Voting qualifications - what is it? Concept and types


2018-04-02 03:02:21




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The Legislation grants citizens the right to vote. This means that the subjects have the opportunity to vote for candidates to state agencies and local government units. In addition, under certain conditions citizens can themselves be elected. The rules allowed the participation of people in monitoring the voting, the work of the commissions, including in determining the outcome of campaigns. Citizens can Express their will in referendums and other actions established by the legislation of the country, legal acts of the regions. voting qualifications that

The Principle of freedom of elections

Electoral Law divides the right to passive and active. The latter involves the direct participation in the vote, i.e. – an expression of the will of the population. Passive right – the opportunity to become a candidate will be elected. Participation of citizens in elections is voluntary and free. No one can put pressure on the people to compel them to Express their will or to refrain from it. You cannot create any obstacles to the free participation in the campaigns. Deputies of the state Duma are selected on the basis of equal, universal, direct, secret ballot.

Regulatory framework

Legislation regulating the election of the President of the country, is formed primarily by the Constitution. Its provisions are specified in the Federal law № 67. This law reglamentary basic guarantees of electoral rights and participation in referendums of citizens of the Russian Federation. Regional authorities can adopt and other normative acts in this field, do not contradict the Constitution and Federal law.


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The Concept of electoral qualification

As was said above, the participation of citizens in the vote, the will is subject to certain conditions. They are Voting qualifications. Concept and types these conditions are fixed regulatory. They are divided into 2 major groups. The first are natural, and the second – arbitrary conditions. Consider What are the voting qualifications provided by the current Legislation. the age limit suffrage

Natural environment

This category Age limit suffrage. He suggests that the citizen can participate in voting only if he turned a certain number of years. Such Qualifications of suffrage are different in different countries. For example, in Russia to participate in the voting age is 18. I must say that this threshold has been established not at once. Until the mid 60's, last century, in most States a citizen can participate in voting only 21 years old. It was believed that this age are full of personality, the absolute majority. Reaching 21 years, the person may come into an inheritance, has to do different kinds of transactions and so on. However, over time this threshold was perceived as unnatural, abnormal. This was due to the fact that in the early 60-ies of the substantially changed realities of life. It was particularly evident in the United States. America at that time participated in the Vietnam war. The country had conscription. In fact there is a very contradictory situation. Young people conscripted into the ranks of troops with 18 years of age, died in the fighting for the ideals of the state, could not participate in his political life. There was a need to reduce the Voting qualifications. This happened in 60 years. In the UK the threshold is decreased to 70 years. However, today in some countries, a higher Voting qualifications. This, in particular in Switzerland and Japan. In these countries to vote with you 20 years.


There are natural Qualifications passive suffrage. As a rule, the threshold for nomination to a vote higher than for participation in the procedure will. This is due to the following. Setting qualifications suffrage, the legislator assumes that the person offering his candidacy for any office (Deputy, mayor, Senator, President, in the end), have some experience. The threshold may be 25, 35 and so on. In Italy, for example, a citizen may run for Senator only at the age of 40 years. And to vote for members of the Senate with only 25. the limits of passive electoral right

Education and literacy

Some countries may have and the types of electoral qualifications. In some States the level of education is checked during the registration of voters. In some American States, for example, was a rule by which citizen received the country's Constitution. He had to read a few lines from it, and to explain in their own words. So we determined the level of common and political literacy of the person. A requirement for participation in voting in some States is the ability to read and write in the language of the country in which the voter lives. In some cases, from the citizen require proof of secondary education. To nominate to high positions sometimes, you need a diploma of graduation.

Some Specifics

Educational Qualifications suffrageAre set depending on characteristics of the population. In some States, a high percentage of illiterate citizens. Their allowed to vote without any condition and even facilitate their selection process. According to the Constitution of Ecuador, able to read and write necessarily participate in election activities. For the illiterate realization of their capabilities optional (desirable). After the adoption of the Constitution of Peru (in 1980) to the elections was admitted about a million uneducated people. In India, the procedure is simplified for the illiterate. In this country, each party and each candidate has its own symbol. It could be a Lotus, dove, ear, etc. Voters during speeches candidates can see their symbols and subsequently put a tick next to sign in the newsletter. what are the voting qualifications stipulated


In some cases set specific voting qualifications. This also is caused by the specificity of the terrain. For example, in Ireland a citizen is not allowed to participate in the vote, if you do not have a place to sleep. It seems that I can't exercise their voting rights and vagrants who live under bridges. Is formally prohibited to participate in voting of hired agricultural workers, who settled on other people's farms. These people live in their own homes, so they are denied the active election right. In some countries, as a pre-conditions is the terrain in which the voting occurs constantly in a certain period. This period may be different. For example, in most us States permanently you need to live 1-2 months. in Germany – 3 months. in France – six months in Canada – year. There are logical reasons why such established Voting qualifications. This in the first place is because the person before you vote, you need to know the specifics of the area, to feel like a member of the community. This fact is especially important for the elections to the territorial structure of power. I should say that even for a short period of stay on the ground, many do not participate in the vote. For example, in America, a lot of seasonal workers. They move from one place to another during harvesting. These people don't participate in elections. Not exercise their right to vote citizens who live in trailers (mobile homes). According to some such people, there are about 6 million, They almost do not participate in the political life of the state. qualifications of suffrage


In the modern world in most countries there are no gender restrictions. However, this situation was not always the case. Before the First world war, for example, women were allowed to vote in some States. It was mainly the Scandinavian countries (Iceland, Finland, Norway, Denmark), New Zealand and Australia. The first opportunity to vote received by the Dutch women. In the UK the gender requirement was removed in 1918, Germany – a year later, and in the United States – 1920. After the Second world war the lifting of restrictions has been almost everywhere in the world. In 1944, in France, women were allowed to vote. In Japan, the restrictions were lifted in 1946, Italy – 1945. The longest lasted the gender requirement in Switzerland – up to 1971, Although for the first time in this country the question of giving women the opportunity to participate in the vote arose in 1919 a Decision was delayed for a fairly long period. For nearly 50 years we have conducted several polls and referendums. But they involved only men, who opposed the equalization of women's rights. Therefore, the question has been delayed. In some middle Eastern States, not only women, but men can not vote. This is because in such countries, General elections are not provided for. For example, the situation in UAE, Saudi Arabia. In Kuwait participated in the election of only men. In some States, and today there are norms that undermine women's rights. For example, in Haiti they can only vote for candidates in local structures. In Guatemala there was a rule according to which voting rights are not available to literate women. And men to allow a vote regardless of education, ability to read/write. In El Salvador and Costa Rica acted on the precept that married women could participate in the elections with 25, and unmarried – with a 30-year-old. property qualification

Property qualification

It existed for quite a long time in all States which had a Parliament. In these countries, to participation in election campaigns permitted person, today called the middle class. This would be determined quite simply – the amount of tax paid. In the literature it was noted that those citizens who have no property, have not achieved a certain status in society may be admitted to the management of the Affairs of the state. The proletariat, as a rule, was apolitical and ignorant. The workers worked too hard to adequately understand what is happening around. However, with the improvement of technology and civilization, reducing the duration of shifts, the extension of the trade Union movement,restrictions on property status become indecent. After the First world war they were almost universally eliminated. Currently, in the clear property qualification almost does not exist. In some States, however, restrictions in financial position are determined for the candidates. For example, for the registration of candidates in presidents of Argentina need to provide evidence of the presence of a certain amount of annual profit. This candidate confirms that aims to take the post not for your own gain, and in the name of serving the people. Such a requirement and present in the legislation of Costa Rica, New Zealand, Mexico, Colombia, and Australia.

Additional limitations

In some countries provides for the qualification for the military. Opinions about the fairness of the split. On the one hand, the army of many countries today are formed on a professional basis, and their number is small. Accordingly, participation or non-participation of soldiers in the voting will not significantly affect the results. However, often soldiers deprived of the passive right. According to some authors, this seems fair. Service in the armed forces should not be burdened with politics. If a citizen wishes to participate in government, he will have to abandon the military career. Some countries have religious qualifications. For example, in Iran for his nomination to Parliament a citizen must be a Muslim, actively preaching Islam. In this country, about 90% of Board members are Ministers of religion. voting qualifications concept and types

Situation in Russia

Qualifications of the suffrage of the Russian Federation quite a few. One of the limitations mentioned above. In particular, to vote all citizens who have reached 18 years of age. Voting qualifications in the Russian Federation Include limits for candidates to presidents, deputies of the state Duma. The head of state may become subject, under 35 years of age. In the state Duma it is possible to run for 21 years. The candidate should have higher education, know the course in municipal and public administration and the Constitution. Some States have so-called moral Voting qualifications. In Russia, for example, are prohibited from participating in the vote to persons serving a prison sentence. In article 48 of the Italian Constitution does not allow for the election subjects who have committed immoral acts specified in the law. Also prohibited from participating in the voting bankrupts, drug addicts, and others whose influence on the election results the government considers undesirable. In some countries the ban on the implementation of its electoral law serves as a punishment. In some cases, the law permits the suspension of such legal possibility. For example, such provisions exist in the Constitution of Mexico. According to the law of this country, the opportunity to participate in the vote, and to nominate his candidacy in the elections of may be suspended for persistent vagrancy or drunkenness. The corresponding limitation imposed by the court. Another requirement for nomination in Russia at the highest of government positions is citizenship.


In Total there are about fifty qualifications. All of them are connected with the specifics of the cultural development of a particular state, and historical backgrounds. Many of them are well founded. For example, educational or age limit for people to put forward their candidates for high public office. Undoubtedly, the person who seeks to occupy the presidency of the country, must have a certain management experience and knowledge. Passive electoral rights in Russia are not available to foreigners. This also is quite reasonable, since to manage the Affairs of state can only its citizens who reside in it and know its internal structure. Between Teng some countries still have regulations that infringe freedom of some people living on their territories. This applies mainly to women who participated in voting is permitted is not always or with certain reservations.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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