Determined with the question: is it possible to have in the post seafood?


2018-11-06 16:00:49




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is it possible to have in the post seafoodWith the onset of lent many of us ask quite reasonable questions. For example, “is it Possible to have in the post seafood?” Here the views are rather contradictory.

But before turning to that discussion, try to understand: what is a post.

What post?

How wrong are those who believe that the post – starvation, equates it to the diet. In fact, this period in the life of a believer has a very different, spiritual goals. The meaning of lent is repentance, in the maintenance of bodily and spiritual purity. But here all is ambiguous. Everyone should decide for food these days individually. For someone to give up meat – is already a feat, and someone could easily eat for a long time some cereal. So you need to plan your own menu in line with their own. After all, the goal of fasting is not in determining what is and what is not. The purpose of abstinence and repentance. If you can abandon the seafood, then do not use them.

Seafood: what is it?

do in the post seafood

Is it Possible to have in the post seafood? A difficult question. Decide first with that term. Generic name includes several species. It and crabs and squid, and mussels, and shrimp. Science claims that they belong to besharova, that is, bloodless beings. Turns out, they can be eaten during lent. But the Church has a different opinion. She recalled that the main criterion Lenten meal – products of vegetable origin, while the seafood are to the animal Kingdom. How, in fact, a fish that is propostas food.

Do in the post seafood?

This question nobody can give a definite answer. But try to understand it in more detail. Crabs, squid, shrimp from time immemorial in our country belonged rather to the food than a regular food. That is why the seafood in the post is not desirable. After all, the purpose of these periods of cleansing. Fasting teaches us the ability to control their desires, humility, and moderation. Suggest as priests, in those days, should eat the food to which you are accustomed in everyday life. Of course, with some restrictions. If you consider seafood a delicacy, it is better to refuse them.


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seafood in a post

However, not so simple. Even during lent there are days when the fish. Many relate to her and seafood. For example, on the day of Annunciation and palm Sunday no ban to enjoy a favorite delicacy of the fish. And on Lazarus Saturday allowed to eat caviar. But there are limitations. Eggs should only be red. Since ancient times in Russia it was considered a conventional food and not a delicacy, that is why its use is not prohibited monastic charters. But black caviar is not.

To Completely give up fish or seafood is highly undesirable. Because they contain high quality protein, fatty acids omega-3. It is through these elements reduces bad cholesterol and normalizes the heart.

What can you eat during lent?

Lenten menu can be very tasty and varied: lasagna, pizza, ravioli, spaghetti. Is it possible to have in the post seafood? Depends on what. For example, you will not be able to prevent algae or seaweed salad. Such a seafood post. However, with the salad need to be careful. Buying it in the store, pay close attention to the label. It is recommended to purchase only one product, which contains the minimum of preservatives. It is desirable to be not more than one. Currently, the Ministry of health permitted food additive E-211. Seeing that it is part of your chosen salad, feel free to pay for the purchase. By purchasing a luminaria, it is preferable to use the product in a transparent package. It is easier to assess the appearance and quality of the product. If the cabbage looks like a mess, from buying better to refuse. Certainly the product is spoiled.

Summing up

when in the post can fish

But we should not forget that the strict post primarily exists for the monastic life. It is prescribed in the Charter of the monastery. For ordinary people, there is relief. Measure the strictness of the fast is determined by either priest, either by fasting.

Therefore, in order not to feel guilty, it is better to approach the priest and ask: ‘is it Possible to have in the post seafood?” If he will give the blessing, so feel free to eat the seafood.

In addition, taking the decision to fast should be aware of some rules. Pregnant women need to be very careful, because they have to think not only about themselves but also about the future of the child. Sick people it is better to consult with your doctor. Relief is given to small children, and also those who are on the road. There is another clarification. It is not recommended to abandon the consumption of fish and seafood and hence, students and those people who are engaged in mental labor.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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