Clichés and bureaucratese: examples of words in the Russian language


2018-04-02 04:31:14




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In this article we will talk about this language thing as "bureaucratese". Examples, basic properties and scope of use of this linguistic phenomenon will be discussed in particular detail.

In the Russian language the kantselyarizmami belong to this language group as clichés. So you'll understand to begin with what is this phenomenon.

bureaucratese examples

What is a speech cliches

We Begin by considering the most frequent mistakes are allowed as writing and communication.

Stamps and kantselyarizmami (examples of which will be presented below) are closely interlinked. More precisely, the considered linguistic phenomenon is one of the types of stamps (this concept calls such words and expressions which are often used, which have lost their value). Therefore, such structures are simply overload the speaker's speech and are considered redundant.

Stamps be the words and phrases, frequently used in speech. Typically, these linguistic phenomena do not have any specificity. For example, turnover of “the meeting was held at the highest level” is used instead of bringing a detailed report about the event.

What is the kantselyarizmami in the Russian language? Examples

kantselyarizmami examples of the words

In the Russian language there are certain words, the use of which is considered to be relevant only in a particular style of speech. Such words are kantselyarizmami. This term is called words, grammatical constructions and forms, and collocations, the use of which is enshrined in the literary language for official business style. For example: To seek, should, activities, non-profit, hold the control, etc.


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Signs of kantselyarizmami

Now, define the indicators of such words and look at the examples.

Kantselyarizmami - the words of the official-business style, however, in addition, they have a number of purely linguistic features. Among them are:

  • The Use of verbal nouns: bassfishing (stealing, tailoring, off); suffix (capture, detection, blow-up, location).
  • Replacing the compound nominal predicate is a simple verb (splitting the verb). For example: WillingWanting to make a decisionTo decide whether to provide helpHelp.
  • The Use of noun prepositions. For example: In part, on a line, address, section, region, due, in terms, in fact, on the level.
  • Stringing case, usually genitive. For example, The conditions necessary for raising the cultural level of the population of the region.
  • Changing the active speed on the passive. For example, the active turnover We set passive The establishment was conducted us.

what is the kantselyarizmami in the Russian language examples

Why not to abuse kantselyarizmami?

Kantselyarizmami and clichés (examples prove it), frequent in speech, cause it loses its figurativeness, expressiveness, brevity, personality. As a consequence, there are following shortcomings:

  • A Mixture of styles. For example: After short-term precipitation fell as rain, over the pond in all its glory shone the rainbow.
  • Ambiguity, which generate verbal nouns. For example, the phrase “the approval of the Professor” can be understood as “the professors argued” and “Professor claims”.
  • The Verbosity, the weighting of the question. For example: Due to the improved service levels should significantly increase the turnover in commercial and government stores.

Bureaucratese, examples of which we have presented, deprives it of imagery, expressiveness, persuasiveness. Because they are frequently used lexical expressions RUB-off value, a dim expression.

Usually by the use of dies inclined journalists. Therefore, in journalistic style, such expressions occur most often.

What words relate to the kantselyarizmami

stamps and kantselyarizmami examples

Looks natural only in the business language of bureaucratese. Examples of their use say that very often these words are used in other styles of speech, which is considered a gross stylistic error. To prevent such mistakes, you need to understand what words relate to the kantselyarizmami.

So, kantselyarizmami may be:

  • Archaic solemnity: Named above, to charge the bearer, must, to claim such.
  • At the same time, the kantselyarizmami can be casually and matter-of-factly: Say (Val. the Discuss), To hear, progress, puzzle, specifics, developments.
  • Give a speech the official color nouns derived from verbs with the following suffixes: -Ut, -at, -Ani, -new: initiative taking, being; bessolitsyna: Off, stealing, tailoring, hiring, supervision; the words having the prefix Under-, non-: undetected, failure to identify a shortfall, prevention.
  • In addition, a number of nouns, participles, adverbs, verbs and adjectives of ligaments has a strong relationship to business communication. For example: Side, the client, customer, principal, owner, person, report,the victim, a vacant, outgoing, immediately, free of charge, to be, to be, to exist.
  • Official coloration a number of official words: To address, due to, on the basis of, and so on. For example: According to the agreement, in connection with the termination of the agreement, in the event of failure to comply with the contract, the result of the study, etc.
  • To such revolutions include the following composite names: Food, law enforcement agencies, a vehicle, public sector, diplomatic relations.

In some cases, it is appropriate to use the term "bureaucratese"

examples kantselyarizmami words official business style

Kantselyarizmami (examples of words we examined in detail above), in accordance with the laws of the literary language should be used only in official business style. Then the speed does not stand out against the background of the text.

The term "bureaucratese" is appropriate to use only in those cases where such words and turns used in someone else's style. Then it gets wishy-washy, state the nature, deprived of emotion, liveliness, naturalness and simplicity.

Kantselyarizmami as a stylistic device

But did not always relate to speech defects bureaucratese. Examples of artistic works show that often these words or turns are used as a stylistic device. For example, for the speech characteristics of the hero.

kantselyarizmami and clichés examples

Writers Often use kantselyarizmami to create humorous effect. For example, Zoshchenko, Chekhov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ilf and Petrov. For example, Saltykov-Shchedrin - “…prohibited villota eyes, the seizure of the head, otnoshenie nose”; she - "the killing occurred because of utonomy”.

Kantselyarizmami (examples of words we have considered in some detail) in Russia reached the highest prevalence in the period of stagnation, when they penetrated into all areas of speech, including even household. This example confirms the idea that language is a reflection of all changes that occur in the country and society.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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