How to open a Burger from scratch: a step by step guide


2020-04-07 15:20:21




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In today's fast pace of life in modern humans is often not enough time to eat homemade food. So people are so used to taking a bite of fast food. But fast food should not only satisfy hunger but also to bring pleasure. Therefore, there are many recipes for hot dogs, burgers, burgers. Despite the competition, the business of selling burgers can bring good monthly income, since food industry is in demand and growing rapidly.

how to open a Burger

History Burger

Previously it was impossible to imagine that ordinary cutlet in a bun may gain such immense popularity among people of all strata of society. In 1904, the Burger gained fame at the fair in St. Louis. But only thirty years later became the gastronomic symbol, when Walter Anderson from Kansas, founded the fast food chain called White Castle Hamburger.

Every day this gastronomic product is gaining more and more popularity, the majority of people wanted to repeat the recipe. It then began to emerge among entrepreneurs first thought about how to open a hamburger shop. So as to burgers to earn money?

How to open a Burger?

Like any business, you need to open Burger with the official registration of entrepreneurial activity. How to open a Burger in your city and what you need to do? To begin to resolve the issue with the form of entrepreneurial-similarity: PI or LLC. The majority of those who dug Burger, choose a company form of IP, because a small catering establishments has not so big financial momentum. For Burger it is best to choose a system of taxation, single tax on imputed income (UTII).


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open Burger from scratch

The Process IE is very simple. First you need to apply to the Department of Federal tax service (FTS) with a copy of the identity document, write a letter, to pay the state duty of 800 rubles. You must also choose the type of activity in OKVED classifier. For Burger, you can select the activity codes:

  • 56.10 “the Operation of restaurants and delivery services food”.
  • 56.10.1 “the Operation of restaurants and cafe with full restaurant service, cafeterias, fast food restaurants and self-service”.

At the end of the registration procedure of the company employees of the relevant authority, a certificate is issued bin, which indicates the status of IE.

Documents required for opening of the institution

How to open a Burger joint, to avoid problems with state authorities? For this you need to choose the room that will successfully pass all health checks. It is necessary to collect a package of documents required for unscheduled inspections. On-demand instances, as a rule, it is necessary to present following documents:

  • Certificate OGRN;
  • Journal of safety;
  • The INN certificate;
  • Certificates at the finish with the desired requirements of the SES;
  • Inspection documents of instrumentation and volumetric glassware;
  • Contract with the SES and the fire service;
  • The contract with the service of energy conservation and sewer service;
  • A contract with the LCD on garbage disposal
  • Agreement with the tenant and agreement with employees.

how to open a Burger business

Organization Burger in a small town

As a rule, in a city with a population of up to one hundred thousand people with a small choice of good food. So, opening a new, fancy Burger, you can attract the attention of unspoiled inhabitants of a small town. A big plus of such settlements – is that in this business there are almost no worthy competitors. The answer is only Yes to the question: is it possible to open a hamburger shop in a small town? But in order to open a business, you need to calculate all the pros and cons.

How to open a Burger business plan step by step

During the development of the business plan of a restaurant with fast food it is necessary to distinguish the target group of their customers. Most visitors will be students, so the food should be not only delicious but also affordable.

How to open a Burger? Detailed instruction includes the development of such items:

  1. The Concept of institution. In the beginning you want to develop the concept of his restaurant and hire a design team to embody conceived plan.
  2. Search the premises for the Burger. The room for the hall must not be less than 70 square meters. Create restaurant preferably in the center of the town, with a large cross.
  3. To prepare the room and the invitation to the special public services to control the execution of all items requirements. When you open the Burger, you must pass the test of sanitary-epidemiological service and fire inspection.
  4. Recruitment for the institution. All employees must be health books. At the initial stage, you need to hire: penetration, two workers in the hall and the maid.
  5. Advertising campaign. The most important item to ensure a quick return of the enterprise and profit. To promote the institution should consider an advertising campaign.The institution should have a website, which includes menu lists all services of the institution. When providing delivery to the site of the establishment must be a form of order. It is desirable to promote the establishment of social networks.

how to open a Burger business plan

Equipment for Burger

Picking up the equipment in the room should adhere to the concept of institution. In order not to miss some small details, you need to make a list of things:

  • Buy chairs and tables, according to the design;
  • To order the bar furniture bar;
  • To design and order your outdoor sign;
  • To buy or make a custom form for employees;
  • Set the alarm and video cameras;
  • Buy kitchen equipment.

While selecting equipment, it is desirable to focus on the models of the reliable and trusted manufacturers.


What better food to the Burger, the more profit the institution will bring to the owner. To ensure the variety of the menu typically use a lot of vegetables, seasonings, sauces and, of course, good quality meat. As the number of places will be very different, the meals should be varied. So it will be a big plus if the addition of burgers, salads and fries on the menu are vegetarian dishes, dishes for children and people with diabetes.

whether to open a Burger joint in a small town

How much is opening?

How to open a Burger? The business will generate revenue? How much is the opening of such an institution? How to open a small Burger? Of course, this business is profitable but if the market a small number of competitors with a similar business concept. Open Burger from scratch could cost about 5-10 million rubles, which already includes all the costs the payback period of the business. At the initial stage to earn a lot of fast food will not work. First, the profit would be about 30 thousand rubles. per month. But with the right approach and well thought-out advertising campaign income can be increased two to three times. The payback period of this business is around two years. For a small town this is quite a good performance. Why it is profitable to open a Burger from scratch, investments are relatively quickly recouped.

Essential investment

The Financial plan in the early stages involves a lot of costs, but this business is good because to invest in it gradually. You can start with only a few types of burgers and a few drinks. The initial investment in dollars:

  • Around 420 thousand will be the cost of the equipment;
  • About 40 thousand rubles – staff entitlements;
  • The cost of consumables will be around 20 thousand;
  • Room rental – about 50 thousand

The Total amount of the initial cost will be approximately 530 thousand rubles.

how to open a small Burger

Helpful tips for entrepreneurs

To get a steady income and not to violate the legislative norms to the beginner in business you need to know some of the nuances of the business. Some useful tips for aspiring entrepreneurs include:

  • Mandatory registering of cash register in tax Department;
  • Cooperation exclusively with reliable suppliers of food products;
  • Availability of features in place, the features that differentiate it from competitors;
  • At first you must gain the trust of the client, interested visitors, including potential;
  • Organize the room should be so, to the interior looked interesting and not zagromozhdennye;
  • You should consider the disposal of waste.

Marketing business

One of the main aspects of opening a fast food establishment is marketing. If an entrepreneur decided to open a franchised establishment, it is at the initial stage it will be accompanied by the company providing the franchise. This is one of the easiest options of opening their own business. But businessmen, who have decided to embark on an independent voyage, it is necessary to develop a logo and brand that customers could easily remember the place.

The Most powerful tools today in marketing is the Internet. Now many people are looking for a restaurant through a Network, read the reviews about the place and order delivery. Therefore, when the opening of the Burger will need to do a local press release to launch a special offer for customers who will visit the school on the opening day. A big plus would be an invitation to the opening, free food sampling, drawing attention of media and food bloggers.

how to open a Burger in the city

Another good solution to attract new customers is to create loyalty programs with coupons and savings discounts (this will force the client to return once again to the restaurant). You must always remember about the additional services (e.g., food delivery to the house). Perhaps for even more income, you should develop the concept of the restaurant is take-out.

Summing up

In this kind of business, like fast food, there are many risks. These risks can begin with negative customer reviews and the audits and fines of SES. The owner of Burger you need to pay great attention toproduct quality and shelf life of food. One case associated with poor quality food can destroy the whole business. Satisfied customers bring money into the institution.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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