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The Joke "what to eat, how to lose weight" shows the bitter truth of the centuries-old struggle for a beautiful figure. This is a war, and it is all good. When such comparisons diet ABC can be compared with large-caliber weapons that get, when methods of the "smaller" did not help.
ABC is an acronym that hides behind the "Ana Boot Camp", which in English translates as "Community of anorexic-recruits." The name was coined in the United States participating in Pro-Ana movement, consisting of girls and women with eating disorder. They created a special summer camp, where the leading nutritionists of the country have established food suffering from anorexia and help them form proper eating habits. So initially the ABS acted as a therapeutic program and not help to lose weight, but quite the contrary.
Subsequently, the ABS system was the revision of the diet was to serve to free people from excess weight. Today it is rightly called the "Queen of diets" because of the extremely tough rules and excellent results. Reviews about the ABS diet by doctors and fitness trainers mostly negative. However, its popularity is not reduced. Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have drastically lost weight due to the "50 hungry days," and it cannot be ignored.
The Use of diet, including its variations, "light" and "Super light", it is not recommended to the following people:
And Similarly with people whose weight is close to normal. To lose 5-6 kg, not necessary to torture yourself. There are other, more sparing diet.
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Reviews on the ABS diet for 50 days, mainly depend on how successfully people were able to survive the period of severe restrictions. Dropping weight people particularly note the following:
Of Course, there are negative reviews about ABS. But, unfortunately, a universal diet suitable for everyone, does not exist.
First of all, it should be noted that the Ana Boot Camp – it's not just a diet, a real test of willpower. Therefore, it is not “sit”, a “pass”. The human body is passed through the filter to get updated and thin.
The Main objective of the diet is increasing the speed of metabolism, puts it into stress. For this the body literally "cheat", handing calories 3-4 times less than the daily requirement, which does not allow him to withdraw into a starvation mode and, therefore, save resources.
The ABS Diet for 50 days divided into 5 parts, and 10 days, respectively. During this time, dieters must observe the following rules:
Weighing and measurement of problematic body areas (waist, hips, legs, chest, shoulders, etc.) mandatory and are held at least each decade.
The ABS diet is not necessary “to jump in the deep end”. According to statistics, 50% refused extreme weight loss has done this in the first 5-7 days because they werenot ready for the feeling of constant hunger. Not to fill up the number of "refuseniks", nutritionists advise to prepare for ABS, reduced for 3-4 days before starting the diet portions of food several times. During this time the human body will get used to the feeling of light hunger.
In addition, we recommend that you create an environment around him that support process of weight loss. To do this:
Day. | Calories | The meals | Day. | Calories | The meals |
1 | 500 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner | 26 | 50 | Breakfast Lunch |
2 | 500 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner | 27 | 100 | Breakfast Lunch |
3 | 300 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 28 | 200 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner |
4 | 400 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 29 | 200 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner |
5 | 100 | Breakfast Lunch | 30 | 300 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner |
6 | 200 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 31 | 800 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner |
7 | 300 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 32 | An empty day. | Just water |
8 | 400 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 33 | 250 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner |
9 | 500 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner | 34 | 350 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Dinner |
10 | An empty day. | Just water | 35 | 450 | 1-second Breakfast 2nd Breakfast Lunch Afternoon tea Dinner |
11 | 150 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 36 | An empty day. | Just water |
12 | 200 | Breakfast Lunch Dinner | 37 | 500 | 1stзавтрак 2-й завтрак обед полдник ужин |
13 | 400 | 1-й завтрак обед полдник ужин | 38 | 450 | 1-й завтрак 2-й завтрак обед полдник ужин |
14 | 350 | 1-й завтрак 2-й завтрак обед ужин | 39 | 400 | 1-й завтрак обед полдник ужин |
15 | 250 | завтрак обед ужин | 40 | 350 | 1-й завтрак 2-й завтрак обед ужин |
16 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин | 41 | 300 | завтрак обед ужин |
17 | голодный день | только вода | 42 | 250 | завтрак обед ужин |
18 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин | 43 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин |
19 | 100 | завтрак обед | 44 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин |
20 | голодный день | только вода | 45 | 250 | завтрак обед ужин |
21 | 300 | завтрак обед ужин | 46 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин |
22 | 250 | завтрак обед ужин | 47 | 300 | завтрак обед ужин |
23 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин | 48 | 200 | завтрак обед ужин |
24 | 150 | завтрак обед | 49 | 150 | завтрак обед |
25 | 100 | завтрак обед | 50 | голодный день | только вода |
Таким образом, средняя калорийка диеты АБС составляет 250 Ккал в сутки. Это довольно пугающе. Особенно в те дни, когда данный показатель не должен превышать 100 единиц энергии. Однако не все так плохо. Существует множество продуктов, в которых калорий менее пары десятков в 100 г.
При составлении меню необходимо следить, чтобы в рацион входили все виды продуктов. Нельзя отказываться от молока в пользу овощей, а от сладостей в пользу курицы.
При недостатке глюкозы человек начинает испытывать нервозность, появляется слабость и "мушки" перед глазами. Так что сладости (самый лучший источник углеводов) в рационе необходимы. Худеющему на диете АБС можно употреблять следующие лакомства:
При составлении меню для диеты АБС необходимо помнить, что термическая обработка безoil reduces the calorie content of foods at least 1/6. For example, 100 g of buckwheat after cooking is not 300 Calories and only 100. And this is typical for most cereals and grain products.
Recipes value of less than 100 Kcal a lot. It is therefore advisable to note the products used in their preparation.
Name | Caloric content 100 g | Name | Caloric content 100 g |
Chicken breast without the skin. | 113 | Munk | 77 |
Chicken liver | 124 | Figure | 79 |
Rabbit Meat | 199 | Barley grits | 81 |
Veal, | 88 | Oatmeal | 93 |
Beef kidney. | 66 | Rye bread | 209 |
The Grenadier. | 60 | Curd | 89 |
Flounder | 88 | Ryazhenka 4% | 66 |
Pollock | 70 | Milk 3.2% | 58 |
Salmon | 219 | Milk 0% | 34 |
The Shrimp | 83 | Yogurt 0% | 39 |
Cod | 75 | Feta Cheese | 294 |
Almost against each of the known products defined calorie, and know it can only be referring to the appropriate resource. As for the calories of vegetables, it is not more than 80 Kcal (except fried potatoes). That is why losing weight in the summer is much easier to pass through the diet ABS.
Foods with very low caloric content makes it easy to hold in the "hungry" days ABS. The emphasis will have to do on vegetables and fruits. Among the most common and simple dishes
200 grams of stems (26 Kcal), small onion 20 grams (8 Calories), a pinch of salt, black pepper, spinach 50 grams (12 Calories). Vegetables and greens finely chop, pour water and put on a slow fire. Boil until tender, and then drain the excess water and grind the vegetables in a blender. Add salt and pepper. Calorie meals after heat treatment 38 Kcal.
100 grams sauerkraut (19 Kcal), rinsed under cold water, gently wring out and mix with the same quantity of cranberries (28 Kcal). Do not add salt, no oil to fill. Calorie salad 47 Kcal.
Apples - 150 g onion 40 g, carrot - 50 g, garlic - 1 clove, broccoli - 200 g dill and any spicy herb - 15 g, salt and pepper to taste. Prepared in vegetable stock. The procedure for preparation is similar to celery puree. The calorie content in 100 g food - 24 Kcal.
In most cases meals with less than 50 calories in diet menu ABS 50 days preparing one product and flavored with a minimum of additives (lemon juice, vinegar, olive oil).
Among the products that will help to Supplement the diet in the days of the "50 Calories":
The Daily rate of water during the ABS - 1.5-2 liters weight less than 80 lbs. With weight gain increases and the liquid volume (100 ml for every 5 kg). Any calorie water, including mineral, is absent, and therefore it can be consumed indefinitely.
In daily liters are not included such drinks as coffee, tea (black, green), juice, etc. These fluids of the human stomach are perceived as food. In addition, they contain a small percentage of caloric value.
In a review of the results diet ABS 50 days often mention that the coffee helps to survive the most difficult first days. Indeed, even in the simplest of instant coffee contains caffeine, which speeds up (briefly) exchange of things and gives a false sense of fullness. Calorie 200 ml of boiled coffee without adding cream and sugar is 2 Kcal. If you add when cookingcloves and cinnamon will appear "dessert smell", but the number of calories will not change.
Energy value depends on the type. For example, useful when diet the ABS green tea 200 ml contains 2 Calories and black - 3 Kcal. The addition of milk increases the caloric value of the triple.
One of the Champions among soft drinks. Only 24 Kcal per 200 ml.
ABS involves abstinence from alcohol, but sometimes you can afford the 200 ml of wine. This drink contains only 67 Calories. But beer, with its 37 Kcal still need to stay away, as it displays the body of potassium and magnesium, and causes a feeling of hunger.
Extreme starvation negatively affects the body condition and appearance. As a result of diet ABS often worsens the condition of hair, skin and nails, reduced immunity and resistance to daily stress. I've worked on all the time ABS is state of elation.
To minimize the effects recommend the following:
In addition, losing weight it is very important to set yourself up for a positive result. You can do the selection of clothes for thinner body even just through catalogs, to develop a new image or to start planning a beach vacation.
After the 50th day of fasting it is time to return to normal power mode. But this does not mean that on the 51st day alone to eat grilled chicken and a sponge cake. The body on the abrupt change of the diet will react inappropriately.
The Return of ABS takes place within 10-15 days, during which daily intake of calories is gradually increased by 100 units every day, until they become the norm - 1600-1800 a day. It is still impossible to include in the diet of junk food fried in oil, flavors, preservatives, etc.
Portions and the energy value will be more, but the quality and composition of the food should not deteriorate. This could be a transitional period to the system of proper nutrition, which is not a diet but a way of life.
The Extra weight often returns with “friends”. Ana Boot Camp in this situation better is the fact that for 50 days develops a physical and psychological habit of self-restraint, and people rarely break in a multi-day binge. In fact, after receiving the results of reviews of diet ABS many people say that the stomach has decreased so much that at one time you can eat not more than 300 g of one dish, and then begins: "the Eyes would be all eaten, and not go".
To hold the result of diet, we recommend the following:
1. Within 20 days after leaving the diet ABS to move to a permanent regime of proper nutrition with the intake in the first 2-3 months of food dietary Supplements.
2. Strength training, fitness and long walks on a regular basis will help to strengthen the muscles and ensure preservation of the reached volumes. The same effect can be achieved through dance classes, swimming, Cycling or roller skating. The mass of options.
3. Counting calories always and everywhere. This method of checking food will help out on the daily rate, even if not to get proper nutrition on a regular basis.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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