The Nativity of the blessed virgin: signs, customs, ceremonies


2018-11-08 18:00:36




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In the Orthodox Church on 21 September is celebrated the birth of the blessed virgin. But this is a significant day not only for the temple. Long September 21, connected with the popular superstitions and rituals that were performed annually on this date. Some of them have long been forgotten, but, nevertheless, certain observations can be very useful.

Holiday History

Joachim and Anna, parents of the blessed virgin, lived in Nazareth. Being true Christians, they prayed to God about children. After a while, when Joachim was in the desert, and his wife alone in the house, they at the same time an angel appeared. He told the spouses that Anna will conceive a child, the virgin Mary, through whom would come to salvation and know about it all over the world. Immediately after that, they met at the Golden gate in Jerusalem. Arm in arm, the couple already knew that they will be born daughter.

the Nativity of the blessed virgin omensJust 9 months after conception, September 21, was born of the virgin Mary. Just three years she has lived at my parents ' house, and then, according to the vow made to God, was sent to the temple. On this day, Orthodox Christians throughout the world celebrate the birth of the blessed virgin.

What to pray for the virgin Mary?

Since ancient times, the birth of the blessed virgin Mary is the feast of all women and mothers. This day should wear their best clothes and go to the temple for service. Here I thank the virgin Mary for the birth of the son of God.

Nativity of the blessed virgin omens will come true and prayers are heard. Requests, worries, woes – that's what people turn to the virgin Mary. Women have always prayed for the welfare of his home on children's health. Appealed to the virgin not only herself and family but for the other people.


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September 21, the Nativity of the blessed virgin omensIn the temple necessarily lit the festive candles, marking 21 September, the Nativity of the blessed virgin. Signs with it was associated the following. By the end of the candle duct-taped a piece of paper with a request. When it is completely burned, it meant that the virgin Mary heard the prayers. On this day women should always give alms, food and money, not to become barren.

Folk rituals and customs

In this September date, the number 21, according to folk calendar celebrated the feast of Harvest or the Second oseniny. Had they just on the Nativity of the blessed virgin. Signs and ceremonies, which were held in this date back by our ancestors survived in some regions until today.

Until September 21, nearly the entire crop from the fields time to collect. Beekeepers hid the hive to prevent the bees from freezing. Started onion a week. Removed from the field, not only onions, but the rest of the vegetables. The people there were saying: ‘Come pure, become pure-pure”. From this day on, the houses began evening gatherings.

The Orthodox Nativity of the blessed virgin signs were mostly women. They stood on 21 September before the sunrise. If women had time to wash before dawn, it meant that they will be able to preserve the beauty to the gray hair. Young girls did this for the imminent wooing of the groom.

celebration on September 21 the Nativity of the blessed virgin omensAfter that early morning, the women went to the ponds with oat bread and jelly. There they sang songs and thanked the virgin Mary for the harvest, meeting simultaneously oseniny. The bread was broken to pieces and distributed his cattle.

After the ceremonies at the banks of ponds all went to visit the newlyweds.

Festival on September 21. The Nativity of the blessed virgin: signs of the family

On this day, parents, village elders and other relatives to see their young. Since this date had the feast of the Nativity of the blessed virgin, the signs on the bride to take into account. The hostess greeted guests pie. If it was delicious – it was praised. If the cake failed, the young mistress began to teach mind-reason. On the festive table there were other dishes that were rated by guests. The owner was visiting the relatives of their buildings and livestock. It is for it praised or taught, as well as a wife.

Also on September 21 (Nativity of the blessed virgin) signs were made about the future life of the spouses. In the evening they went to their parents. From the evil eye wife his sleeve tying ribbons embroidered with the letters “R”, “B”. If it were lost or undone, it is meant that there are envious.

the feast of the Nativity of the blessed virgin omensOf the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary began a new life. The old candle in the house it was customary to extinguish, and the new light.

The Nativity of the blessed virgin: the signs of the people's forecasts. What will winter?

It is Known that people have always watched the changes of the weather outside and in the summer knew what to expect winter. In autumn festival on September 21, the Nativity of the blessed virgin, the signs pointed to the following:

  • If the day had been clear, such weather will continue until the end of October;
  • If the morning fog – we should expect rainy weather;
  • If the fog will shatter unexpectedly fast – the weather will be changeable;
  • If in the morning the rain will pour it for 40 days, and winter will becold;
  • If the bright morning sun quickly dries the dew on the grass – do not expect a lot of snow in winter.

the Nativity of the blessed virgin omens and ritualsThis date were not allowed to work, and should devote the day to spiritual meditation and prayers.

How to protect kids from harm and disease?

Family and children – it is important, what appealed women in prayers to the virgin Mary. For their well-being were made the folk tradition on the Nativity of the blessed virgin. The signs confirmed that in order to clear the children from spoiling, they did it with old torn clothes and shoes and burned that day. All the hardships and setbacks had to go along with fire. Then, when the children crossed the threshold, they were doused with water from head to toe.

Our ancestors were praising the virgin Mary and prayed to her, they believed in omens and honored the customs of his people. This helped them to protect your family, children and house from harm and to gather a good harvest. Do not forget about the customs and rites of their ancestors today.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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