Recipes "Eat and hudey" with the photo. "Eat and hudey": recipes for Dukane


2018-03-19 04:41:28




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For those who are watching their figure, the recipes in "Eat and hudey" can be a real boon. The most popular currently are the options available in transfer with Leroy Kudryavtseva, and meals Dukano. We will describe a few simple recipes.

Transfer of "Eat and hudey" with Leroy Kudryavtseva. Recipes

This popular program is a treasure trove of options for low calorie dishes. Invited celebrities along with leading Leroy Kudryavtseva and chef "rewrite" famous recipes. The main task is to make them low calorie. So for those who wants to achieve the effect of "Eat and hudey" - recipes on TNT is a perfect transfer. We will describe a few simple meals.

  • Lamb with vegetables. To Remove the bone, make a cut and put the meat layer. RUB the lamb with the spices. Fresh herbs to chop and put on meat. Lamb roll to roll and pull the twine. Bake the meat for twenty minutes, holding the temperature of two hundred degrees. Next to the bottom of the pan to lay out the onion rings, then the pumpkin cubes, parsnip, celery and constellations of cauliflower. Add the whole cloves of garlic and small tomatoes. Cook till the vegetables are soft. Drain the juice into a small pan, add the wine and cook until thick. The sauce is definitely strain. On a plate put vegetables. With rolls remove the thread and cut it into pieces. Lamb put on a plate and cover with sauce.
  • Warm salad with oranges. The dish turns out very original. Orange cut into thin slices. Heat a dry pan and RUB it with fresh garlic. Add the green beans. Cook it without adding butter. Oranges to put in a deep bowl, sprinkle with hot red pepper and fresh crushed garlic. Leave to marinate for half an hour. In the finished beans add olive oil and sesame seed. Mix with oranges and serve immediately on the table.
  • Vegetable Ratatouille with green Apple. For starters, mugs chop the eggplant, squash and zucchini. Red bell pepper cut into small cubes and grate three tomatoes. Apple peel and chop the slices. Large onion minced and fry without adding oil. In the same pan sauté bell pepper and tomatoes. Cover and simmer all together on low heat for fifteen minutes. At the end put the tomato paste. Half of the sauce aside in a bowl. Of the remaining - to make a pile, then spread on a circle of eggplant, zucchini, apples and courgettes. Make a dressing of chopped chilli, garlic, fresh parsley and dry white wine. Pour it in the dish and stew for about fifteen minutes on low heat. So the liquid does not evaporate, cover the pan with a lid. The remaining sauce to mix with fresh greens. Use it when serving the finished dish.

"Eat and hudey": recipes for Dukane

This diet is the most popular currently. It is allocated four stages. Of course, this conventional division.


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On the first two stages are necessary to achieve active weight loss, the third - to consolidate the result. Next, adhere to a certain diet. Consider this rule must be constantly.

The Recipes in "Eat and hudey" TUCANO are based on lean meat, dairy products and complex carbohydrates with fiber (vegetables, greens, and bran).

Be Sure to use a day and a half to two liters of water a day and walk at medium pace for thirty minutes.

Let us Consider in more detail the feed's content each period.

First step

This stage is the most difficult and short-lived, which is called "attack". It lasts not more than ten days. After this period is achieved the effect of "eat and hudey". Recipes should consist of lean chicken or Turkey, any (even fried) fish. Allowed the use of spices and herbs. Desserts it is recommended to replace low fat yogurt.

There is a rigid rule to the recipes of "eat and hudey" earned. Categorically prohibited the use of sugar and salt.

Recipes for the first phase of the diet

They are simple and delicious. Diet recipes Ducane "Eat and hudey" the first stage is meat and fish dishes without garnish. Simple and delicious.

Fish is one of the best products which helps to achieve the effect of "Eat and hudey". Recipes with photos simple. And get ready quickly.

Steam fish. This is a simple and effective way of meals, which usually offers any transfer of "Eat and hudey". Recipes traditionally are very similar.

recipes eat and hudey

White fish Fillet coat with seasonings and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave for ten minutes. In the slow cooker, pour in two liters of water and put a fresh sprig of rosemary. Fish to put in a special container for steaming. Offered a special program. The fish to cook for ten to fifteen minutes. To serve, sprinkle with herbs and seasonings. If desired, you can add a drop of soy sauce.

Steam chicken roll is a great food for dieters. The dish turns out very tasty and quickly produces the result "eat and hudey". Recipes (with photos) can be different. We offer one of the easiest options.

eat and grow thin recipes with photos

A Whole chicken to clean from skin, bones and hryaschikov. The pulp several times to crank through a meat grinder together with onion to the mass is homogeneous. Three cloves of garlic crushed and add together with seasonings in the stuffing. Distribute it on the cooking foil and tie tightly. Put in a basket multicooker. Cook in steam for one and a half hours. Be sure to periodically flip the loaf. When the time expires, remove the tape. Roll wrap in foil and put in several hours in the refrigerator. The press set is not necessary. The dish is ready. You can slice and serve.

The Second stage of the diet for Dukane

The next stage is allowed to enter into the diet of vegetables. And it is necessary to alternate them with meat in two days, connected in one dish. Of course, forbid the use of sugar and salt. You can add to the diet a small amount of red wine, butter, cream and ketchup.

At this stage, a great helper, a kind of "vacuum cleaner" can be oat bran. We offer you some recipes, "Eat and hudey".

Sample menu of the second phase

The Recipes at this stage can be more diverse. But favorite become eggs. Describe two prescription.

Poached Eggs with croutons and salad - a.

eat and grow thin recipes ducane

Washed green salad and leaf beet. To break up all hands and put it on the bottom of the dish. Next, peel and boil the asparagus. Drain the water and mix with a small amount of olive oil. Put the asparagus on the greens. To make small crackers with fresh dill. Cool them and put in the asparagus. Further, the square of the food film of grease. Break in the egg very carefully so as not to damage the yolk. Gently gather the edges of the film, release the air and tie it tight bag. Bring water to a boil and drop the egg for five minutes. Protein should be elastic. Carefully remove the tape. Put the poached egg on toast. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and freshly ground black pepper. It is recommended to serve immediately.

Steam scrambled eggs with spinach and green onions.low calorie recipes eat and hudey

Grate a small piece of low fat cheese. A handful of fresh spinach and some green onions chop. Beat four eggs until foam appears. Add the greens and cheese. Carefully mix everything. Mass pour into a rectangular shape small size. To the upper edge must remain three or four centimeters. In a large pot, bring water to a boil and put the form with the egg mixture. Close the lid. To cook scrambled eggs is recommended for seven to ten minutes. Continue to do in the center of a small incision and leave on the heat for another at the same time. You can bring to the table. This dish is tasty and cold.

Fatty and high-calorie cakes you can replace mouth-watering Muffins with bran. We offer a simple recipe.

transfer eat and grow thin recipes

One egg thoroughly beaten with half Cup of yogurt. In a dry bowl, mix two large tablespoons of oat bran and one of wheat, fifty grams of starch and a little baking powder. To combine both mass. Mix everything with a whisk until the foam and leave for ten minutes, covering with a towel. Then bake pancakes in a frying pan with non-stick coating. You can pour a small amount of honey and sprinkle with fresh berries.

The Third stage of the diet for Dukane

This step will allow you to relax. Low-calorie recipes "Eat and hudey" can be diluted with Mature cheese, fruits (except grapes, bananas and cherries), small amount of pasta and potatoes.

At this stage is allowed to allow themselves the liberty of taking in the food, fried, fatty and high in calories. But the next day should be fasting when you can only drink the use of chicory.

Suggest a few options.

Recipes fat-burning smoothies

This is the perfect menu for fasting days.

  • Cocktail with cottage cheese and tomatoes will effectively remove as hunger and thirst. Tomatoes (800 g) in juice crushed with a blender and pass through a sieve. Add juice paridise...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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