The rules of writing and exercises: "not" with different parts of speech


2019-04-19 00:20:35




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The Skills of literacy and language required for each adult, regardless of what he does. After all, social interactions in modern society is not only inevitable, but desirable. And often success in one area or another depends on whether a person is able to competently Express their thoughts. But it is in fact not only the availability of oral communication skills. To write correctly is equally important.

The question is not just documentation or business correspondence. Knowledge and skills in the field of correct writing of the words have a direct impact on reputation. Unfortunately, most soon after finishing her studies, forget what they fought so hard to cram in educational institutions. Therefore, as practice shows, such knowledge, anyway, had to refresh for life.

Some rules though seem elementary, but keep in mind an adult with difficulty. In this paper we consider writing "not" with different parts of speech. These rules will be useful both for students and adults seeking to refresh existing knowledge.

exercises with different parts of speech

What is a particle?

Particle, usually called a part of speech that adds to the offer of emotional tones. They effectively serve to form new words.

In order to learn how to use particles in speech, it is important to perform some exercise. "Not" with different parts of speech spelled differently. It is important to identify the wealth of these rules.

rule of writing, not with different parts of speech

The Particle "not" with nouns (examples of exercises)

The spelling of the particle "not" with different parts of speech requires a considerable amount of knowledge and certain skills. However, purchasing them is simple.

So, "not" nouns should be written separately in the case, if there is to be opposition (e.g., not a law, and recommendation).

Together, this particle write those nouns that it is not used in principle (e.g., oaf). Also if the word will acquire a new, completely opposite meaning (it's easily possible sinonimizirovat word without the particle "no").


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Another case of one word - a noun with the particle represents a specific person (i.e., a layman).

Practice is better understood with the help of simple exercises. The correct answers are shown in italics.

1. What part of "not" is written separately?

  1. (not)laughter and tears
  2. (in)ralliwolf
  3. (not)is true
  4. (in)hatred

2. What noun should be written as one word with "not"?

  1. (in)admiration and frustration
  2. (not a)determination of nature
  3. (in)attention and distraction
  4. (not)friend, just a friend

3. What sentence with the noun "not" should be written as one word?

  1. (In)needle is the main stitching.
  2. (Not)the ability causes a lot of trouble.
  3. (In)pen writing, and thinking.
  4. (In)the place is this book.

4. In what sentence the particle "not" should be written separately from the noun?

  1. "(Not)znayka" is my favorite book.
  2. (In)the teaching (is not)valid.
  3. (Not)Nastia to be scared silly.
  4. (Not)live by bread alone.

adjectives with the particle examples

The Particle "not" with adjectives (exercise)

Then discuss the written adjectives with the particle "not". Examples illustrating the rules, are also given, to make it easier to assimilate the described material.

So, "no" with adjectives write separately in the following cases:

  • The presence of opposition, the divided Union (not white and black wardrobe);
  • If the adjective is possessive or relative (not dad's cake);
  • If the adjective demonstrates a lack of manifestation of a particular quality characteristic (not sweet tea that is not enough sweet tea);
  • If there is a simple comparative degree of the noun (that TV is newer than the neighbors);
  • With certain short forms of adjectives, namely those that, in principle, not used in full form (not happy).

With adjectives Separately considered particle is written in the case that this adjective is not being used without her (sloppy); if the adjective together with the particle receives a new, completely opposite meaning (a low).

How to fix? With the help of such exercise.

Which of the words should be written as one word?

  • (not)passed ekzamen;
  • (ne)posledovateley;
  • (ne)komlen;
  • (ne)znaet.

not together with different parts of speech

The Particle "not" with the pronouns

The spelling of the particle "not" with different parts of speech is provided by the formation of certain skills. This requires to consider also the rule in writing consider particles with pronouns. It is simple: in such cases the particles act as consoles and are written together.

If set any preposition between the prefix "UN" and the root of the pronoun, the combination is written completely separately (three separate words).

The Particle "not" with verbs, participles and gerunds

It is Important to remember that all the verbs and all verbal particle "not" is used separately.

With participles should be writingseparately in the following cases:

  • If there is opposition to using Union "and";
  • In the case of using short forms of participles;
  • The presence of a dependent of the sacrament words.

In all other cases the particle should be written with this part of the speech together.

As you can see, to remember how to spell the word "not" with verbs, participles and gerunds is very simple. To consolidate the skill, you can use the test exercises. For example, similar to the following.

What sentence the word "not" should be written separately?

  1. His promises were (not)made.
  2. The Envelope back (not)printed.
  3. The last time I (don't)fill up.
  4. Story (not)finished.

not separately with different parts of speech

The Particle "not" with adverbs

If the end of the adverb is the letter "o" or "e", you should apply the same rules that are appropriate to use for adjectives. However, if the part of speech in the sentence acts as the predicate, considered as a particle should be written separately. Pronominal adverbs with "no", by contrast, are written as one word.

When "no" is always written together

To Summarize some General rules. Always spelled "not" together with different parts of speech in the following cases:

  • When the word without the "not" in speech is not used;
  • With negative adverbs and pronouns;
  • With adjectives, nouns and adverbs that end in the letter "o" or "e" if that is the word with the opposite meaning;
  • Indefinite adverbs or pronouns;
  • With participles full of dependent words;
  • Those adjectives which in the sentence are adverbs denoting the measure and degree;
  • As a component of the prefix "nedo";
  • With any adjectives ending in "my";
  • The word "reluctantly";
  • Subject to the other consoles after the particle "not".

For fixing you can use the exercises in test format.

Which of the following strings all the words with the particle "not" are written as one word?

  1. (not)hard, (not)lepo (not)thoughtful; (not)(what) else like a mistake.
  2. (not a)hatred, (in)Doug, (not)knowing is (not)manned.
  3. (in)doubt, (not)knowing, (not)success is (not)the best.
  4. (not)who (in)dependent, (not)grateful (not)to itemstate.

the spelling of the particles with different parts of speech

When "no" is always written separately (examples of exercises)

The Particle "no" separately with different parts of speech written in the following cases:

  • With all the numerals;
  • With verbs (except for some cases discussed above);
  • With adjectives and nouns ending in "o", subject to the availability of explicit or perceived opposition;
  • Adverbial participle (except for some described above);
  • Short and full participles in the presence of any explanatory words;
  • With negative pronouns in the presence of a preposition;
  • With any relative adjectives;
  • With adjectives that are used solely in summary form;
  • With adjectives or adverbs, which are in the form of the comparative degree;
  • With adjectives and adverbs that end in "my", subject to the availability of dependent words.

It is Important to learn to apply this knowledge in practice. You can use the following exercise.

Which line all the words with the particle "not" is written separately?

  1. (not)doing (not)(to)whom (in)my favorite (not)invented.
  2. (not)created, (not)agree, (not) new, (in)dependent.
  3. (not)alone, (not)looking (not)(to)whom (not)joking.
  4. (not)(who)other (not) (from) what (not)more, (not)somneniy.

What words to write otdelno?

  1. (ne)GLA(Cogo).
  2. (ne)Sosny.
  3. (ne)nasty.
  4. (ne)Novotny.
  5. Does (ne)interesny.
  6. (ne)popularny.
  7. (ne)bliski.
  8. (ne)modelny.


"Ne" with different parts of speech spelled differently. Therefore, it is important to train to use this knowledge in speech. Effective in helping a variety of exercises. For example, with these students it is important to have different kinds of dictations. It doesn't have to be the whole text, you can dictate individual proposals in writing which is necessary to apply the rule of writing "not" with different parts of speech.

What type of dictation is best done? Helpful dictation, which involves the simultaneous repetition of certain rules and features of writing. Also efficient is visual dictation. Such dictations often include a task to write a word or phrase with the orthograms.

Has proved efficient exercises, assignments which require you to insert the correct way (together or separately) the particle "not" in sentences and phrases. Well, if you are using the full text.

Also effective are the test tasks.

What words to write slicno?

  1. (ne)Godavari.
  2. (ne)stalo.
  3. (ne)nad(CEM).
  4. (ne)(u)Cogo.

In which phrase the word "not" is written together?

  1. More it is (not)about(what) worried.
  2. She hung up the phone, (not)ending the conversation.
  3. The book describes (not)made-up story.
  4. He'll (not)the opponent.

What sentence a mistake?

  1. Unfortunately, we can't get back in time.
  2. He need not go there.
  3. Exit unexpectedly.
  4. The Girl looked very unhappy.

Performing this kind of exercise, "not" differentparts of speech students will always write correctly.

The Importance of associative thinking

It is Not always possible to remember all the above rules and is easy to apply them. It is important to create certain associative beacons that will help you remember writing "not" with different parts of speech. This method has already helped thousands of students to cope with this difficult task.

the spelling with different parts of speech


Learning a foreign language always seems more difficult than mastering the basics of spelling native. But sometimes even we, as the bearers of not so difficult to imagine the difficulties in studying the causes of the Russian language.

"don't" with different parts of speech, for example, is used in different ways in different linguistic situations. And in order to use the particle under consideration correctly in advance to learn all the possible variants of its writing and rules concerning the norms of its use in a particular case.

To Cope with this challenge alone is possible, but sometimes it is better to use the services of a qualified professional (teacher or tutor). Especially if we are talking about the baby. It is possible that such services will be needed in the future. So it would be nice to have the baby already had established contact with an experienced teacher that will help him fill the gaps in knowledge of the Russian language.

And if a disciple wants to understand this issue independently, without outside help, it should give due consideration to two major points. First, it is important to carefully study all the available theory on the subject. This is the most difficult stage because it requires the full concentration and dedication. To diversify such monotonous activity, it is better to think up examples for individual rules, using the words and situation as close and familiar to you. Such examples will be easy to remember. It will certainly help to significantly improve the effectiveness of learning and fixing theoretical material.

At the end of this stage you should go to practice. It is impossible to ignore the necessary language exercises. "Not" with different parts of speech used in different ways, so in order to effectively memorize all of the above rules, it is important to reinforce in a practical way. Such exercises should be given even more time than theoretical. After all, by the application of a rule are formed associative links, which are then used by the brain to resolve such situations. After a number of such lessons to the problems with how to use "not" with different parts of speech, will not arise.

Take some time for regular exercise, don't ignore the theory, pay sufficient attention to practice, and spelling is your strong point!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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