Business process - what's that? Development, modeling, optimization of business processes


2020-05-23 13:00:29




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Modern methods of company management increasingly adopt foreign methods and technologies. And not because it's fashionable, but because it is convenient and efficient. One of these techniques breaks all the routine work on the elementary components, and then describes in detail each business process. It takes quite a long time, but put the scheme allows us to find weaknesses and overblown responsibilities, and fuzzy tasks. Once spending time, management can delegate part of their responsibility down the ladder, freeing time for strategic planning.

Life plan

Another thing is that staff often do not understand the meaning of this procedure, and does not welcome the desire of the management to identify key business processes. However, more often it is necessary to understand the modeling and description of basic operations of each division and employee. Even worse, if the company appear to the employees who study the business processes of the company. They incessantly about something they ask, distract and otherwise interfere with the direct execution of functional duties of all personnel. What do you do?

Let's Start from afar. Every morning before most of us the challenge – to work. In order to succeed you need time to Wake up, gather and take a seat in any transportation (whether private car or subway car). Further, each component can be broken into smaller procedures: in order to be able to Wake up, you can put the alarm clock, and you can ask someone to Wake you, etc. Regardless of the method of solution the result of (timely awakening) is achieved. But the rise, fees and road to work different methodology decisions and the end result. In fact, we came to the first definition. business processes


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What it

So, a business process is a defined sequence of simple actions that transform resources into useful end product. In our example of life, there are three different processes, each of which requires its own source of information and after some manipulations gives the desired result. Let's move on to the enterprise. Regardless of the scope of activities of each firm are professional relationships of employees: the transfer of information, determining the need for the product, analysis of production and resources, etc. and it is important to note that all of the above has a value only if three conditions are met:

- the information is transmitted to the interested in her employee;

- this is done at the right moment;

- the form in which information is presented, quite simple and clear.

If you generalize the above, we can say that the business process – the flow of information answering three questions: what, where and when. It is in order to get the job done smoothly and continuously, you must define its components. In this case, no there is duplication of tasks, lack of the contractor or downtime.

business process - a

When clearly defined business process, every employee ceases to be indispensable. Remember how many times I had to wait for the released from the hospital (or get back from vacation) someone of your colleagues; in your absence at work, the phone literally never stops ringing, and everyone is trying to understand what and how you are doing. But if you responded to the request of management and was quite detailed description of business processes, and you can cheer quietly, and relax and sometimes just for lunch…

Turning to the formal language definition, we will argue that in describing the business processes of the company establishes these goals:

  • To understand the overall structure of the organization activities and determine the dynamics of its development;
  • Identify current challenges and opportunities to overcome them;
  • Make clear to all parties (developers, users, customers, etc.) the system goals and objectives;
  • To formulate the requirements for the required software.

Of Course, the mere description of business processes is of no interest. But for the re-engineering that is the primary goal. Only by understanding structure, relationships and the way information flows, we can talk about redefining the meaning of both the enterprise and its separate subdivisions. But the reorganization should be conducted for the sake of achieving some goal: improve the quality of customer service; reducing costs; providing more freedom in decision-making performers (reduce turnaround time), etc.

Simple classification

Most Often, the need to describe information business processes companies turn out to have functionally-oriented structure. The fact that the goals and objectives of the different departments may conflict with each other. And this will not only reduce the profitability of the company, but also to a drop in its competitiveness.

information workflows

A Modern approach to the management of increasingly cross-process character. All work is treated as a set of processes (each of which consists of one or more simple operations). For formalization and standardization of thisapproach adopted the following categories of processes (the classification takes place in relation to value added product):

  • Fixed – those with which the enterprise receives the income: production, marketing, delivery;
  • Control – those that set goals and objectives for the units and a specific artist;
  • Enabled – those which produce resources, but do not add to final product cost: training and selection of personnel, financial support, legal protection, etc.

In Addition to the already mentioned independence from the human factor and simplified adaptation of new employees, description of business processes enables more efficient control of operating costs of the company.


Now it becomes clear that business management is necessary not just to identify related flows of information and clearly describe all activities. Since we already know that the business process – part of the work, passing from one employee to another (within their functional unit or not – doesn't matter), then move on to the fact that everything can be unified. And professional activity – especially.

Regardless of the scope of activities of each business process can be described by the same characteristics.

- Border – the beginning and the end of the execution of a simple operation.

Owner – is an employee of a company that not only owns resources necessary for work, but plans, analyzes, manages the process; and most importantly – responsible for the result.

- Input – an informational message that is received in any accepted in the enterprise form that identifies the need for information and marking the beginning of the process.

- Output – information or materialized part of the product that is consumed external to the contractor by the client.

- Performer – company personnel, engaged in the same process.

- Resources – material or information of which does not change during the operation (but only facilitates the translation of incoming information into a final product).

- quality Control – industry-specific or internal (management company) indicators to determine efficiency.

Mandatory allocation of elementary processes

Of Course, not each firm needs a description of the business processes. However, there are a number of instances in which it can not do without this tedious classes. Name the main:

  • The activities of the company automatizarea. In this case, the schema of the business process translates customer needs into understandable language for the programmer.
  • Improvement of the activities of the company. Not only modernization of equipment and technologies help to improve the final product; optimization of business processes gives an opportunity to identify all strengths and weaknesses and to take relevant management decisions.
  • Certification of the international organization for standards (ISO). Created same for all employees, the quality management system.

How to submit a description of the customer

Modeling of business processes requires a description of each item. How to do it painlessly for your organization? In world practice, adopted three main methods: textual, graphical and tabular.

A Text involves the description of all work progress in a simple and understandable sequence. Form and content can be as free (if not already developed by international or industry standards), and regulated documents. Example: sales Department reports accounting documentation for the period in the planning Department; staff of the planning Department carried out analytical work to determine the dynamics of sales and have to make adjustments to the production; the result of the planning Department is transferred to the marketing Department, which analyses the reasons for the growth (decline) of sales, etc.

Flowchart of a business process allows you to visualize the analytic result. No need to remind you that the visual perception of the information most effectively. So, various charts and graphs give us the possibility to understand what is happening and to find the right solution.

modeling business processes

In cases where the main objective of the reform activities - optimization of business processes is to use a tabular form to describe them. With its help it is easier to understand the sequence of steps and direction of flow of information. The model table contains not only the description of functions of posts, but also counts on incoming and outgoing documents related to the artist (either as a whole unit, and individual employee), etc.

How to describe a business process

It is not Enough to analyze business processes. The most important thing in this case is correctness, but at the same time and simplicity of the description. To begin to articulate the name of a single process. This will help to understand its main characteristics, the logic of the execute and place in the overall chain of production activities.

Then you should specify what input information is required for the normal performance of the task, as well as list resource support. The recorded sequence of simple operations that comprise the process, will help nothingmiss and not to forget.

Modeling of business processes can not do without identifying the process owner and controls the progress of its implementation. For this description it should be noted the target dates of works and list the documents that are passed to the next link. If you simplify, it should look like this: “…after the analysis of sales during the reporting period, the Department of planning fills in the established form (table), which reports to the marketing Department...”

description of the business processes

A Simplified diagram of the description of the production processes

In the preparation of the description most often workers are faced with the fact that I do not know how to verbally convey the content of their work. To system business processes are clear and structured, you can make a memo. It reflects the issues that need to be clear and the most detailed answer. So, what kind of questions?

  • What? Describes what exactly is done in this operation.
  • Why? Conveys the purpose of the operation.
  • When? Determines who initiates the execution.
  • Who? Name specific performers.
  • How? Lists necessary resources.

Development of business processes implies that it is possible to use all methods of description. Thus, get the most detailed scheme of work. The graphical option will identify the relationship of functional units, and tabular and text will give the contents of each operation. Unfortunately, the automation of business processes is impossible without this time-consuming preliminary work.


In practice, there are many ways to obtain the necessary information. First we need to analyze the procedural documents that govern the company's employees. You should then conduct personal interviews with each direct perpetrator with the aim of outlining the content of his work. Further, to clarify the controversial points, consultants, analysts should use the observation of the progress of business processes.

If a complex approach to solving tasks, automation of business processes will not seem as tedious and useless.

Working group

And yet, if the main objective is automation of business processes, and to engage external consulting company, management does not intend, necessarily the question arises: "where to start?" First, a working group of employees of the company. It is desirable that the members of the working group have excellent analytical skills and ability to listen. Indeed, as already noted, most of the work is to conduct personal interviews with the performers of business processes.

Next, you need to have a real picture of the functioning of the system. As to the modernization of the enterprise work and bring profit to speak of the perfect restructuring is probably not necessary. Therefore it is necessary to fix the system and direction of information flows at the start of the optimization.

What is the description

In order to avoid any confusion and ambiguity in the description of business processes, experts recommend to use a process map. These are standardized documents that allow to unify all actions, regardless of the sphere of influence of the contractor and the complexity of the described operations.

Any description can be divided into the following components:

  • Unified form of the process (often a table);
  • Map of the business process (may be presented in any form – a textual description, a graphical object or table);
  • Directions (incoming and outgoing flows of information, resources, and Finance);
  • Matrix of the various business processes (table of interaction of different processes which allows you to select primary and secondary flows and operations);
  • Block diagram (algorithm execution of the business process);
  • Detailed text description;
  • Documentation (creation of documents confirming the execution of the process);
  • The identification of indicators of the business process (the search of characteristics and indicators, which can monitor not only the progress but the quality);
  • The rules (in other words, the job description).

developing business processes


As has already been repeatedly mentioned, any process should be measured. It is necessary first to assess the effectiveness of the performance of the company. Most often experts recommend to test the business processes according to four parameters: time, costs, quality and quantity.

But the models of business processes are dynamic and diverse. So often it is not enough to evaluate only the performance of the work; you need to take into account the working conditions and enterprise infrastructure. In addition, virtually all of the industry cannot exist without suppliers, Finance, logistics and partners. It is also being measured.

And, of course, we must not forget about information and human factors. The higher the level of specialist training, the less time he will need to become acquainted with the instructions and the incoming information.

automation of business processes

Most of the modelling is now based on the principles of structural analysis and design (SADT -Structured Analysis and Design Technique), as well as some algorithmic languages. It is possible to speak about existence of several main models of the analysis of business processes:

- Business Process Modeling – in fact, modeling – reveals the functional aspect of the firm.

- Work Flow Modeling – describes workflows and is similar to drawing block diagrams.

- Data Flow Modeling – unlike the previous one, describes the flow of data (information) is used to compose the sequence of operations.

Cycle Shewhart-Deming

Major business processes (1C allows to distinguish them from the common list) is recommended to describe in a separate document called ‘Rules of works”. All that is less relevant or consists of a small number of simple operations, usually described in the job descriptions.

In the drafting of the regulations consider the terms of a continuous improvement cycle of the enterprise (the model the Shewhart-Deming). Its provisions say that the optimization and improvement – an endless process. That is, in the management of the enterprise has a closed cycle consisting of such management solutions: planning, execution, control, adjustment.

optimizing business processes

In drawing up the regulation account should be taken of the principles which ensure the conformity of the model the Shewhart-Deming

  1. Calculation of planned targets for the next period.
  2. Analysis of deviations and documentation of the alleged causes.
  3. The Definition of corrective operations and analyze their effectiveness.

Development of the model should be carried out in accordance with the business rules. As the generally accepted rules of acts normative-legislative base of the state in whose territory the company operates. The second baseline model is the corporate policy of the company.

Introducing the quality management system, it is necessary to take care of the development and harmonization of business processes. As already mentioned in the beginning of the article – not always the company's staff understands the importance of the modernisation. Communicating to each employee the importance of an efficient model of business processes – task of senior management.

It is well-established and well-designed system will not only simplify the enterprise certificates of conformity to international quality standards ISO 9001:2008, but also greatly enhance the work efficiency of each employee.

Both of the above factors lead the company to increase market competitiveness, which in turn has a beneficial effect both on investors and clients.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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