemon juice, cracked pepper, sprinkle of dried Basil and ground pepper. All carefully mix and connect with boiled rice. It is important that the fillet remained intact slices, but not turned into mush. Then to send the obtained minced finely chopped greens and again gently mix.

Rice-fish mass is spread in the form greased with vegetable oil, lightly tamped and leveled. Top hurt, sliced thinly slices of tomatoes and pour the eggs, whipped with a small amount of salt. Capacity put it in the oven and bake for half an hour at 200 degrees. Cooking time may increase to fortyminutes. In this case, much depends on the characteristics of the oven and height of the form.

Casserole of fish with potatoes in the oven: set of products

This is a simple but very delicious dish is cooked very quickly. To create it doesn't require any exotic ingredients. All products can be easily purchased at the nearest supermarket. Before beginning the process it is important to ensure that your kitchen includes:

  • A Kilo of potatoes.
  • Fillet of sea fish.
  • 1.25 glass of milk.
  • Two eggs.
  • Onions.

baked fish with potatoes

So you have a really tasty and nutritious potato gratin with fish in the oven in the above list should be made of hard cheese, dill, butter, salt and spices.

Sequence of actions

Pre-peeled and washed potatoes cut into slices and boiled in slightly salted water. In a frying pan put the fillets, pour the milk, cover and simmer about seven minutes. Ready fish remove the skin and divide into small pieces.

In the form, greased with oil, spread the potatoes on it place sliced chicken and onions. Alternate layers until the container is full, not forgetting to lightly prikalivaet and pepper products.

casserole with fish and potatoes

To prepare gravy whipped eggs together with spices and milk, which was preparing a fillet. All carefully mix and put in a form in which the future is laid casserole of fish and potatoes. From top to RUB cheese all this and put it in the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees. After about half an hour dish you can bring to the table. It is equally delicious both hot and cold.

Recipe in a slow cooker: the set of components

It Should be noted that of the following quantity of products to get five servings of ready meals. It has a delicate texture, and its taste is very reminiscent of the pie. Understanding how to prepare hearty and healthy casserole of fish with potatoes in the oven, you can try to master the option of using a slow cooker. Before you begin the process, you should ensure that your kitchen includes:

  • A pound of fillet of any white fish.
  • 200 milliliters of milk.
  • Three potatoes.
  • 300 grams of white bread.
  • Two medium carrots.
  • One egg.

This list should be expanded to include a small amount of vegetable oil, a bunch of greens of dill, pepper and salt.


You have got not just nutritious, but also useful casserole fish potato, first, you should do vegetables. They are washed, peeled, cut in small pieces, send in a bowl multivarki, turn on the mode “Fighting” and leave for quarter of an hour. After this time the finished products are put into a colander to glass excess fluid.

potato gratin with fish in the oven

Then boiled vegetables shredded on a grater and divide into two equal parts. The bread crumbled into pieces, pour milk and squeeze. Washed fillet passed through a meat grinder, so he got mashed potatoes. It connect with soaked in milk bread, salt and pepper.

At the bottom of the bowl multivarki, greased with vegetable oil, the layers are placed one half of the vegetables, fish, bread stuffing and remnants of the potato and carrot mass. On top of all pour a pre-whisked egg, cover with a lid and activate the mode “Control”, holding the temperature at 110 degrees. In half an hour the casserole with the fish and vegetables ready to eat.

This dish is interesting because of its taste varies depending on added components. On request this pudding can be cooked with mushrooms, seaweed or green peas.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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